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Everything posted by allani

  1. You know there is something seriously long with the FFP rules when Barcelona are showing an almost 3 times greater profit than any other club on the list. Absolute bull****.
  2. allani

    The NSWE Board

    Agreed. It all smacks of something bigger being in the offing somewhere / somehow. The potential involvement of extra parties also probably makes it even more difficult for anything to be openly communicated almost until it gets to the point that it needs to for legal / contractual reasons.
  3. allani

    The NSWE Board

    Unless they are the kind of projects that Aston Villa can afford to develop bit our new "indirect owners" with big pockets and relevant expertise can then pursue their own development projects and then lease them to Villa? I do think we'll see several of the things that have been implemented in Philadelphia applied to Villa Park in the short-term as they will allow revenue to be raised for relatively little outlay (if any - e.g. my understanding is that Comcast actually paid for the manufacture and installation of the scoreboard at the Wells Fargo stadium) and quite quickly. But I agree that the deal makes even more sense with a bigger project. I don't entirely know how easy it would be for Comcast to build a multi-sports / leisure / entertainment stadium close to Aston and then lease it to Villa. Would that make the process harder than us doing it? Does it really fit with the spirit of FFP? But then does FFP really fit in with the spirit of fair competition if clubs are worried about investment projects that might inadvertently hit on FFP issues? I don't know but it does kind of feel like the Comcast thing does give us more options to explore that could de-risk things for us. If we are that close on FFP for this year - it certainly explains why the club wouldn't be able to afford any reduction in capacity over the next two seasons even if that means a bigger capacity from then on. And it also explains why Heck wouldn't be able to directly say that and would have to announce another reason for the redevelopment being put on hold. In which case fans pushing / demanding a clearer explanation might actually be putting the club in more difficulty than we should be?
  4. The FFP regulations being set at a different timeline to the transfer windows are going to cause a real issue - with poor clubs being forced into selling assets to rich clubs for way below their market value. It's going to create an artificial market almost the reverse of insider trading. Clubs are going to effectively hold other clubs to ransom because they know that they could face a points deduction if they don't take a ridiculous deal that results in players being sold well below market value. Another example of FFP being poorly implemented in terms of protecting the integrity of football for all. The two transfer window option is already a bad decision (as it forces clubs to stockpile players because they can't afford to not have cover for injuries sustained outside the window) and this is going to make it worse.
  5. Both Everton and Forest (and allegedly Wolves) have ended up in this position and been punished for holding out for better offers at the end of the summer. I think there will be a lot of clubs circling for blood trying to land a bargain for any clubs on the brink of the FFP limit. So the chances of selling anyone before the end of June and not getting mugged off will be remote. I think it is fair to say that if we has to sell a player in June we wouldn't be able to get better than 50% of their value because (a) it is unlikely that other clubs will have significant FFP headroom to fund a large purchase and (b) our bargaining position will be incredibly weak - if a club offers say £40m for Luiz and we say that we want £80m then they'll just say fine - take the 10 point deduction, good luck.
  6. To be honest if the club have gambled everything on 6th being a bad season then we'll be in deep **** sooner rather than later. We're not the 6th best team on paper. Planning on us always outperforming is hugely risky / dangerous / stupid. This is exactly the type of behaviour that FFP was supposed to prevent. I would be very surprised if our owners have gambled in this way. I think they are ambitious not reckless. I do think that this might highlight why a huge change is required to the business side of the club - it is clear that generating revenue is more critical to the club's ambition than ever. If we can't improve revenues in both the short-term and the longer-term then we'll struggle to compete on the pitch.
  7. We've not seen most of the replacements yet - so for example we don't know that Gauci will be an upgrade on Olsen yet (although it will be hard to imagine that he wouldn't be!). But I agree that January was very positive in terms of starting the process. I was mainly saying that we need to be careful about wanting to clear out too many non-starters at once because they need replacing and (as we've seen with several clubs this season) injuries / long term injuries are likely to remain an issue given the number of games that are being played, the amount of additional time being played and the lack of "breaks" during the year for players to recover. We've been unlucky with the number of long-term injuries we have had but there are lots of teams who have had 7 or 8 players out at a time. I think that will become more "normal" so it will become even more important to have squad depth.
  8. allani

