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Everything posted by StefanAVFC

  1. i've seen nothing other than dump offs and bad reads whenever i've watched him.
  2. Switched to the Broncos game. Want the Jets in the playoffs as they're my 2nd team So, go Denver!
  3. Bottom 4 beat the top 4 in the quarters....
  4. He's playing at an insane level right now. Best QB in the league not called Cam at the moment.
  5. The announcers just called Baldwin 'Jonathan Baldwin' Yep.
  6. Damn. That's dumb. Wait until the season is over. Baldwin is playing ridiculous anyway.
  7. If Baldwin keeps this up (2.5 TD's a game currently) he has to be all-pro surely.
  8. That's the most obvious PI I've ever seen. And not given.
  9. Or that he's a good player who is finally finding his feet. Deoends on your outlook I guess.
  10. Yeah, bring back Tim. Taken Garde half the games to get the same amount of points as Tim, and he's in a harder position. But let's bring him back. Get it up those slaaaaags.
  11. Not even worth responding to. Troll elsewhere.
  12. Not sure you can talk about validity. You don't even respond to people's arguments when they call you out on your nonsense. EDIT: Not sure what happened with the 'minutes ago'
  13. OS X Yosemite Chrome On the side bar, it just says 'Spoiler' then tells you what's in the spoiler tags anyway leading me to spoiler myself in Star Wars! Any chance that can be fixed?
  14. Okay whatever you say, Guzan isn't a keeper. Amazing comment. There's 100's of keepers in the lower leagues that Guzan is better than; all professional footballers. They're clearly not keepers either.
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