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PE are looking out for a Rogue Danny.

Keep your eye on the Deathwing forum on the official site. It seems to be where all the guilds advertise for members.

Oh, and if you are bored: PvP!

Drop in on some Alliance killing in Warsong Gulch. Rogues are the best out and out fighters on the game (well, given they cant do anything else, its to be expected....) and Shamies own in there. Shamies are probably the reason why the Horde spend so much time trouncing the Alliance. Earthbind Totem and Ghostwolfing off into the distance with the flag is always funny. And of course, froooost shooock!

Im sure you will get into guilds sooner or later. I just got lucky i picked a rare as **** class, knowing about the same as you did about class roles and population, it was just fortunate on my part that i think black magic is cooler than the average WoW player. Tarj got the same really, Priests are kinda underpopulated and very much needed. There are definately a surplus of Rogues on the server and Shamies seem to be near saturation point too. Doesnt mean to say that most of them arent shit and/or dickheads. Most guilds would be lucky to have one of you guys on board. Keep your chin up lads, and it will work out!

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BTW Nays I'd love to know where on the Deathwing forum you see stuff like this. Where I go it just seems to be Allies chatting shit, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?

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Great, Dark Guard downed Ragnaros last night, bet they'll be too good for me now!

Precious also downed him for the first time, while Mist downed Nef for the first time, it was an epic day on Deathwing for sure

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A warriors view of the world:

1. Read the stickies first. Also, please refer to #51 - Very important.

2. View 75 threads at once, not 25 (there's an option in the top right of the main forum). You can change the "Sort By" option to find threads without going through tons of pages.

3. wowreportedpost@blizzard.com – for reporting posts that violate the Code of Conduct or sticky requests (This is how you get something stickied, not by bumping for it).

4. Crusader or Weaponchain, there is no other choice. (Agi may be preffered for tanks)

5. PvP = Arms.

6. PvE = Fury.

7. Mitigation has diminshing returns, armor does not.

8. It doesn't matter what race you choose.

9. It doesn't matter what weapon-type you pick.

10. DW Fury does just fine.

11. I'm not rating your build.

12. You aren't going to beat good mages 1v1. ZHC/ToEP = Forget about it.

13. Mages and Warlocks are overpowered. Warlocks know and admit they are, mages deny it.

14. They aren't changing the Wrath model.

15. Heroic strike is not better than MS.

16. Slam is not worthless.

17. You're stuck in defensive stance.

18. 31/20/0, 31/5/15, 17/34/0, 15/5/31 are all good builds. Most small variations are OK too.

19. Yes warriors can dps.

20. Yes warriors can tank.

21. +7 stam > +2% block (Unless you're purposefully trying to get as much block as possible, but for most purposes.. go with the extra 70 hp)

22. We know Valor sucks.

23. Paladins are greedy.

24. Hand of Justice is worth farming.

25. Brain Hacker is not.

26. Ashkandi = Sulfuras = Rank 14 Weapons - Anything else is worse.

27. Tseric.. Man I don't know anymore...

28. Sunders continue to add threat after the 5th one.

29. Bloodthirst isn't getting changed whether you like it or not.

30. Unbridled Wrath = Booming Voice > Imp. Demo Shout (Note: In raid environments one person should always have Imp. Demo Shout).

31. Onyxia Tooth Pendant > Onyxia Blood Talisman for DPS (Talisman for tanks, but can be replaced whereas the tooth cannot be as easily).

32. Strength > Agility for most DPS purposes - A balance between both is good for PvP. Stamina and Agility are more valuable for PvE tanking (ie: dodge).

33. 1h/2h Missrate = 5% / Dual Wield missrate = 24% - You need 1% to hit per level for mobs higher level than you.

34. Lionheart Helm > Stronghold Gauntlets > Epic Mount

35. Blackhand's Breadth > Mark of Tyranny.

36. Druids and Paladins are not better tanks than warriors.

37. Spec doesn't matter when it comes to tanking.

38. You will survive without a buggy sweeping strikes, just as you did when it didn't work in berserker stance.

39. Tacical Mastery is required to optimize your effectiveness as a warrior. To play without it is like playing in the NFL with one leg.

40. Two words: Stance Dance.

41. The Whirlwind Axe, get rid of it before you hit 50, please: http://tinyurl.com/domcx

42. You will struggle to 60.

43. You are gear dependant.

44. The 3% to hit scope still works for melee.

45. Skill > Gear > Spec

46. If your guild doesn't allow warriors to dps, you should find a new guild.

47. The charge/intercept/combat bugs are still around.

48. For Fury PvE dps, weapon speed means very little. There are benefits to using either fast or slow weapons, 2h or dual wielding.

