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Everything posted by ChrisVillan

  1. I agree, and I suggest I buy you a pint for saying so.
  2. Thanks Juju, nothing like a vote of confidence No really, it was nothing like a vote of confidence.
  3. Yeah but I bet the winner won't surprise anyone.
  4. I could hazard a guess on the basis that nobody's dim enough to vote for me and mean it.
  5. Yeah but I voted for Lancs because he bought me a beer.
  6. Which pillock voted for me? The whole thread's a pop at me. How'd you vote that way?
  7. mjkane, Geoff Leopard and 306 added. Will add links to my own blog too, why not. Fill your boots.
  8. It shall be added tomorrow I expect, can't be bothered right now.
  9. YTUARTNB ? I think I've got the first five letters of that.
  10. WGASF Maybe Redknapp, dirty Judas robbing bastard.
  11. I nominate my old school caretaker. He's a fat rugby-watching incompetent lardarse but he'd scare the shit out of the spineless nobodies we're fielding at the moment.
  12. I just use my blog to put whatever I want, sometimes Villa sometimes not. No rules, the way I like it!
  13. By the way, I feel in my capacity as an employee of the government, it was my duty to "sex-up" the top post.
  14. I'll clarify. Did you look on Sheriff's blog for lesbian tongueing pics?
  15. Been on the prowl for the lady love on blogs rob?
  16. I'm on it, will do it shortly. Be careful who reads it. Will explain later when it's safe to do so.
  17. Will do, PM me the address.
  18. Prefer the Allegro or the Maxi meself Don't, you're making me nostalgic. Here's the cars my dad had between my birth and my 12th birthday: Mini, Allegro, Metro, Maestro, Montego. You'll never guess where he worked in the late 70s and 80s. Oh that's a shocking selection, albeit quintessentially English. You (as a nation) had awful cars in the 70's and 80's !! It was the old man's loyalty to Longbridge I'm afraid. He worked there back in the day and still talks about it like he was something out of The Rotters Club.
  19. Prefer the Allegro or the Maxi meself Don't, you're making me nostalgic. Here's the cars my dad had between my birth and my 12th birthday: Mini, Allegro, Metro, Maestro, Montego. You'll never guess where he worked in the late 70s and 80s.
  20. :yawn: Yeah yeah, metro and all that.
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