    The NSWE Board

    Yeah but in the past we didn't (indirectly) own the secondary ticketing platform. There are frequent debates on this forum about how **** our ticket office is. I suspect that we've got better access to more people who have experience of implementing a secondary platform now and that (at a senior level) there would be more drive to push through the changes. Also given that we'd have an (indirect) ownership link with the platform provider - then you would imagine that we'd get better terms with regard to how much of the ticket price we keep than we would with a third party provider - especially if Comcast are looking to use us as a way to break into the UK / European market (I don't know how big their ticketing platform is on this side of the Atlantic). I am glad that Fanatics are out - but I think we'd be in a much stronger position through our ties with Comcast to look at utilising specialist providers to reduce costs without necessarily losing a big chunk of the potential profits. We were nothing but just another client to Fanatics (and with our league standing probably not a massively important one). Whereas we are part of the Comcast universe allbeit with some clever jiggery-pockery around actual ownership ties.
  9. allani

    The NSWE Board

    The initial announcement specifically said it was going to be used on infrastructure projects. The behaviour of our owners to date, the recent comments from NS about owning a football team not being about making money and it becoming a passion and the net worth of both owners (for whom £50m would equate to a relatively small percentage of their paper wealth) - doesn't make me think that they are cashing in the cheque for themselves. I think this is all about getting another huge partner (Comcast) engaged with the club in the most advantageous way possible (for NSWE, Villa and Comcast) rather than our owners looking to cash in some chips.
  10. I am beginning to start thinking that maybe extending the loan of Lenglet and trying to sell Diego Carlos might be better? I thought Lenglet looked pretty solid (on the whole) against Fulham playing alongside Pau. Whereas Carlos just looks like he's always about to do something a bit silly (either in terms of getting himself sent off or giving the ball away in a dangerous position). Given that Konsa and Mings (hopefully) would likely go into the starting XI, Lenglet as a backup CB would be OK. That would allow us to recover some funds by selling Carlos back to Spain - although I am not sure how that would work from an FFP calculation compared to Lenglet's loan fee / wages. Maybe having Lenglet, Pau and Mings impacts our CB balance - but as has been said before people don't make a big deal about teams having lots of right footed CBs, it only evere seems to come up if teams have a possible imbalance of left footed players. The challenge (as ever) is that how can you clear out "deadwood" and replace them with better players without there being a huge disparity between the funds you get coming out and the funds you need to spend to replace them. We've struggled with squad depth this season and whilst a number of the players you mention haven't played any / many minutes - we do need to ensure that if we are playing CL or Europa League football next season we can rotate our players more. There won't be as many matches where we can throw in some kids / backup players without them potentially being exposed.
  11. allani

