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Everything posted by Django_Zooms

  1. So sick of being the patsy team that plays our part and joins in with the media script. Ever since Ron Saunders.
  2. OK. Let us see. Will get back to you, for your contribution towards the £200k a week, which would have funded a trier.
  3. Daresay I will only have to look at the TV screen again to see why Jon Moss & VAR awarded them a penalty, which was in no way a penalty...
  4. Coutinho wants to be seen for flashy touches, but nothing involving Premier League levels of work.
  5. It's even worse when your team's manager is a fan of the opposition. Chuk for Nakamba designed to let them win.
  6. 20 million Euros plus 200k per week, you're having a laugh. Keep him, Barca.
  7. Aston Villa 1 Liverpool + Sky Sports + BT Sport + BBC MOTD + All Newspapers + Jon Moss + Stevie G 2
  8. Gerrard subbing a player who has been out for months with one who has hardly played in months... Fishy. Post-match: "The lads tried hard but lost, so good luck to my beloved team in their title chase..."
  9. EVEN Jamie Redknapp on Sky says Jon Moss is struggling... Were him & Carragher spotted together in a Balti house at lunchtime, plying Moss with curry & Kingfisher??!
  10. Boy George split up with him. So, now he has to shag Jurgen Klopp.
  11. Henderson coming on, to get up in the referee's face and win them multiple decisions.
  12. Ref is retiring in two weeks, to run a record shop called The Vinyl Whistle.
  13. Luiz is on . Tsimikas is their weakness, with Robertson out.
  14. MK Dons deserved nothing. Mugged off by a team being very cute at gamesmanship, with naive match officials.
  15. Top tip. I'll get a bet on them signing Bruno Fernandes. The cheating, diving, whining 'national dish' of Portugal.
  16. You'd be leek & potato soup. Boiled then blended.
  17. Flagging Milton Keynes Wombles versus Akinfenwe 40s on Sky Sports 3 at 6.30pm, for a place in the League One play-off final.
  18. Arsenal on the beach in flip flops since Ayling was sent off. Now, a shark has been spotted nearby, to wake up the London dandies.
  19. Ayling off and out for the remaining games. Leeds' goal difference is already the worst. At least they can look forward to Millwall away...
  20. Leeds will go down. What they need is a Genius manager...
  21. Pirate Ralph. Taking their money and running down their club.
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