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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Fairy muff, just an idea.
  2. Probably a daft question, but arent you four (Nays, Tarj, Riss and Danny) powerful and experienced enough to start up your own guild? surely between you all you know lots of decent high level players?
  3. No contest for me. Timeless genius from Cleese and co. "have you got a choc ice?"
  4. Bloke walks in to the Dr's office with a banana in one ear, a bunch of grapes in the other ear, and a melon on his head. The Dr says: "You're not eating properly, are you?"
  5. have you lot seen this... WoW story
  6. Are they worthy of such a player? :wink:
  7. Surely a well played Lock will offer more options than say an average Mage? or is it all about dmg dealing for the fifth spot?
  8. A brunette, a blonde and a redhead get stuck on a desert island. 13 days later, they're all dead.
  9. Forty crows on a telephone wire. No wait, one of them was a sparrow.
  10. Four crows fall off a cliff. Luckily they had wings.
  11. Jose Mourinho from the muddy knoll.
  12. Thanks Dan. So from a personal point of view (and i appreciate this may be hard to answer given the huge scope of the game) what are your ultimate goals now in WoW? Thats open to everyone btw. If your wondering why an ex-player is asking, just interested in how/if the goals differ for each class or if everyone has the same aims. With me, it was a high ranking in PvP to get some decent gear.
  13. Thats fair enough. Basically, my train of thought was what is the ultimate goal now in WoW? I know people have different agendas (PvP/instances etc) but just wondered if there was one boss harder than all the others that the real high end epic players gunned for.
  14. Been in on a couple of attempts at the world dragons now, and they're mental. The one in Ashenvale (Taerar) or something is insane. The graphics there are amazing, he's sort of transparent. So is he the uber boss? Just interested to see when you lot down him.
  15. Thats not PFE! Its PTPOR (Posting to p*** off Risso!)
  16. Whats the biggest, baddest, badboy boss in the whole game btw? And what does he drop?
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