    The NSWE Board

    Comcast own the sports stadium in Philadelphia and implemented a number of projects for raising revenue around the stadium (naming rights to the scoreboard, other parts of the stadium, etc), they also own a ticketing company (which all the teams using the stadium now use) and also are heavily involved in sports media / broadcasting. So you can see why they would be of interest for us to partner with given their considerable experience of revenue generation within the sports arena. My gut feel is that Comcast will become a major vehicle for us expanding our revenues through a number of the channels in which they have expertise. Rather than us paying for all these services the Atairos deal potentially (indirectly) means that Comcast have skin in the game and so there is a bigger incentive for them to charge us less but deliver more. I remember at the time of the initial announcement there was a slightly odd comment about Atairos buying a minority ownership of VSports and that the ownership of Aston Villa remained unaffected. Which does make me wonder whether that has been done so that there is no direct ownership issue between Comcast and Villa - making it easier for Comcast or their subsiduaries to conclude deals with Villa without their being a "conflict of interest" debate? I would be quite surprised if we don't move our ticketing platform or find ourselves with some new shirt / ground sponsors in the near future. And that of course doesn't touch on how the £100m will be used on infrastructure projects. You'd imagine some of that will be spent on developing some of the shared academy facilities in Africa, etc. But could VSports pay for some of the developments around VP (e.g. shop, additional venue space) and then lease them to Villa? That would seem to de-link us from the initial expenses (whether or not they might be taken into account by FFP) but still allow us to claim any additional revenue / profits on our balance sheet. Meanwhile VSports gets rental income to balance their books and to fund other projects benefitting us and other teams within the VSports network.
  12. Although I think that Leeds Utd also have an average spend per fan per match that is considerably higher than Villa's. Obviously the Sky 6 have access to the "global tourist fans" that you mention. But our spend per person is (assuming the table published above is still more or less correct) more than 30% lower than Southampton, Brentford, Brighton, West Ham, Newcastle and Leeds. West Ham possibly have the bonus of the Olympic Stadium to thank for that and maybe the Newcastle figures have been further inflated since their CL qualification and state ownership. But I don't think we can dismiss Leeds earning almost 40% more (possible excuse being first time in the PL for a while?) or Palace, Wolves, Brentford and Brighton doing a better job. I don't think they get more "out of town" fans and I don't think that they would have a lot more access to a fan base with significantly more disposal income. To rival the Sky 6 obviously we need a sustained period of time in / around the top of the league, qualifying for European football, etc. But it still seems like there is lots that we can do to raise our match day income without "ripping off" fans who go every week. Of course they won't be spending £100 every week in the club shop - but there must be ways of improving the services provided to either encourage people to arrive / leave a little earlier or spend more at half-time (the fact that so many people post on this forum about not being able to buy a beer or pie at half-time is a pretty damning indictment that we're not making it easy enough for fans to spend money that they would be willing / happy to spend).
  13. Actually until the FA find us guilty of not following due process then this isn't evidence / legitimate proof.
  14. By the same token he could come out and announce a massive shirt sponsorship deal with an elite level organisation who once did a deal with NS or WE and some people would say that Heck deserves minimal credit because it was probably NSWE who made the deal and Heck just needed to sign it.
  15. I voted him for MOTM (tough on Ollie who scored twice). But Pau just makes us purr. So calm on the ball, such a great range of passing and it was noticeable today that he's getting a bit more physical too.
  16. Apologies if already stated elsewhere but that was apparently our 10th straight league win against teams from London. I hope we can add Spurs to the list in a few weeks!
  17. I thought Pau and Lenglet looked like they had a decent understanding today. I am probably close to putting Lenglet ahead of Carlos at the moment. But obviously Mings or Konsa would be a huge plus.
  18. That's a big stretch. Moreno scored and the only people who think he was offside were the linesman and the VAR official. The stream I watched said it was a shocking call and questioned the placement of the lines. Then Ollie was clean through in the perfect position (for him) to shoot and he gets taken out. Penalty and a possible red card. The two possible penalties against Pau the attacker is running to the byeline and definitely doesn't have a clear chance of scoring. I agree with your point about it not being a conspiracy against us - the stream I was watching said that they thought VAR didn't want to embarrass a young ref in his first PL game and so were keen to back his onfield decisions to give him some confidence.
  19. Been a while since I sweated over a 4-1 win as much as that one. Two absolutely shocking VAR decisions. But the boys dug deep. 3 more points and 1 more match out of the way.
  20. The line from the defender looks like it is coming from the middle of his foot though. It's a poor decision.
  21. No idea how that goal was given offside. The lines were all over the place. Terrible decision.
  22. Well people have been saying we need a new RB....
  23. I don't think you get special dispensation for breaching FFP rules in a season by saying that you only did it so that you'd have more money the following season. If we are £50m short on FFP (which I don't think we are) then splashing out more money isn't the answer (even if in the long term it would be beneficial).
  24. On the flip side it also goes to show that you can disagree entirely with someone on one issue (say the badge or the NS redevelopment ) and yet be completely aligned on others. I find it really positive that there are people who I can hold diametrically opposite views with on one point (but have mainly civil discussions with them anyway!) and yet be fully united on a point on a different thread 2 minutes later. I can only think of a couple of people who I actually just find annoying on everything (but haven't blocked them yet because I still live for the day that they post something positive or that I can agree with!). I also like the fact that there are very few people who I agree with on everything. Too much of the virtual world is an echo chamber where you only hear what will reinforce what you believe to be true. Overall this forum gets the balance and tone of discussions about right - except maybe in the match day thread but hey that's football!
  25. My point is that I have been through two massive restructures in my career. In both cases those that liked what was being proposed would see things as being "hard messages" and those that didn't would describe the events as "incompetent, aggressive arseholes.....". In my experience it turned out that in one case the people driving the change were ****, everyone left and the company went backwards rapidly. In the other case the exact opposite happened. But both times the proportion of people in either camp were almost identical. Just to complete the story - the first time I was definitely in the "this change is going to be great camp" and then was hugely disappointed that it turned into a complete **** show run by people who apparently talked a good game but didn't have a ****ing clue. I left that company pretty quickly afterwards and found one that actually did do all the things that they said that could / would. The second time I was much more sceptical (once bitten, twice shy) and the guy leading the show was an American guy who I ****ing loathed. Turns out the change was brilliant and the guy ended up being one of the best people I have ever worked with in my career.
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