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Everything posted by Condimentalist

  1. Bent. But it doesn't have to be any of them.
  2. Well I want to go mate - I'm not applying this year but I will next. Gap year - earn some money, get some relevant work experience, do something useful, get battered - you know how it is. But Uni just sounds like a laugh to me and a degree will doubtless be useful to. So from a guy in the same position as you - I say go.
  3. Ah, but this is no longer a significant consideration!! Quality is now more important that a low price. All hail Randy!
  4. Would we? I've never heard of him, lazy is no good, he is totally unproven in the premiership and tbh, some of the dfending in those clips is abysmal.
  5. If we were to take anyone from last years Sunderland team it would be Dean Whitehead. He and Arca were the only ones there who looked premiership class IMO.
  6. Doyle looks pretty decent to be fair. Keane's good but he goes through massive form fluctuations.
  7. No!! We might share the same owner but we are NOT two parts of the same club. I might get myself a Browns shirt anyway but I think that idea is cack. (personally)
  8. I'd love Smith here but he's not an out and out goalscorer and neither is he a target-man.
  9. Everyone's opinion towards Huntelaar seemed to have changed then. I mentioned him a while back in this thread and got told off for being unrealistic (in some instances by the same people reccomending Klose ). I think he'd be a great signing.
  10. I think he did answer it Dom. The answer I got from it is basically, because he wanted to. This is a business venture as well, not like the Abramovich regime at Chelsea where the club is just his toy, so turning Aston Villa into a thriving business as well as a successful team (the two go hand in hand) will be part of the new Villa. But really, everyone wins. The fans love it. Randy makes money, sure, but he loves it as well. There's no point having wealth if you don't use it a a positive or enjoyable way - and what better way to use it than on the Villa!! Thankyou General. It's a pleasure to hear from you.
  11. Thats the idea Bicks. The guy from Sigur Ros isn't actually singing in Icelandic, he's just using made up words - for the effect you just described. Incorrect, the made up language was only for Sven-g-englar period Sigur Ros. Last album was pure icelandic (Takk on the whole was too) - you can't out Sigur Ros me (blandy might be able to though ) In fact the last album was a traditional style Icelandic story set to music :roll: I bow down to your superior knowledge. I'll get back to my metal.
  12. How about Pazzini? He has the potential to become one of the best...
  13. Thats the idea Bicks. The guy from Sigur Ros isn't actually singing in Icelandic, he's just using made up words - for the effect you just described.
  14. Depends what sort of music you listen to. Some lyrics are fantastic.
  15. Melody definately. Lyrics are important to but the melody is what makes the song.
  16. So a new defender is now needed ? You have a memory like an Elephant! Well, Rich, I guess (depending on the extend of Laursen's injury) that a new centre half may now be a bit further up the list. But still no Balde :winkold:
  17. That side is pretty unrealistic for January. By September you never know but I doubt it. And whilst I appreciate that Laursen is very good I think he'd struggle to play 2 or 3 positions at once. :winkold:
  18. Quality. You want to take it over to the Blue Stadium??
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