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What, it doesn't heal for less and cost less mana? please explain I remember hearing about a downranking nerf back at 60 but didnt pay much attention.

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Priests used to downrank greater heal instead of flash heal, as a lower rank of the spell would take the same time to cast as flash, heal for a similar amount as flash and cost a fuckload less mana than flash.

So Blizz screwed the coeffients.

With Locks they made a spell cost a percentage of base mana, so rank 1 would cost the same to cast as rank 3 (etc)

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QQ :clap:

they tuk er jewbs!

I like this one.

It always amuses me to see plate classes whine about caster damage.

"Zee armor does nothing!" they say.

Or sometimes, "Frostbolt for 2k! ... ON PLATE! Ridiculous!"

But what these people never mention is how much physical damage plate armor and shields mitigate. Sure, half the time you're getting reamed by frostbolts, but the other half of the time, you're mitigating approximately half the damage. I suppose I could let you guys in on a little secret: cloth gets owned by spell damage too. Did you think Pyroblasts did extra damage on warriors or something? Because that would be sooo unfair.

The fact is, cloth takes so much damage from everything that priests have to stack massive hitpoints and resilience (at the cost of other stats) to have a chance at surviving the melee damage that Paladins oh-so-casually mitigate. It's become so natural to Pallys that they sort of take it for granted. And every now and then, one of them will scream:

"By the Might of Menethil! A backstab crit for 1000 damage!"

Oh really? That's incredibly low. One time I was minding my own business at the corner of Telhamat and Honor Hold when I took a stray multi-shot to the face for 2300 damage. Guy wasn't even gunning for me, some Orc fella. Big shoulders.

"Zounds!" They say, "2000 damage! Only mages and locks hit me that hard!"

I know, Timmy, I know.

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I think that fight is one where you do a lot of fake damage (ie, vulnerable mobs like the things in BWL, the Curator or that guy in Netherstorm)

If you look at the Dashers www stats page you see us pumping out about 8000 DPS over the course of a Gruul fight from pull to kill. Go to the Gruul page as a whole, and discount the bugged stats from Anonymous sources at the top of the page and you will see that 'famous' guilds like Elitist Jerks or Blood Legion (the guild with Furi, twin Illidan blades Rogue) hitting 17k DPS as a raid for the fight.

Fast forward to Shade of Akama and the same guilds on similar dates are doing 25k+ DPS to drop him. Where did this extra 10k come from? Players? Nope, same guilds. Gear? Nope, same players, same dates. Fight being very good for DPS? Yes.

Check other Black Temple fights, and these uberguilds are back below the DPS that they can do on Gruul for almost every encounter.

You cant watch a youtube of Shade, compare it to your own T4 geared arse in fights that you are used to and complain about the DPS a Warrior can do in the fight. It doesnt work like that.

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Im not sure its vulnerability tbh. The warrior is buffed with the correct group set-ups and max consumables. The thing is that the Gruul fight is a situation where DPS has to hold and move and start and move. Its a very mobile fight. The Akama fight is completely static, which means you will have far higher DPS then on other fights like Gruul.

As for Dashers DPS, well another story.

Anyway, im probably on later today when i come home from the Uni. If you fancy a 5man or something it would be cool. We should try one with both me and Sam and have double VE and VT feeding :mrgreen: If we spec both max improved VE, do we even need a healer lol

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Joined the forums yesterday and found this thread, nice to see some Villains playing the game :P

Regarding Shade of Akama, Akama himself is in the fight and deals a poison on the Shade which increases all damage done by a certain %. This % of damage increases as the duration of the fight goes on, which is why people get such high DPS on that fight (I get like 5000 - 8000 fireball hits or so on him when its fully stacked).

Playing on Nordrassil server, if anyone else plays on it feel free to let me know!

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Joined the forums yesterday and found this thread, nice to see some Villains playing the game :P

Regarding Shade of Akama, Akama himself is in the fight and deals a poison on the Shade which increases all damage done by a certain %. This % of damage increases as the duration of the fight goes on, which is why people get such high DPS on that fight (I get like 5000 - 8000 fireball hits or so on him when its fully stacked).

Playing on Nordrassil server, if anyone else plays on it feel free to let me know!

Welcome to the site!

Be Horde and dont ever doubt that JPA was the best player who ever drew breath and you will fit right in. We are mostly on Tarren Mill btw, though there are a few people post in this thread from other servers.

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Welcome to the site!

Be Horde and dont ever doubt that JPA was the best player who ever drew breath and you will fit right in. We are mostly on Tarren Mill btw, though there are a few people post in this thread from other servers.

Yes I'm Horde, Undead Mage, but hmm JPA or McGrath, tough choice! Take it you guys do a lot of Pvp by all the Arena talk I'm reading. :) I prefer Pve myself, but a bit of Pvp can't be faulted. :winkold:

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