49. For Arms burst damage (important in PvP), the slower the better. Refer to #113.

50. You forgot to buy back your MS/BT/ShieldSlam ranks from the trainer after you respec'd.

51. Search (http://tinyurl.com/dx2dr) before you make a new thread, thanks. Your question has probably been answered dozens of times.

52. 300+ Fire resist buffed for Vael, Rag if you're a MT (150-250 otherwise).

53. Grats you killed Nef, welcome to the club. Sink in yet? Good. Your bragging rights are now gone.

54. Indalamar, Pat, Maydie's videos? http://www.google.com or http://warcraftmovies.com/

55. What item? http://www.thottbot.com or http://wow.allakhazam.com/

56. Lionheart Helm for DW Fury, Helm of Endless Rage for 2h Fury and Arms. Crown of Destruction runner up.

57. Crushing Blows: 15% chance for a level 63 mob.

58. Much of this is biased of course, but for the most part true.

59. Mocking blow and challenging shout, don't forget they exist. See that skill thunderclap? Use it, especially when raiding along with demo shout.

60. Intercept when punted to avoid fall damage.

61. Warriors are not gimped, you are.

62. Stop comparing Bloodthirst to Mortal strike.

63. BT's damage won't be decent until ~800+ AP unbuffed.

64. Mace spec still isn't as good as sword/axe/polearm spec. Two-handed specialization is.

65. Revenge, sunder, shield bash, and shield slam are your most rage-efficient threat-producing abilities.

66. Stay in Berserker Stance when you protect a flag in AB (Hint: Berserker Rage).

67. If you're horde, pick up this item (http://thottbot.com/?i=4732) from Uldaman.

68. Learn the difference between "Your" and "You're." For your own sake and ours. "Your" an idiot has a double meaning.

69. Use disarm, in both PvP and PvE.

70. Get First Aid to 300. Now.

71. Intimidating shout can be used on a single target to stun him (breakable by anti-fear skill/items, and by damage). It has PvP and PvE usage, and has a 10 yard range.

72. Make a macro for your sword/shield swap. Or better yet, get this: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=110 - WeaponQuickSwap

73. For all of your item-swapping needs: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=2045 - ItemRack

74. If you're new to tanking, please use a shield.

75. That taunt skill of yours does absolutely nothing to your threat if the mob is already attacking you. "What?" you ask. http://tinyurl.com/djtus

77. Mudflation (http://www.answers.com/mudflation) and experience do make it possible to tank with a 2h weapon, in any stance.

78. Thunderclap breaks crowd control (polymorph/seduce/etc.), demoralizing shout does not (but it does aggro neutral [Yellow] mobs).

79. Battle Stance and Berserker Stance have an innate -20% threat. Defensive Stance is preferred while tanking.

80. Stay... away from the dragon's face. The breath comes out of its face.

81. Stay... away from the drapon's tail. It probably won't kill you, but it sure does complicate things later.

82. Breaking fear during Onyxia/Nefarian is only good for the MT/OT. Anyone else should be yelled at.

83. A well-geared experienced Undead Shadow Priest will beat you most of the time (pre 1.10). Recklessness might save you.

84. 20 Agi = 1% crit, 1% dodge, and 40 armor. 1 Str = 2 Attack power (AP). 10 Sta = 100 HP (+5% for Taurens).

85. 7 Str = 14 AP = 1 DPS. Your actual damage increase depends on the speed of your weapon.

86. Revenge -> Shield Block -> Revenge - In that order.

87. Bloodcraze is not worth it unless you are a tank or have a regen/leech/lifesteal type build.

88. Improved Cleave/Berserker Rage/Heroic Strike and Two-Handed Specialization are all underrated.

89. You can use Bloodthirst while disarmed.

90. Dual wielding and Mortal strike builds don't mix.

91. Berserker rage breaks and makes you immune to gouge, sap, beastial wrath, repentance, and Rocket/Horned Viking Helm effects.

92. Fury is more gear dependant than Arms, which is more forgiving. Fury also scales very well with better equipment.

93. Every point of defense decreases your chance to be crit by 0.04%. It increases your parry, dodge, block, and chance to be missed by 0.04%. 25 Defense = 1% to each.

94. Mobs of equal level have a 5% chance to crit you at 300 defense. Learn more about Defense: http://tinyurl.com/chbqm

95. What's a cookie cutter build? Refer to #18.

96. 2h Arms and 2h Fury are relatively equal in PvE damage given the same or equivalent gear. As gear scales, Fury starts to outperform.

97. Rogues, mages, etc. are inherently weaker as a damage dealing class due to design. Rage is infinite, however energy (time) and mana is finite.

