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Everything posted by AXD

  1. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    He doesn’t have to catch up the full 7-8million votes. Also this time, many people voted to get rid of trump, in 4 years they might not be very satisfied with biden and the trump time will be a bit forgotten. Add to that, Harris as probably candidate may not be seen as a consensus figure. I don’t think its impossible for trump to win in 4 years. edit: the Ds can counter the gerrymandering and voter suppression by giving statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, which would increase their tally in electoral college and senators. This will never be accepted by the Rs though.
  2. it worries me more that we don't make any changes ourselves
  3. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    How is that? Would politicians say 'everyone voted and I won, so they must like what I'm doing' as oppossed to the current 'people voted and I won, so they must like what I'm doing'?
  4. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Would you care to elaborate? I know it says ‘borderline’ but I would like to know why you feel it being close to fascism.
  5. Good performance that, though against a poor opposition. Our defence did very well, Barkley and Luiz not at their best. I voted Nakamba as MOM. He's been slated on here quite often but he didn't put a foot wrong today. Just like AEG and Hause have done, he's shown he is a reliable squad player. Well done!
  6. How many goals has watkins scored that were (ruled) offside this season?
  7. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    You are right, I mistranslated.
  8. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Pushing other NATO countries to pay their fair share.
  9. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Yes, because crowd size is all that matters on Inauguration Day.
  10. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Parler Reappears thanks to two Russians. Thank God for Russians allowing free speech for Americans.
  11. I’ve heard about Hollow Knight, but have never came across it in stores. I’ll check if there’s a demo.
  12. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Didn't they just gain seats after the 2020 election? going by that trend, they are likely to take the house in 2022
  13. I'm thinking about buying a new game (having Mario Odyssey, Splatoon, MArio Kart, BotW and Links Awakening). Any recommendations? I'm currently looking at luigi's mansion and Hyrule Warrior (as a massive zelda fan). Smash Brothers is something I have played on the Wii, But I found it a bit too much button smashing.
  14. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Could one give ones arguments for stating ‘he is being censored’? (Rather than saying others can not disagree from perspective A nor B). It would help reasonable discussion if one gives its full perspective.
  15. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Agreed. They lose credibility doing it so late.
  16. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    I’m reading a lot of comments from conservatives about the blocking of Trumps Twitter account as an attack on free speech. but isn’t it the prerogative of a private company to choose who they provide with their service or goods? Not so long ago, there was a story about a bakery refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple. Progressives and conservatives were on the opposite sides of the discussion as they are now. When it comes to free speech, Twitter isn’t prohibiting trump from speaking, they are just not offering him a platform. He is still free to use other platforms.
  17. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    I am going to start using this at work when I miss a deadline on something
  18. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    It's my understanding, the parties switched positions a long time ago. I don't think anyone would say that republicans today are fighting for the freedom of black Americans (or minorities in general). Maybe the republicans themselves would say it, but not actively do it. It's not just the civil war. they still have militias or believe in the 2nd amendment 'in case they have to fight off a tyranical government', which is the mindset they had right after their Independence War. At the time that was probably a good idea. Today, a bit strange in the eyes of other many people in western countries.
  19. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    A private mail to Hillary just for sh*ts and giggles
  20. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Osoff has apparently been declared the winner, so the Ds have the senate
  21. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    these people are now walking home unchallenged. Where is law enforcement?
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