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Everything posted by richp999

  1. Yes and what a great way to call out the corruption, without having to put in any kind of complaint, or saying anything at all. Just played out live on TV. Everyone can see; they can't call it offside without admitting they are corrupt, and everyone will know what we are saying ; without having to make a single official complaint.
  2. Like I said in the other thread, I would really really love the club to make a point of this next game. 1) From the kick-off, watkins runs and stands about 5 meters behind their centre half, and maintains that position. 2) When we get the ball - long ball aiming for 1 meter behind the center half. 3) center half moves back to control the ball 4) The second he touches it, watkins scoots around and nicks it off him. They cannot call this offside , otherwise it proves the corruption against us.
  3. I dont think it matters ; the rules are confusing, but that doesn't really matter here. They clearly are not following their own rules. It doesnt matter what the rules are if they just make the decision the way they want it to go and ignore the rules.
  4. Well i'd say he falls foul of the previous rules, but in a court of law I would claim it was a deliberate save by any opponent, the opponent being Mings. A ‘save’ is when a player stops, or attempts to stop, a ball which is going into or very close to the goal with any part of the body except the hands/arms (unless the goalkeeper within the penalty area). There is no definition as to how close to the goal you must be. Also the previous rules: challenging an opponent for the ball or clearly attempting to play a ball which is close when this action impacts on an opponent or making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball Were all broken before mings touches the ball. Therefore the offside call occurs before Mings plays the ball and the above rule can't be invoked - in the same way a couple of weeks ago we didn't get a penalty when watkins is fouled in the box, because he is deemed to be offside first, and we are told the offside counts because it occurs first.
  5. I think it is match rigging. The 'vague' statements are peppered around for exactly this reason. If it were the opposite way around, ollies watkins would have been called offside.
  6. fulham have just scored, lets see how VAR turn this game round for Man U
  7. And we've not even started on the penalty that should not have been given. Over the last few weeks there have been a few cases of defenders touching the ball with hands and penalties not being given - a kind a relaxing of the rules that had become a bit stupid. We had 2 handball shouts that were not given, and probably shouldn't have been even though they did touch the defender's hand. Cash was looking in the opposite direction. We will always be playing 13 men.
  8. Ok just for clarity, from the FA website, rules of offside: Offside offence A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched* by a team-mate is only penalised on becoming involved in active play by: interfering with play by playing or touching a ball passed or touched by a team-mate or interfering with an opponent by: preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponent’s line of vision or challenging an opponent for the ball or clearly attempting to play a ball which is close when this action impacts on an opponent or making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball So there we have it - he clearly did all three of those bolded points. It is offside, by the rules. We were cheated. I don't think i've ever seen such a blatant case of corruption in football.
  9. Exactly this. The way the club should handle this is in our next game, we get Watkins to stand 5 meters behind thier centre back all game. We play long balls in the air aiming for thier center back. When the ball comes to the center back, Watkins runs in nd challenges. Hell never be offside, and would get at least a couple of chances per game And there is no way they can call him offside,after what they have just done to us.
  10. And there's your proof it's corrupt. Very quickly give the pundit a reason to backup the corrupt decision.
  11. Oh. My. God. That is so blatantly bent. Peter Walton now has been told by the premier league to change his mind. He actually said ' he didn't gain an advantage from his positon' What??
  12. It wasn't earlier in the half when they handballed it in thier penalty area.
  13. You can't stand offside all game then wait for the defender to touch the ball then nick it off them. You're interfering with play from an offside position.
  14. Ha haha now a penalty to make the offside non decision not matter - 'they would have won anyway.'
  15. You know he won't. They haven't been playing all that well recently, and would've love a confidence boosting massive win
  16. I would normally agree, but I think I'd rather forfeit the game due covid than take a beating. Id like to remember this season as having beaten Liverpool 7-2.. Not giving them the chance to say 'well we beat you 8-1 in the cup' - no one will remember we played the u-23's.. It'll just be 'Liverpool thrash Aston villa' blah blah blah I'm normally quite positive about going full on to get a good cup run, but this year I'm just not that bothered about the cups., at all
  17. Totally agree. Dean interviews on sky, then commentators talk about villa a bit, ignoring the pentaly comments completely, then switch to talking about how great man u are. No comments on dean's thoughts on the penalty. At all.
  18. Nice one dean Called pogba out for cheating. Good stuff..
  19. I was looking forward to a win tonight but wasn't to be. We played really well - deserved at least a draw but we're cheated by pogba and the ref. Not to mention the many fouls he let go - for me you could see the realization in the players that they were playing the ref as well. So I'm looking at is as a draw - we were at least as good, and this is as good as a side now level top of the league. Not bad considering where we were just a few months back.
  20. Think the players heads went down after it was clear we were playing 12 men. It's 1-1 as far as I'm concerned, we've done well..
  21. Was a top quality acting display from pogba there....
  22. That was a great penalty to be fair... Very composed
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