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New Music 2018


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Tha Carter V - Lil Wayne 


Some outstanding verses (Mona Lisa with Kendrick Lamar is straight up amazing), but the beats are hit and miss at best.

Too long, too much filler, not enough killer. 

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Young Sinatra IV by Logic

Solid release that has a few overlong tracks, but for the most part this is Logic at his best.

Stand out tracks? -  'Wu Tang Forever', '100 Miles and Running', 'YSIV', 'Street Dreams II' and 'Legacy'

There are very few tracks on this record that I dislike. I tend to skip the opening track as it's self-congratulatory with 3 minutes of fans thanking Logic tacked on to the end, it's not worth sitting through each listen. 

The almost 11-minute closing track 'Last Call' is inspirational that's all I'll say about that one. 

Logic's second record in a year is up there with almost anything released in rap this year. 2019 will bring us 'Ultra 85' which is yet another full-length record from Logic. This guy is the hardest worker in the game by far. 

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