98. While #97 is for the most part true, rage can only be accumulated by using abilities, procs (Windfury/Swordspec/HoJ) dealing/receiving damage, and through talents.

99. Crusader is considered a PPM (Proc per minute) enchant. Regardless of dual wielding, and misses, each hand will average out to one PPM for each weapon enchant.

100. R-o-g-u-e not Rouge.

101. To level weapons, grab some int gear, int buffs, and get the worst weapon of the type you want to level. Spam rend against rend immune mobs and have fun for about an hour!

102. Exhibit A: Dual Wield (I before E except after C). Exhibit B: A Duel. Grammar 101: http://tinyurl.com/9yeqt

103. Crushing Blows cannot crit, and adding defense does not help negate them. Lots of good info: http://evilempireguild.org/guides

104. When in doubt, Battle Shout.

105. It is a bug. If it helps you it will be fixed. If it is detrimental to you, it will most likely not.

106. Fury - Not Furry. One R!

107. DKP systems without class restrictions (highest DPK wins) are the devil. In other words, put guild progression ahead of individual selfishness.

108. Heroic strike and Cleave (more rage efficient vs. multiple mobs) are better used as rage dumps in between other abilities.

109. A "Rage Dump" refers to the use of extra abilities when you have too much rage. (ie: Greater than 50)

110. Yes, the protection talent tree needs a bit of work.

111. Petition threads are frowned upon.

112. If you post in all caps, your thread will most likely be locked by our lovely Coreiel, Drokthul, or Sinther. Fear them! :>

113. Slower weapons are still preferred for Arms/Fury MS builds, even after the attack power normalization change due to their higher damage range.

114. Axe spec is just as good as Sword spec, regardless of what people may tell you.

115. +tohit items replace (subtracts from) your missrate (miss%) http://forums-en.wow-europe.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-blizzard-archive-en&t=15&p=1&tmp=1#post15

116. As noted by the CM in the link on #115, the way WoW calculates crit rate is over ALL attacks. (Please read carefully, and do read).

117. Piercing Howl and Demoralizing Shout unstealth rogues.

118. While you cannot switch armor in combat, you can swap out melee and ranged weapons.

119. The magic number is 2 sunders. When in doubt, wait for 2 before your raid engages.

120. Deathcoil sucks, yeah... we know.

121. For more info on Procs per minute, see this link: http://tinyurl.com/7m6nd

122. Most guilds do not "roll" for items in end-game instances such as MC/BWL/AQ.

123. You may disagree with points in this post, but understand that most of your arguments are differing playstyle (spec, etc.) preferences and opinions, refer to #58 :)

124. Be careful when using intimdating shout, you could aggro the rest of the mobs in the room by fearing everything around you into them.

125. Unequip your weapons to save yourself durability loss before you die or your raid wipes.

126. Fluffy Squirrels vs Friendly Penguins?!?! Adopt the "Whichever Drops First" (WDF) policy for everything.

127. If you mistakenly took Mark of Tyranny instead of Blackhand's Breadth, keep paging GM's until one helps you out. One will eventually swap it for you.

128. When stance dancing to use berserker rage, it's best to pre-emptively use it if you know the fear will be soon; as the ability will cooldown sooner.

129. Got interrupt? Pummel -> Intercept -> Pummel -> Warstomp (Taurens) -> Pummel -> Intercept -> Pummel (Or replace Pummel with Shield Bash).

130. The +tohit cap was removed a few patches ago. This allows dual wielders to increase their damage output and rage generation substantially with the right gear.

131. Engineering makes PvP fun!

132. Hand of Justice, Windfury, and Sword Spec can all proc off of each other.

133. Execute damage is not based on your weapon. However, the amount of rage you have, enrage, deathwish, berserker buff, your critrate, and the target's armor will be a factor.

134. Hamstring has a 5y range and works on 1 target for 15 sec, while Piercing Howl has a 10y range and works on multiple targets for 6 sec. Draw your own conclusions.

135. As an Arms warrior you will smash faces in PvP.

136. There will be no PvP taunt. Srsly.

137. Flurry does not reduce the weapon speed by 30% (5/5 talents), it increases your attack speed by 30%. Weaponspeed / 1.3 = New attack speed. ie: 3.8 / 1.3 = 2.92.

138. If all else fails... Works as intended. (<-- My favorite. :P)

139. Right-clicking does not actually put you into combat.

140. The constant nerfs are due to the fact that warriors were popping enrage too much, or perhaps not enough! We will not forget!

141. Thunderfury isn't getting changed.

142. Rage generation scales with gear. The better your gear the faster and more reliably you generate rage for abilities.

