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Everything posted by TRL

  1. What is Bickse's username?
  2. Thanks for the help guys. Hopefully i can be to some use in a couple days
  3. Ait im in! Im an undead priest In deathknell or something. Character name Trl. Currently level 5 moving onto 6 hehe... ive tried messaging you but maybe im doing it wrong.
  4. The install took AGES... What world and town race etc. do you and your party belong to Risso?
  5. Im installing the shite now (god i hope those patches doesnt take long :shock: ). I went in 4 different shops to get it! Must be in demand or something this game.. Anyway. Human or Death?? Whats the coolest thing to be? My mate told me not to go warlock at the start, as its supposed to be very tricky for a newbie :oops:
  6. More like a chav to me, but thats really the same isnt it
  7. Ive promiseed myself not to do this, but since i cant get drunk tonight, ive got nothing else to do. Whats the monthly costs? Anyway i will keep you up to date 8)
  8. If you started a new character, how long would it take to be able to do quests with others, you guys for instance. Because if everyone is level 30 higher, isnt it really booring beeing a level 1?
  9. TRL


    21 here... JC said he wasnt old, but then again all the senile tossers here claim that
  10. Fabrizio Miccoli Clicky! I know its old, but gotta keep this thread up to date.
  11. As long as you keep that ugly fool, Graham out of em
  12. So Risso... The fact JPA has showed his stuff every season he has been picked injury free, with a full pre-season under his belt, doesnt count? That he was forced back too bloody early last season after a terrible knee-injury isnt true? We could talk about why he was forced back, but that isnt the point. Would be careful using one eyed view terms to much...it can bite back at yaa
  13. Jesus... the two seasons JPA has been fit and allowed to play, he has netted 16 leage goals and 12 in 20 matches?! Still failed as a striker ey?
  14. Would be fantastic for us if we could get him. Great player that could challenge Samuel, and South-Korea could use some more Villa fans
  15. Why do you think Barrroooooosssshhhh will be any different?
  16. How about: -------------------------------Barossshhhh----Phillips------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------JPA---------------------------------------------- ------------------Davis---------------Gavin----------------Solano/Hendrie------------- ---Barry--------------------------------------------------------------------Hughes------- -----------------------------Laursen------------Mellberg--------------------------------- --------------------------------------Sorensen-------------------------------------------
  17. Everyone to their own opinion, and i agree Solano has the vision and touch. Offcourse i would prefer having a midfielder as playmaker, but JPA is what we got. Thats why i would like to see JPA behind Barossshhh and SKP.
  18. A playmaker is the key to attacking movement. He has the eye to see when the smart passes is to be made, to continue and start attacks. He knows when to link-up with his mates, and give them the opportunity to make a movement. He is the attacking engine of the team. That Sir is Juan Pablo Angel.
  19. I would like all three with JPA playing his playmaker role a bit behind. That would be one wicked attack force. And JPA isnt just the only playmaker we have, but he is also a very good one. Leaving him out cant do us any good IMHO. And he has a lot more to say in our attacking play then people might think.
  20. Depends how drunk you are allowed to get...
  21. He dominated some seasons in Norway... I quite rate him. The Vieira type of player actually.
  22. What do people think about that Olofjiana fellow in the Wolves midfield?
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