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Everything posted by Cracker1234

  1. If we kept the ball half as well as they do, i would be happy But no one is saying we don't want to play like Spain. My point was Mowbray tried to play passing football with a team that wasn't capable of it, and they got relegated without a whimper. Now that, to me, is a failure as a manager. A better manager might have played so called ugly football, but stayed up. I know what WBA fans would prefer! "pretty" football is excellent. But I'd sacrifice it for results any day of the week. Mowbray would be a terrible appointment. Oh we was talking about Mowbray, I thought you's were talking about Spain. Why has his name come up again?
  2. Allardyce likes to play hoofball....Did it at Bolton and now he is doing it at Blackburn, he likes big strong players in his team and likes them to get it into the box as much as possible for the big guys to get on the end of it. Watching them today, not one throwing was a short one...Every throwing went into the 6yard box for the big guys...Well every throwing in the final 3rd that is. He will strip AV down and bring in all big people can't play football on the ground.
  3. I would like us to play keep ball too.....Pass and move will keep the players more alert......Passing and chasing just leaves us exposed when we lose the ball then everyone has to chase back and some can't do that for 90 mins.
  4. Why on earth would someone want to mention that mans name when talking about AV.
  5. He would be the right name to attracted players to the club....Would see some young dutch players at the club if he got the job I'm sure...Maybe not this season though.
  6. :notworthy: Spot on. But that doesn't change the fact that I am watching with interest what happens to A. Young. And if he does goto Spurs I want Bentley and Keane. fwiw If Ash went to Spurs we really would be going backwards....Keane only has a year or 2 in the top flight and Bentley can't even get in the Spurs first 11....Not even sure if he gets on the bench. Just because it would be 2 players for 1, it doesn't make it a good deal.
  7. The Guardian have some good journalists/writers, well compared to some papers that spout out pure dribble.
  8. I'm not sure if anyone believes it, but I got from what you posted, you thought people were talking about Phil Brown because he was at the West Ham game....I was just simply saying that people said they've spotted him there today.
  9. Ads, people have been saying they seen him at VP today.
  10. I'm not a betting man myself, but I've read others say that they shut down the betting on the next managers of a night incase someone becomes privvy to info I guess and people bet loads before they can change the odds.
  11. They shut down the betting of a night Villain incase something happens during the night.
  12. In September 2009, Brown claimed to have saved a suicidal woman from jumping off the Humber Bridge, however The Humber Bridge Board, who operate the bridge, were unaware of the incident. Maybe he is going around saving people....After last night he thought Randy would be suicidal too and decided to give him a visit.
  13. Did you see him with a red numberplate and his thumb out before Lerner stopped to let him in the car?
  14. I have nothing against Lerner myself, but I wish he would hurry up and sort out this mess we're in or get someone else in to sort it out.
  15. Yuss! I've been mentioning Brown every 30 pages or so for the past 200 pages. Just think of the money we'll save, we won't need changing rooms anymore. Lerner will not even need to make the ground bigger either, infact he could take out alot of the seats.
  16. He is just the opposite kind of person to Kevin....He will speak up and he don't care what people think of him...I think that's the only reason his name has come up.
  17. That Phil Brown crap has gone around like a wild fire....All over twitter now
  18. Oh for the love of god please please please sign Phil Brown. That will be something worth signing him for.
  19. We do not want Shearer. **** no, did you see his face after he picked up his winning when we played NewCastle. I wouldn't even let him enter the carpark.
  20. I'm slowly coming to the point that I no longer care who is the manager as long as he changes around what is happening at AV. If he can get us winning games and take us up the higher parts of the league, maybe sign some new players, I wouldn't care if his first name was Mary.
  21. Baconface no chance I said it before and I'll say it again, if that post stroke Roy Hodgson gets near Villa. I will personally drive down Villa Park and slap Randy right in the face. What the hell has Roy Hodgson got to do with Harry Redknapp? Did you also miss the fact he has just taken over at Liverpool? Haha I'm glad you said something Wiggy, I wanted to say something, but I thought hang on it might be an AV fan thing that I know nothing about...I didn't want to look stupid commenting on it.
  22. It just said on SSN again that if he did go to Spurs he wouldn't be able to play CL football until February, because of him playing in the Europa.
  23. I can't understand why Ashley Young was pushed inside.....He should have stayed out wide and Ireland should have took up the spot behind Heskey.....I think he would done better in the second half in that position.
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