143. Pick diamond flask. The other choices can all be replaced.

144. Only auto attack swings eat up flurry charges.

145. Warriors can and do outdps skilled rogues in PvE dps.

146. The global/universal cooldown for abilities (caused by abilities) is 1s. The weaponswap cooldown for abilities (caused by switching weapons) is 1.5s.

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Riss, about our guild, I've written up a l'il manifesto:

New pawnzorz Guild "Waiting For MC" LFM

Will do daily runs around the bank roof, jumping beams is a must.

Ramdomly scouring the AH through boredom also plays a key roll.

Also enjoy tidying up our bag slots, and heading over to the vendor just incase we have something that need repairing.

Feel free to /dance in Orgrimmar, or make humerous remarks under the general chat channel, maybe laugh at prices in the trade channel too.

Specialise in inspecting members of Mist, PE and BotS, then linking the epic gear through party channel and exclaiming how much you want that particular item.

Killing Gamon and listening to his groans as you crit him for 2000 is also recommended, who needs Ragnaros? May we also suggest ticking the "at war" box next to Cenarian and Booty Bay so that you can slaughter the NPCs stood outside the Windrider Tower and at the top of the Zep tower respectively.

Weekly runs through SFK, and ganking lowbies in Wetlands form the main body of our activities.

Have Tabard

Still dont get why you dont fill those bored moments with a bit of Alliance population control Dan.

I mean, you have great gear, can do insane damage, and shit, you know the only good ally is a dead ally.


If i, with my low burst damage (but admittedly evil dots, and the survivabilty isnt too bad either) can tear up WSG, then someone with a great big pair of swords and some blinding powder (dont forget the blinding powder) can come up trumps. If not, youll be grunt again before we know it.

Become an officer Dan! It beats the shit out of dancing on the bank roof!

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Well after my whinging, did Scholo tonight, and guess what dropped?! Yep after 8 or 9 Beaststalker drops in a row, Elements headgear finally dropped.

It was a class run so I fully expected yo just receive the llot, no discussion. Imagine the look of horror on my face when the ML said "roll" and the cheeky clearing in the woods hunter actually rolled!! Fortunately everybody else shouted him down, needless to say I#d not have been a very happy chicken!

And sorry to Tarq and Sam for gibbing out on their RFD run, I'll defo help out tomorrow now lads.

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WSG seems fun, I should really do it more. Right, thats it. I will do it more.

BTW I'm not swords anymore my build was dagger spec anyway I was just waiting on some decent ones to come along. The one I picked up today has boosted my dagger skill to 308, so it'd be silly to go back to swords now. Though if I want to switch back to Mr Blackhands WTFPWN blades theyre just 1 button away, God bless mods.

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WSG: its a capture the flag game. They have to get our flag back to their base. We have to get their flag back to ours.

You cant score a point if they have possession of our flag, so in order to score, we need our flag in our base, and their flag in our base.

Usually, its a mad free for all. Stupid HK famers in the middle not realining that you get more honor for winning than you do for killing that night elf warrior who is on 10% health. Usually and organised group will cream a bunch of idiots.

Horde have a bit of and advantage because we have shaman, who are good flag carriers.

In an organised group:

We try to have three small groups.

4 on attack

3 on flag

3 on defense

Fighting in the middle isnt really encouraged unless you know that the fighting in the middle is pulling their lot out of their flag room which they should be defending, leving a clear run for your flag group to get a clean run and ninja the flag.

Shamen and Druids are on flag duty. You can run with the flag in ghost wolf. You can drop Earthbind to slow the alliance down behind you. Its nice to have the Shaman pick up the first flag of the game, and then run off with the third member of the flag group, a healer, to heal the **** out of him while he runs back with the flag. The Druid will stay stealthed in the Alliance flag room waiting for the capture. As soon as the flags are returned to their spawn (as they will be after someone captures) then ideally the druid can unstealth, and nick the flag from the Alliances room before anybody is ready.

If you are on fighting duty, either attack or defense, there is more than just killing allys to think about.

Allowing the flag boys clear passage is all important for Attack. Do this by any means you have. Slowing the other lot down can be easier and more effective (because you can nobble more people in a shorter space of time) than killing them. Use whatever you have. Crippling Poison, Earthbind Totems, Frooooost Shock, Fear, Frost Nova, whatever you have to slow them down so your flag man can get away is key. Mop up with the kills, sure, but just make sure everyone is tied up first.

Defense? Well, you have to stop that from happening. Usually you use the same means as the attack. Incapacitate the other lot. You will find yourself outnumbered probably, but you have to learn to deal with it. Just consentrate on the guy with the flag. Make sure he dies, and if you have any AOE root or snare effects (again, Earthbind, and the Priest and Warlock AOE fears spring to mind here, as do Hunters traps) to slow the other lot down while you try to kill the bastard who has your flag.

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