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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. If Mcleish had Lambert's record this season, not one person on here would defend him and you'd all be going mad wanting him sacked. Let's look at what Mcleish had to work with. Yes, he had a 'few' more experienced players but he still had to rely heavily on the same bunch of youth graduates we have now. Mcleish also had to deal with the fact he got personally insulted and chanted against nearly every game, nobody wanted him to begin with and he had the whole Collins/Dunne/Herd hitting the booze saga. He had less money to spend, which he had to try and buy replacements for Young & Downing with. He made signings which, in hindsight, on paper should have done well but unfortunately they didn't. On the field, he was negative, he was defensive but it was a style of Football and even though we were poor, he done just enough to scrape us through. Compare that to Lambert. From the off, he's been backed by the fans. He spent over £20 million in the summer - he signed Vlaar, Lowton, Bennett, El Ahmadi, Bowery, Westwood & Benteke. 6 of them to be put straight into the starting 11, so it's more or less 'his team'. He froze out certain players from the start, granted they were poor last year, but you can't judge experienced players who have suffered a loss of form by giving them 45 minutes in a meaningless friendly. He didn't have to deal with the loss of any major players as AM did and had time to access what the club needed. In the summer there were hundreds of quality players on free transfers, yet he chose to spend over £20 million buying 'young, hungry' kids. Yes, injuries play a part but they do in any team's season, something he should have legislated for. He then creates issues with Darren Bent, alienates Stephen Ireland and goes into the season with a very in-experienced back 4. The players from Villa's youth team - Bannan, Clark, Lichaj, Herd, Baker, have had 2-3 seasons now of playing Premiership football but they look worse now than at any time under Houllier or Mcleish. On the pitch, we have no style of play. We don't score, we concede every match (usually 2 or 3) and he has no ability to change things. He then uses the excuse that the side is young, which yes, it is, but he added to that with his signings which have turned out to be awful. He had (has) Guzan, Dunne, Vlaar, Warnock, Ireland, N'Zogbia, Holman, Agbonlahor & Bent. If he had none of these I could see his point but it's HIM and only HIM who chooses the team and decides to leave these lot out. I have no sympathy for him, he's a poor manager who has grasped at his 'big chance' and failed hands down. As said, if this was Mcleish in the same scenario not one person would back him. He's was in a better position than AM was at the start of last season but has contrived to mess it up. We don't have time to see how the next 2 games go because by then the damage will be beyond repair.
  2. If (more like when), we go down, I honestly believe we will struggle in The Championship. We will be the biggest side since Leeds United to drop out the Premiership and just think of how 'up for it' the other teams will be when Villa roll into town. Couple this with the fact most our players are gutless and not good enough and the fact we don't have money to buy a 'new team' or sort this huge mess out and I'd say we are literally ****.
  3. No, I have no proof CURBS would do better but then I'd be willing to give it a go because Lambert has lost the plot. Vlaar is injury prone. Lowton was all over the place today and has been for weeks. His decision making is shocking at times. Westwood. What does he actually 'bring' to the side? Benteke. Possibly the only decent PL signing but even he has looked shyte the last couple of weeks. As for Lampard, no I wouldn't want him on loan. If you are happy with the fact we can't score, can't defend and are getting humiliated every week under Lambert then lucky you. However, I am not an am merely suggesting alternatives who I feel would be more suitable at managing this club.
  4. Nah, he's probably holed up in The States, getting hard at the thought of the amount of money he'll pocket when we get stuffed out this League. Either that, or he's looking for another worthless gallery to piss £5million down the drain on.
  5. Well, I haven't but if you could be bothered to rake through several threads on here, there are several posters who have said this appears to be the case. The only knowledge I have is what we are drip-fed through the club or media. I have no 'sources' or 'links' inside the club and was just relaying what others had suggested. I think they may be right though, as the lack of desire from the off is astonishing. As for Lambert, the most condemning thing I can say about him is he's WORSE than Mcleish.
  6. Thing is, he has avoided that by doing things such as coughing up for Bent. Once a season he's done something to quell the anger that may be building towards him as the owner. In the summer it was appointing a man who some deluded fans had been chanting for in the last game of the season. It's only now, that we are in big trouble, that his lack of willing to invest has made a lot of people realize he's a complete joker. He's lived off his fathers legacy and made shit investments and poor financial decisions. I said about a year or so ago that people may finally see that Doug Ellis did well for this club.
  7. Do you have proof that Curbs would fair no better?? Rumors are strife he has 'lost' the dressing room. If that is the case, then a new manager can only help sort that as nothing Lambert can do now will change things. Lambert has stumbled from one shit decision to another and created his own problems by pissing Bent about and signing lower league rubbish.
  8. As we were then from the other thread.... LERNER, FAULKNER, LAMBERT OUT
  9. We need some ex-Villa bodies involved with the running of this club.
  10. Just read his Wiki page. He gave £5million to the 'National Portraits Gallery' in London in 2008 to be paid over 3 years. So he can give £5million to a shitty gallery that would be OK without his 'generosity' yet can't scrape £5million together to try and save this club from inevitable relegation thus landing us further into the shit. What a hero.
  11. I don't think signing players can fix this mess. Especially after what Lambert has already signed. Add to the fact we are now desperate, so clubs will ramp up their valuations of players.
  12. Need a clean sweep - Lerner, Faulkner & Lambert out. Doug, despite his age, must be regretting selling out to the yanks. This club is at it's lowest point in it's Premier League history.
  13. Needs sacking ASAP Another awful display. Yes, we had chances but we were playing a team who had only kept 2 clean sheets all season. Yet we manage to screw the pooch and hand them their third. We don't score, we can't defend. So what really is the point in him being here now??!! As for an alternative - CURBISHLEY. Don't give a shit what people say about him, he's a good manager and has PROVED it in the Premiership. I'd stick my neck on the line and say Curbs would keep this side, which is shit, up. Lambert can't.
  14. What, yellow cards?? Too little too late, we wasted 45 minutes. Some of them Southampton players really are complete dicks.
  15. Telling you now, we need to get that ball into the box as much as possible as that Jap is crapping it.
  16. Creating chances, you watch this goalie have the half of his life.
  17. Why, do our players have no urgency to get into the box??!! Benteke just stood there like a tit.
  18. hahaha he's brought Bannan on. Jesus wept, he really doesn't have the first idea.
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