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Everything posted by JohnCresswell

  1. We've sold a lot of that land, Jay
  2. And thus the spinning begins again. Do not fall for it.
  3. Regarding the "Time For a Change" PM, all I can say is please, please help Peter in giving a reply. You will here a lot from him in the near future, but this is a delicate and carefuly process, and it needs to be done in the correct way. I've seen "the bigger picture" from him, and it's very impressive. You will hear more soon.
  4. Now Newcastle are in the game.
  5. To be honest,, I'd put it down to the idea that the AGM is coming up in a couple of months,
  6. It's also, of course kept us up this time around. :shock:
  7. When the current "retro" look isn't in fashion will everyone be campaigning for the return of a different badge? It costs a lot of money for corporate change of identity, which effectively this would be. The money would be better spent elsewhere.
  8. click download at the bottom - its a scanned .tif file
  9. Ok then, fresh from my own hands.... http://www.savefile.com/files/3554173 I only did that 'cos it gave me an idea...
  10. Villa Talk regular studies DOL latest statement to try and find something he finds disgusting with it
  11. Yeah I meant Neville :shock: It was done on purpose. Honestly
  12. Ali, the Comers are just giving the money. It'll be Richards who runs the club. And lets face it, from what he's said so far, it can't fill you full of much confidence. At the end of the day, we don't want to replace Ellis with a younger version.
  13. There's only one thing I'm certain about in all of this. As things stand, Michael Neville comes over as someone who we don't want running Aston Villa FC.
  14. Sales of the newspaper are obviously down. Anyone can ask them questions. Especially when they know the club can't and won't answer them.
  15. Good old Abdul Rachid got a big pay off for doing an awful job as commercial manager for many years? No wonder we are hemmoraging money.
  16. Glazier paid over the top as he'd already committed a lot of money to it, and to not take over the club would have lost him even more money.
  17. AHAHAHA. Brilliant last few - Loved the books and Richard's one about Blandy!
  18. I don't think we are any closer to getting anything completed, and it certainly won't be done until at least the summer based on the interview D'OL just gave on the TV, talking about how we had to get to 40 points asap and then
  19. ChrisVillan pays homage to Drat's tshirt in his Rotterdam thread (look at the boxers!)
  20. Hahaha. When i saw that picture the first thought was "That must be a pic for CV"
  21. I know what you mean. Let's face it, he's told as many lies as Doug in the past few months. I think people are getting excited over very possibly, nothing.
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