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Whats the point? That place bores me now.

Also I took down a Nelf hunter in seconds last night in Everlook, despite the guards beating down on me, I then vanished and lost the guards aggro. The Hunter, after ressing tried to get revenge, but hadn't quite perfected the WTFPWN/Feign death tactic that Demonology has used so successfully. Man I hate that class, it was satisfying to own one.

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Basically 2 days after I joined they booted about 10 members who were very experienced and had very decent gear, their friends then quit and about 20 members left the guild overall. Since then its been about plugging gaps, replacing those that left with nub trialists (of which I'm not one!). New members have been **** up, not installing addons required, not using Vent etc. Something must have happened in ZG last night as all raids have since been cancelled, I expect further fall out and gquits tonight.

Basically its all gone tits up.

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Doesn't sound good. I think they sound like they take themselves a bit too seriously, and once a guild starts to implode, it can take some stopping.

Still, I think PDX are recruiting, have a word with our mate Thenewmorten! I'd say apply to the Dashers, but even with me, Tarj and Nays speaking up for you, I don't think there's a chance in hell they'd take another rogue.

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Can someone post loot link here?


updated Opium (so all that shit goes off the graphics of it)

Damage Watch. For Dan, but he might break it when he does 10000 DPS on something

Range Checker. Very nice addon. Your buttons will turn a different colour if you are out of range/mana/rage/energy and all that stuff. I kept running out of range and stuff. Nice to be able to see where you are at a glance.

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Ah I see, I can probably help tonight after I kill Ragnaros. Anyway, down to the important issues, how do Locks turn health into mana?


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So Dan, any postings from the Malice board you'd care to share with us?!

In general, I've never seen such a hive of gossip, back stabbing and general bitchiness as you get in your average guild.

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It is really frustrating for us as management to see our regular players not showing up and new recruits being really poor players, unable to understand english, get mods, vent, etc. Basically all the good people have either left wow/guild and all the crap players are becoming our newest recruits. Sucks, but thats how it is.

Only heard good things about you Evildan.
(Just to prove I'm not one of the afforementioned :))
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Well I'm guildless again. Malice disbanded. The officers and core members all had a meeting and decided that they couldn't be doing with the current revamping of the guild, so they've **** off to Precious. Its a pity, I **** loved the endgame stuff, even though I could see there were problems behind the scenes, with regards the culling of "non team players" last saturday, I still thought the guild would carry on, a few weeks of training up the new members and they could have been back on track. But they decided otherwise.

With the need for rogues at an all time low, and me not liking pvp, I really can't see myself going much further in the game. If a rogue spot opens up with you lot, then let me know. For the next few days I'm gonna try and figure out what to do next.

Heres what was posted on the forums:

Today when Charna and Golfimbul announced that they were resigning as officers and leaving to join Parallell Evolution the guild had another huge setback. Raginbull, Bruhagor, Tranza and me were appointed as temporary officers of the guild.

We didn't know what to do, but we decided to go ahead with the planned Onyxia raid and hope for a show of good effort, high spirit and teamwork.

The effort was very good from alot of players, but spirit and morale was very low and after the raid the new officers and some of the oldest guildmembers tried to decide what to do.

As the morale of the guild and the athmosphere has been ver low lately, none of us really wanted to start all over again with recruiting new people, teaching them tactics and gearing them up for the encounters we left behind us a couple of weeks ago.

We are not blaiming any individuals, especially not the new people. We are sorry that you joined Malice at such a turbulent moment. Alot of you performed outstanding and the reason for us leaving is not that you're not good enough. It's just that we don't have the energy to repeat that procedure all over again, we would all like to progress in this game and try new and harder encounters.

An old guildmember presented us with a suggestion that would allow most of us that has been playing together for so long to stick together and keep raiding end game content. That option was for us to join Precious.

I would like to apologize to all the people that we let down by doing this but our energy was fadeing and the game just hasn't been much fun lately for me atleast, which is why we decided to leave Malice while people still remember it for it's greatness.

Too all the real officers; Prist, Serena, thanks for all your work in making Malice such a great place to have been in, and we're sorry but we hope that you will try to rebuild Malice or come join us in Precious. To Charna and Golf; Thanks too you aswell, your job has been outstanding all the time, and we wish you all the best in P.E.

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solution to your current guild problems?

Anyway, a list of guilds that have downed Raggy:

* Black Guard

* Brotherhood of the Skull

* Century

* Dark Guard

* Hegira

* (Malice)

* Mist

* Parallel Evolution

* Precious

* Reborn

* Souls of Darkness

* Surge

* Wowrush Dashers

If i hear of any recruiting before you do, ill tell you ASAP.

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World of Warcraft: Its like Grand Theft Auto. Only with less cars, more fighting, real people, and a gigantic cow on a raptor:


Its my favourite game ever.

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