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Everything posted by TheWalletInspector

  1. As in the same Gabby that Colleh mentioned before?
  2. Carlos Marchena recently set a new world record for the most number of international games unbeaten. He’s now got 52 caps, and has never lost.
  3. **** me. The things Freddie Roach will do to stop Khan fighting a puncher.
  4. I would never tire of punching Elie Seckbach. The same goes for Paulie as well.
  5. I was disappointed when I realised the actual title was "Should Kermit Cintron be blackballed & frozen out?".
  6. Authentic? I think they were actually photoshopped to be less upsetting to look at. Badly worded. Yeah, so more authentic/real... The babies are already real, So no. Well certainly not what one would imagine a 'normal' baby to look like. Does that make them any less real?
  7. Me too. Retard tears OK that was cruel of me.....but in my own defence Roach is a pretty cruel human being too, examples being using his current cash cows to dismantle former greats in DLH and Barrera - and it seems that Casamayor is next too so **** him. I hope a big, 6 foot 9 black bloke sucker punches him while he's waiting in line for his mong medicine, then he might get an idea what it feels like. Or something. I get the feeling that Roach suffers from both 'small man syndrome' and 'retard against the world' syndrome, can't wait to see his bubble get burst. You don't like him then?
  8. It won't be starting for about another 2 hours yet (I think). If I find a decent link i'll post it here.
  9. It's not really an accusation when it's fact (about Khan). Mabye it's more in hope than expectation but I think he will. Will be interesting to see how he reacts to the new trainer and how he recovers from the Pac beating. I'm not a big fan of Foreman though and hopefully Cotto hasn't faded too much. Not one i'm willing to bet on.
  10. :| You think Tyson had shaky whiskers? No I don't.
  11. For whatever reason that reminded me of Carlos Maussa rubbing his glove in Hattons cut... prick.
  12. AmirKingKhan: I aint affraid of any1 u bring them prescott was lucky. He don't want the fight I spoke to advisors ages ago about him 5:06 PM Jun 3rd
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