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Everything posted by John

  1. & he gets a work permit. Whilst that never seems much of a problem with some clubs, we have been stung by this before. Perhaps the fee and being in the PL now will swing it.
  2. Can't be any good, he's not from Brentford...
  3. You have to hand it to Levy though, he will get to see Jack playing at Spurs without paying us that £25m, after all!
  4. I doubt Levy would go above £10m and a packet of crisps.
  5. I wonder if Jack Clarke is on that list? He would not come cheap, but he looks a special young player to me.
  6. Tough one, but it could have been worse. We are unbeaten at their new ground. We also won our last but one, league game at White Hart Lane in 2015. Bring them on!
  7. I take your point, but I have not given up hope that Tammy will return once Chelsea have sorted out their manager/transfer embargo situations. Whilst height does help when it comes to being a threat in the air, I would not rule Maupay out as a good striker option for us. Andy Gray was one of our best headers of the ball and he was only 5 feet 11 (albit he would still tower above Maupay).
  8. Who cares? If he's playing for a club that's in a relegation struggle next season, he won't have signed for us....
  9. We need to hit the ground running and get some early points on the board. Hopefully we can be outside the bottom six from start to finish. Brighton or Burnley at Villa Park might be a nice start.
  10. John

    Tyrone Mings

    Tyrone clearly wants to sign for us. £15m is reasonable for a future international defender. Lets get it done!
  11. I think that he is. Zidane lacks pace, he is 46 now after all...
  12. Unless Jed qualifies for another country through his parents/grandparents, I wouldn't put any money on it myself.
  13. The Snake fits the bill as a "nasty little sod" albeit not in the way you are referring to. How about the late Trevor Hockey? Hard as you like, but an impressive beard and unlike the Snake, I rather liked him.
  14. £20m may be the starting price, but that might not be the final sale price. As Mick Jagger puts it so well, "you can't always get what you want." If we want one or more of these players, we will have a fee that we are prepared to pay and Brentford will have an amount that they are prepared to accept. If an agreement is not reached between the two clubs, or another club, then no doubt a move will not happen. Time will tell. I suspect that we, like Brentford will not want to be "turned over" during this transfer window. In any case, good luck to your boys in the coming season.
  15. We need our signings to hit the ground running. Would "better value" signings from the continent be as likely to do so, as the likes of Maupay, Bowen and Reach? I guess we will need to rely on the checks we do on any potential signings, maximising the chances of them settling in quickly.
  16. I think I've read that he's got a year left on his contract, I would like us to be the first cab off the rank here. £12-15m could well seal the deal and make his Villa supporting father a happy man.
  17. Agree with all of the above, other than the 40-50 bit. I would put the figure at 30 or so lower.
  18. There are bargains to be had and I'm sure we will be looking to bring in players from the league that we have just left and from Europe, who have it in them to succeed in the PL. Some players may be on our radar like Bowen and Maupay, who won't come cheap, but look very likely to find their feet in the PL when they get the opportunity. We may look to bring players such as Tammy and Gayle, who didn't set the PL alight previously, but that we think have it in them to do so this time (on loan with an option to buy, if not on a permanent deal). I really hope that we can bring in Tyrone and Axel, as well. We will find out soon enough. In the interim we can enjoy the speculation and make our own suggestions (no matter how realistic or otherwise they may seem), in the knowledge that Dean and the club will know our budget and use it to the best of their abilities to build us a squad that can do a great job for us next season. It's going to be an exciting and busy window!
  19. I'm all for accepting reality, but not just yet.....
  20. I really think Manchester United may be dumb enough to let him leave and may be delaying a move until they have brought in a "big money/name" central defender. We can but hope. A permanent deal would be terrific, but I would not say no to another season long loan either (hopefully with an option to buy).
  21. Could I add Axel and Tammy and possibly Bowen & Reach as well?
  22. He's a great shout but he's 51 now. Happy Birthday to Ian by the way!
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