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Everything posted by peterms

  1. Shoukd have found him a seat on that train, and not spread lying videos after.
  2. Anyway. To consign my disaster to the dustbin of dementia-infused memories of meals best forgotten: something different. Hake tempura, ponzu sauce. Skin the hake, cut into small pieces (I suggest no bigger than half a thumb). Bigger risks breaking up. Batter is one egg, 220 gm plain flour, 500gm sparkling water. I halved the quantities except the egg, was ok. Dip hake in batter, fry at 180 for a couple of minutes, drain on kitchen paper. Sauce is a bit of sugar, 1 tbsp mirin, 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 4 or 5x soy sauce, some acid like lemon or lime or yuzu, and perhaps some dashi stock. Don't crowd them when frying. They should not touch.
  3. Gene Roddenberry would have higher standards, I'm sure.
  4. I can only agree. Anyway, bloke must be barking mad.
  5. Been happening for a while. I think it was 1988 when I first heard that Shelter had signed a contract for funding housing advice workers with a contractual condition that the life stories the clients were telling could not be used in any publicity. It might reflect poorly on government policy. CABx have long been silienced in the same way, I gather. This is the creeping disempowerment of the third sector.
  6. Made a mess of some Vietnamese spring rolls. The rice paper has to be soaked in hot water before use, and it turns glutinous. That's good, as I was trialling something to make for a load of vegans and so couldn't use egg to bind things. The glutinous paper stickes really well. But if you let them touch while in the wok, before they have formed a crust, they will stick together, and when you try to separate them, you break them and let the contents become exposed to the cooking oil, which is exactly what the wrap is designed to avoid. Oh well. Learning point. Will try again. Have retired hurt, while madam cooks dinner.
  7. The aim of this is to use public funds to create a regulatory environment and a body of knowledge that private companies can use to profit from our health services, and to increase profitability by denying insurance to people who are likely to place expensive insurance claims. These people must be removed from all positions of public responsibility and influence. Vote.
  8. You'd do that to a hundred people, just for supporting Momentum? Bastard.
  9. Well in terms of accuracy, they could probably give the beeb a run for its money, and definitely beat most of the press. So that's a "no", then.
  10. What a pity they didn't think to tie him up and keep him in the cellar for a few weeks.
  11. That was the other London Bridge attack, last year.
  12. This is what happens after dark in Chingford if you've failed to hang bulbs of garlic at the door. Let this be a lesson.
  13. I quite like the image that accompanies a story about the Libdems changing their position on revoking Brexit. From here.
  14. There was a really interesting article, think I quoted it a few weeks back, about how he does realise what an arse he is, how he destroys what he appears to value, and still can't help himself.
  15. He is simply pointing out that he, NF, made this gesture to his producer, and his guest Mr Johnson, either from confusion at being confronted by the gesture or else in an attempt to share a silent joke about the incident, merely mimicked it while speaking about something entirely different, as one does. It's the kind of thing that happens all the time in studios. The man in the street wouldn't understand. The alternative suggestion, that Mr J didn't like the line of questioning and urgently indicated to his friend NF that he should change the subject, is too ridiculous to entertain. The reason that NF did change the subject straight away was only because he was going to do so anyway. I really wish people would grow up and not be taken in by these stupid conspiracy theories.
  16. Nick Ferrari (what a name btw, sounds like an incitement to crime against the rich) has cleared it up. It was all completely innocuous.
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