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Everything posted by 479Villan

  1. He’ll be a God in League One then.
  2. Check out where West Ham were in the table this team last year while in their first European trip in a while and tell me how shit we are this year by our comparative placement. Ask Brighton about their league table place this year in their trip to Europe. Hell while you're down there, dip a bit lower and ask Newcastle about it. We are so, so far ahead of the curve. It is the hope that gets you, I understand, but perspective and consideration aren't really in the DNA of fan message boards.
  3. It is perfectly fine to shoot the messenger if they're a talking head, who exist solely to have opinions but yet are never held accountable for how shit they are. It's the perfect semi-retirement for footballers: after working in a profession where there is a statistic for literally everything you do, you go earn a living where not a statistic is kept about your job performance aside from how many people watch it. That would be a relevant statistic, but plenty of people slow down to stare at car accidents, so "horrible actions resulting from mistakes" clearly draw eyeballs while we all agree it'd be nice to be rid of them (being car wrecks, and shite takes).
  4. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. piss off, Carra.
  5. That was a lot of words to wrap around this bit right here. Congratulations, Morgan Rogers has not had an astounding Aston Villa campaign since he was signed not quite 40 days ago. But, I enjoy your "we are going to have to sell big players to avoid PSR" and then you say "Why didn't we sign any players in January?" like these 2 statements have nothing at all to do with one another. And you had them as neighboring bullet points!
  6. If you have to parse a video in multiple speeds to form the basis an argument… You're not winning an appeal. an appeal should speak for itself on viewing.
  7. Was just thinking on this: Dibu cash carlos pau moreno tim mcginn ramsey/rogers diaby tielemans watkins Tim needs his time, he’s about to play 3 PL games against European competition essentially (Wolves are currently in great form)
  8. I will say McGinn better run his tail off on Thursday such that he drops a pants size. He’s got one game before about a month off, if he doesn’t throw up from exhaustion he’s not gone hard enough (no Kenneth, pls).
  9. This was the part of the season last year when West Ham really took a bullet from all the fixtures. We have too many injuries for this squad depth, Unai tried a new tactic considering our prior home setups and to try and help transitions into midfield and it didn’t work, either. Tired legs make bad decisions. And people make mistakes. As someone said, bad day to have a bad day.
  10. It’d be nice if everyone were this honest. We all are, mate.
  11. It took a while bit this thread has gone bingo, with criticism for the manager, players, fans, and (in what took far too long) the ref. Hell of a day.
  12. HAS MATTY CASH NO REGARD FOR HUMANITY (I know it’s an off the ball injury)
  13. In a way it’s tougher for fans because you have no control over the outcome. Your confidence or lack thereof has no impact even, so getting in a positive mindset likewise doesn’t “move the needle.” But if any player wants Champions League football, and if any manager can prepare a team for the “big games” players want to be in, I do believe in these players, and this manager. I hope they have fun. I hope they rise to the level and make us proud. I hope we kick. their. f*ck*ng. asses. UTV.
  14. So accidentally harming someone might be a yellow (Zaniolo) but sometimes it's not (Watkins) Makes sense, sure.
  15. I figured maybe you go with "leaning into person to get advantage and you bowl them over" to be generous. I didn't see that, but I am also watching on a phone screen.
  16. I don't know, that's why I said at least he didn't vomit in view of cameras.
  17. To be fair, if there's anything the best advert in history taught me, is that every step up in league play features getting embarrassed in your first game (after somebody aggressively nods their head toward your locker/the pitch/etc).
  18. Probably no harm in pulling Tim here, even if it's a cramp. He put in 70 minutes and we didn't concede, nor did he vomit on the pitch (in view of cameras at least).
  19. Rodgers should take notes on how McGinn extracted himself there. I imagine that lesson will take, in time.
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