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Posts posted by Nicho

  1. Another great episode all round. 

    Still a bit of me feeling they could have fleshed out the first half of the season with the young actors into a whole season, this season has also been world building for what is to come.

    Great season so far, last two episodes up there with the best of scheming Game of Thrones episodes. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    The thing is while they are paid well for their opinions they probably don't watch most of our games, just the ones on Sky, so even if they did put their feelings about their mate to one side, they don't actually have a clue about what we have had to sit through.


    Its why the stats matter,  dont expect them to watch every game, we have however been on TV for 5 games in a row and mates who usually wouldnt watch us are commenting just how crap we are.

    These well paid pundits may not watch but atleast look at our stats, our league performance aside, goals scored, chances create, average shape of the team. All appalling. 

  3. I see Neville and Murphy defending Gerrard again saying he needs time. Completely ignoring the stats during his time here.

    Blaming the players for their performances im okay with but after this much time they should be questioning who has improved under him.

    Dean Saunders blaming the players and calling out Coutinho, one man has been picking him for 20+ games with him looking like a shadow of a shadow of the player.

  4. 12 hours ago, Genie said:

    I was wondering, with the Tories being so far behind in the polls they may as well own up to the truth that Brexit was a disaster and the UK’s prosperity lies with Europe.

    Have they got anything to lose by telling the truth? 


    Had the same thought.

    It could be a masterstroke, handing Labour the next election moving back to rejoining with the group of people who still blindly believe in Brexit then hating them forever. 

    or allows Labour to rejoin and it be the instant improvement for Business and Economy that it would be.

    Unfortunately they wont and neither party has the balls to say it let alone rejoin. 

    It is still the elephant in the room with all of the foundations of the current Tory pary for nearly 7 years built on said massive elephant. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Whatever tactics we do employ its absolutely shocking, Bruce ball, hoof it up and hope someone pulls one out of the hat.

    Watkins was working hard but his finishing so bad, on Gerrard for allowing that performance to continue.

    Ings and Archer on 10 minutes after they went to 10 had to happen aswell. Gerrard is clueless. 

  6. When at Uni one of my house mates was very sheltered so hadnt seen any films of note, esepecially 90s action crap. Armageddon and The Rock were straight on the list alongside Con Air, Face Off and Die Hard 1 & 3. Michael Bay films do make the Die Hard films seem feasible though. 

    Time and place for Armageddon and The Rock, accept what they are and enjoy. 

    That list is a lot of shit but jesus The Island is the **** worst. 

  7. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    It’s possible there will be an anti war coup, but the main criticism from “influential” people is that Putin/Russia has done things badly in conducting the war, not that the aims and whole idea was wrong. They’re hardliners who want more ruthless killing and destruction of Ukrainians and the west. If one of those were to get the top gig…

    This cognitive dissonance is very familiar

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

    What a dreadful half of football.

    Please, please, please, please sack him and get someone competent in charge

    The way I have to describe this to not villa watching friends is that this isn’t a one off.

    Yes we are winning and if we won more games than lost this way you would have to accept it.

    This is us under Gerrard, lump it up and hope for the best. 

    • Like 1
  9. Gerrard trying to justify his selection of coutinho with the training ground comments.

    Give benefit of the doubt with the training comment, performances on match day also matter. He doesn’t deserve to come in essentially for Luiz to allow Ramsey to move back I assume.

  10. 25 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    You would imagine that they are rushing those troops away from Kherson back to bolster the defence further north after the expected attack on Kherson appeared to be a distraction tactic. 

    If it turns out that the bulk of Ukrainian troops ARE in fact aimed at Kherson and just waiting for those troops to be redeployed back up North this could become a thing of Legend. 

    I dont understand how slight of hand manouvers happen in the modern world, surely with satellites any side should have identified everything about the enemy and tracked their every move. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    I know it's a much-ballyhooed formation, but I'd love to see the boys have a chance to absorb some continuity for the sake of continuity. Would love to hear responses. The thing I like about this set-up is how it pushes the pace up front and gives Coutinho a chance to receive balls earlier and more directly from Digne and Mings and (fingers and toes crossed) work his on-again-off-again magic on the ball toward more central forwards. It also gives the very agile Ramsey more responsibility for scoring and creating goal chances. I don't know the new guys well enough to know where they would fit. 


    Young (Cash)   Konsa    Mings (captain)    Digne

          Luiz        Kamara    Coutinho (McGinn)

               Bailey      Ramsey (Buendia)  

                      Watkins (Ings)

    You want continuity by changing it, got ya.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Genie said:

    As I understand it there’s 2 parts to energy supply.

    1) The likes of Shell and BP who are getting the oil and gas out from the ground and under the sea. The price they sell that oil and gas isn’t decided by them. It’s decided by the global wholesale price which relates to lots of factors including supply and demand. Currently because demand is very high (covid rebound) and supply is low (Russia being Russia) the calculation says the wholesale price is massive. They are winning but it’s a worldwide pricing structure which our government cannot influence.

    2) The energy suppliers like British Gas, EDF, Octopus, Scottish Power. They have to buy the oil and gas at wholesale price and then charge profit and other stuff (tax, green levies etc) on top. They are not making a particularly large amount of money at the moment.

    If the government cap says the consumer is only going to pay equivalent to half the wholesale price then the suppliers will be buying it at much more than they can sell it so will quickly run into issues and need help, because we can’t let them go under for obvious reasons.


    But I feel like neither are true, forecasted profits are expected to be in the billions in the next couple of years.

    I used to work for an energy company so completely understand active tariffs are actually contracts agreed on purchase of energy months/years advanced. Therefore future tariffs should be effected which they are showing to be, even into the ridiculous realms they are.

    Other countries have capped and if whole sale costs/transport/insurance were the problem then increase of consumer prices wouldn’t result in profit they would just cover the extra costs.

    Edit to keep on topic: It is 100% a political decision as to what is happening. A bailout is one solution but surely not the best choice. 

    • Like 1
  13. Why is a bail out of energy companies necessary? They are in profit? 

    Surely cap the price to operating costs/inflation profit increase?

    Something I’m missing? 

    From a Tory perspective I understand they wouldn’t want to stop their mates making massive profits at the expensive of the average Jo, so would bail out and then make them pay anyway via budget cuts on services. Seen that many times before. 

  14. On 04/09/2022 at 13:57, Straggler said:

    A very good point. That said, for me any scene that has Tyrian and Bron together is TV gold as far as I'm concerned. Also a big shout out for Lena Headey who is great in everything.

    Charles Dance is absolutely perfect for Tywin, as you say every scene is gold. I think him spending time with Arya might be some of his best bits. Bron becomes a bit of repetitive parody towards the end. 

    Rhys Ifans looks to be the only one with the character to match his acting chops for something similar to the best of GOT. 

    Matt Smith and Paddy Considine certainly can do it. 

    This weeks episode has upped the tempo and the scheming, looking forward to it all falling apart hopefully skewing toward the politics over action, the dragons provide enough action. 

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Woody1000 said:

    Worked really hard tonight, great performance. Between him and Ashley Young for potm.

    I’d add Mings into the mix but Ollie edged it for he’s second half. 

    • Like 1
  16. Whether it’s because of Purslow I don’t know but I have a horrible feeling he will be given time even if we lose the next 3. 

    Then I see Gerard’s body language and going straight down the tunnel and think he knows he’s done for.

    Ultimately the team results matter and so do the performances, we are tacticallly shit. 

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