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Everything posted by StanBalaban

  1. One shot every two minutes played. 10 shots on target, 3 on target, the rest from Petrov! Keep it up lads, but I still have that awful feeling that Fulham just haven't woken up yet but will be so different in the second half!
  2. Is it followed by "has not touched the ball..."? It doesn't take a lot to get them excited it's **** fantastic That scuffed attempt from Collins just brought a MASSIVE "Coooooooleeeeeeaaaaaannnnnsssss" out of them. I know what you mean. I'm watching it on tv and have the choice of Arabic or English commentary. I swear they're watching different games!
  3. Gabby needed to bury that, but really good start from us. My concern is that Fulham haven't begun to start playing yet so we have to make these chances count.
  4. Carlos is getting forward too today. In fact, all 10 outfield players in the Fulham half. Eck must be terrified!
  5. Good play from Zoggy there. Him, Albrighton and Hutton look up for it today!
  6. Decent start from us. Let's see how long we can keep attacking for....
  7. That away kit is absolutely brilliant. Would buy both of these and the yellow one in a heartbeat. The badge design is perfect too imo. You should send them to the club (for all the good it would do).
  8. Macron announce new controversial home and away designs plus, due to pressure from the fans, a third Zebra kit
  9. The fact is that of course Aston Villa IS a business and should be run as such. just like Daniel Levy at Spurs manages to do so well. Randy's business skills are baffling however. I believe he's recently spunked a shit load on the Browns (that's a weird sentence if taken out of context....), but seems quite happy to alienate the paying fan base here at AVFC, thus ultimately hitting himself in the pocket. Missing out on places in the league costs us money too, so not sure what the 'Eck his game is!
  10. That is an awesome kit and love the badge too. Really good work.
  11. Interesting choice with Gregory. I'd have gone with Little or BFR I think.
  12. Cheski fans chanting Jose Mourinho's name against the Boggies may have helped seal AVB's fate. Perhaps we could chant for a former manager against Fulham if it has the same effect. Now what was Dr. Moser Venglos' song again....
  13. Bookies have him as favourite to be the next Villa manager, not that the bookies are ITK or anything.
  14. If I woke up tomorrow and found Rafa had been installed as our new manager I would actually be delighted. So happy, that I would probably do a little dance like Cameron Diaz did in her Spiderman pants in Charlies Angels, only for me to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, after which I would have to sit in the corner of the room thinking about what I had done for the rest of the day... :oops: Very little of this would be due to FSW mind you, just the removal of le Ginge!
  15. Moyes is 3/1 to be the next Spurs manager - same as Rafa is to be ours. Wonder what made the bookies shorten their odds so much?
  16. Wow really, I thought it would have been Martinez to be the favorite to go next, losing to swansea at home.. FWIW, the bookies have Rafa as the favourite to be next permanent Villa manager at 3/1, and Eck is indeed favourite for next sacking. Unsurprisingly AVB isn't even featured!
  17. Still here and is chief scout I believe. Although a disastrous long term appointment, had a 45% win ratio at Newcastle and has previous in dragging Newcastle and Norwich away from the relegation zone. Must be better than Eck for the last 11 games?
  18. We all know that following Fulham's win at a piss poor Wolves today, Eck would have shat himself and is frantically working out ways of getting a 0-0. Gah!! I'm all up for giving the job to Roeder for the remainder of the season. Surely can't be any worse!
  19. Ashley Young with a really good finish. Man United are doing a proper smash and grab here!
  20. Whilst I don't want McLeish, surely the example of wolves at the moment will indicate he wont be sacked unti lat least the summer. No Decent manager will leave their position to come to us at this stage of the season. Exactly. Eck is going nowhere until the season ends. The only saving is grace is that the teams below are pretty rubbish, I believe a few have got to play each other, thus making is pretty hard for 3 of them to overtake us. That is THE only saving grace however, and RL needs to be making his shortlist now. Lord knows what that would look like though... :shock:
  21. With Wolves getting tonked 4-0 at the moment, and making Fulham look like Real Madrid, I think AMc will be safe in his job until the end of the season by default. By this I mean that RL will probably think that the likes of Wolves, Wigan, Blackburn, QPR and Bolton are that bad that they won't overhaul an 8 point (plus massive GD) advantage to send us into the bottom three, so why risk a change. Having said that, he better be drawing up a shortlist for the day the season finishes and none of this bollocks about not going for someone that's already in a job!
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