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Indeed, updates and patching are a bitch. Be sure to log on Tarren Mill (server) and Horde (because we are cool, and if you pick ally we will kill you. No we WILL kill you).

You should start thinking about class you would want to play. Druids, warriors, rogues, mages, locks, priests etc. Nays can probably explain a bit better.

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Yes Tarren Mill is PvP.

Dont pick locks, especially the undead ones, they are girls.

Nah just kidding, they are probably a quite fun class to play. Sie and Nays are just that.

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You will have a team of ridiculously powerful people who will only be too happy to help a fellow Villa fan out and give anyone who griefs you a bit of a kicking,

I play a Warlock, they are great fun. If im honest id say that Orc Warlocks have the better racial abilities nowdays.

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When you level from 1-60 there are several zones aimed at spesific levels. At the start you are pretty much protected until level 25, when you gotta enter zones aimed for both Horde and Alliance. When walking Horde terrotories, you gotta be PvP flagged for alliance to touch you. Its all a bit tricky to explain, but you get it pretty fast inside the game.

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It does.

When you are low level you basically have a spellpower trinket when no one else does. A great damage dealing advantage.

When you are high level you have a racial which stacks with spellpower trinkets. A great damage dealing advantage.

And the biggest problem for Locks in PvP is when **** stun you. Orcs dont get stunned. Gits.

Oh, and you cant forget that Orcs can do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjU3WSwsa5E

Never rule out the power of funk.

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Mages and Warlocks are quite similar.

very loosely speaking Mages do more damage but are easier to kill than Warlocks if they get hit. But Mages are better than Warlocks at not getting hit. Warlocks can still do a lot of damage and can take a bit of a beating. Some of the damage output is quite slow though. Mages are very good at fighting melee people (the **** who run around with swords and axes and daggers and the like) whereas Warlocks are very good at fighting other magic users.

However, each class has things called talent trees meaning you can take your character in a direction. For Warlocks the trees enable us to do lots of damage to mulitple targets, alebit slow damage (affliction) being an arse to kill (demonology) or setting people on fire and watching them die very quickly indeed (destruction)

I dont play Mage but it seems to be that you will always be an out and out damage dealer no matter what, but you can go for incredible burst damage and neat tricks (Arcane) or extremely high sustained damage output at the expense of being a bit fragile (fire) or decent damage and extremely good control of the things you are fighting (frost)

These are all loose descriptions of course, but every single class has a basic role then subtleties within that role. For magical damage dealing though its probably a straight choice between Mage and Lock.

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IMO mages are better damage dealers in both PvP and PvE. Locks have higher survivability and debuffing skills + pets. But i guess it comes down to what you want.

Mages can make their own water though :P

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If you start a character on a PvP server, then that Character is locked to that PvP server. You can pay blizzard for Char. transfer but you will always be locked to a PvP server. If you then want to try other types of servers, you need to start a new char. But you wont! PvP is ace!

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IMO mages are better damage dealers in both PvP and PvE. Locks have higher survivability and debuffing skills + pets. But i guess it comes down to what you want.

Mages can make their own water though :P

Again, im not sure. Survivability isnt just how well you can cope with being hit, but also how often you dont get hit which is something mages excel at.

As for PvP damage? Warlocks > Mages.


You dont need huge burst to DPS.

Anyway, lets not bamboozle everyone with science!

And Steven. Dont worry about PvP servers. They are a lot more fun.

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