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Everything posted by TheSufferingVilla

  1. Wow plenty of point scoring in the match thread today.
  2. This AlJazerra coverage isn't half bad. Better than a lot of the crap we get in the US.
  3. Jesus their fans are something else. I can already hear the silence at Villa park.
  4. So you are saying this isn't about one game but then declaring that we have made no progress this Summer based on one game? :shock:
  5. Most buildings in New York have no 13th floor including the office building I'm in now. The floors go 11, 12, 14, 15. My apartment building however does have a 13th floor which incidentally is the top floor. And in a related piece of information- if I was going down the lift at work alone and late at night and it did stop at the 13th floor. I would shit my pants.
  6. Give me just one example when a poster on here said that....please do but I think you will be rather a long time.... infact you won't! I put messiah in search and it came up with 139 results. Really cause I got 412 all of them originate from people like you Post for Effect much?
  7. I swear you are on a different **** planet at times. Petrov our player of the season last year, our most experienced outfield player, former captain of his country, suffering from a shoulder issue, not match fit, gets paired with a 19 year old in midfield who has had no Premiership experience because the manager is insane and we lose 1 game. Suddenly you feel he shows no leadership? I would not be surprised if you have been winding this entire forum up all summer long.
  8. Who else is there? Remember: Laursen proven Premiership player and captain, age 32. Campbell, Distin and Dunne all fit that profile. If they have the same quality or not is a different arguement, I'd be pushed to think of a defender in the same quality league as Laursen.
  9. Depends on the crime not the sentence since Judges seem happy to lock rapists up for 2 years and throw the key away for people caught with drugs. A public pardon system is the only way to go have a jury decide whether a convict should be freed on compassionate grounds or not. On that matter why can't juries hand out sentences as opposed to the Judges?
  10. And the email address for those feeling crafty: golpremium@goltv.tv
  11. The commentator said, "we've got an e-mail here from a Jack Woodward, he's from the UK and here in the US on holiday, apparently he really likes the way we call the game". I think the text of the e-mail basically said that he was enjoying the commentary and that it would be great if they could commentate on a few games in the UK cos all of the Britsh commentators are dull. So, who's gonna write in tonight and what will it say? Somebody send one from a David O' Leary.....about how bad he villa fan representation is in Spain and how they must be all fickle. I was responsible for the Jack email and bloody delighted with my handiwork. Unfortunetly I'll be watching todays match down the pub so no opportunity for email frollics on my end. My suggestion if the same two clowns are commenting use names of former players they wont have of such as Bosko Balaban, Colin Calderwood, Mark Kinsella, Stefan Moore, Peter Enckelman, etc.
  12. On the goal where Ashley Young scores against Atlante, he looked very fast. Is he not? He went on one dash down the entire wing from well inside his own half to the corner flag at frightening pace, I couldn't belive he was that fast and left his marker for dead, unfortunetly on that occassion his final ball was poor but still he does look to have some rather good pace.
  13. Guzan superb but the unsung HERO for me, 19 year old Ciaran Clark born on my 10th birthday. Played nearly 70 minutes of that match, a baptism of fire against quality opposition who were despite the friendly tag desperate to score. On that showing the boy has some serious, serious potential.
  14. Was that you? Yep was going to send a message as Garry Barry Villa fan aged 12 but I thought it might be too obvious even for these two.
  15. Guys what's the Goltv email address? I have something to send them.
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