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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. I'd back you on that, especially re. Distin, but it seems our opinions of Baros differ. That's football.
  2. What's that mean? Don't you want us to sign new players?
  3. No-one believes WM when they say something good (like we might be after him), everyone believes them when they say something bad. Strange logic...
  4. I agree completely with JC. And it would certainly be an Ellisian "silence the critics" move á la the signings of Angel and Saunders in the past.
  5. I didnt mean he was top scorer in the Champions League, he was their top scorer, period. Applying the same logic on the Porto/Liverpool thing, Villa weren't the best team in Europe in 1982. Still, we beat the team who supposedly were the best team in the final. So what does that tell you?
  6. Yep, top scorer at Euro 2004 and then top scorer for the European Champions in 2004-5. And he's still young. Sounds crap to me. Why don't we ever get linked with anybody good, like that new fella Liverpool have just bought :roll:
  7. You're all welcome. Well, I dunno if I can accommodate all 1700 of you in my apartment, but you know what I mean. Anyone coming over is welcome to meet up for a beer and I'll do what I can to help out with travel info and hotels etc.
  8. I've not met anyone. Who the flip ever comes to Nuremberg? Might be a different story next summer though, eh, glorymates?!
  9. Not this summer, no. We blew it last year. Just for a change we were too slow off the mark :roll:
  10. Aim for about £100 and you'll get a good pair of sunglasses. Or alternatively try McDonalds cos they often gie them away with Happy Meals in the summer.
  11. I used believe that they were for tossers too. Then I moved on to the idea of wearing them when it was hot, rather than just when it was sunny. Then I moved to Europe and realised that when the sun shines, the shades go on. Even if it's freezing. You only get one set of eyes, and you have to look after them. You wouldn't not wear a condom because it looked silly. PS Buy Ray Bans, because they're good.
  12. That's fighting talk where I come from... I think the fact that we've signed Patrik Berger 5 months after he knew about it proves conclusively that he's not full of shit, like.
  13. Good idea, Rob. We'll save it for special occasions. Small Heath, Everton It's been fun while it lasted.
  14. Think I'm with you, to be honest Rich. Once you've hammered them with the stereotypes there's not a lot left. The Midldlesboro article was fully researched and didnt provoke a single response because it wasnt controversial- it was all fact. Maybe I'll have another poll later in the summer and gauge public opinion, but at the moment I'm thinking about hanging up the old poison pen.
  15. So, last WWMB of the season, eh?! Given the success we enjoyed against Everton, do I simply have a cut n paste session with a few bits of end of season vitriol and then we can compare the results? OR Do I try to cadge together yet more hackneyed Scouserisms? Personally I reckon the first. Take the prime cuts from the Everton article, add some redscouse sauce and then see how it compares. Any takers?
  16. Blimey Juju! Most stuff shouldnt be washed higher than 40C, and normally clothes will come out clean at 30C. You're either very dirty and smelly or you're boiling your clothes!
  17. Not Henry class. Clearly not. But he's scored a lot of goals in a poor team and been selected for England so he must have something about him. Or would you say he's rubbish?
  18. Agree that we need a much better midfield. Then I'll be able to tell you if I agree with the brilliant bit. The key is that he doesnt miss a lot of chances. He just doesn't get many. Maybe the poll should really be Nobby Solano- Genius or Flatters to Deceive...
  19. I'll have El-hadji Diouf and a packet of cheese and onion, please. He's been here long enough to adapt, now, and is still only about 24. Skillful, quick, strong and nasty. Sounds good to me.
  20. ^^^ Not that you've spent much time thinking about it though, eh Chris?
  21. ^^^ Yeah, that's what I thought :oops:
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