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Everything posted by Killeen30

  1. I have had a feeling this would happen for the last few days!
  2. I really wish MM could shead some light on this possible transfer and others! I guess his hands are tied...
  3. Well it looks like we've not made a bid for Zoggie. If we were in for him surely we would have bid by now to get him in? Young is gone, money is there. Although I suspect that we would of had money to spend without the Young cash.
  4. I totally agree, there were a couple of occasions when he might have scored and if he would have I think he'd have went on to have a decent season, for us! Still it never happened, I think he's the guy of guy who has to really feel part of thing, an arm around the shoulder kind of player.
  5. If we keep him one more season, then its the same case as Ashley Young and others before him. I am of the thinking that we should get rid if we can et close to 20 million so we can replace him and move on! I would love us to be buying young potential like we did with Ashley Young back then. Sure it can be hit and miss, but exciting. Downing has proved himself to be a first class prick after going back on his comments that he'd sign a new contract the week the season ended!
  6. He needs to come back with a good attitude for pre-season man. If he has that then I don't doubt he'll be competing for a starting slot. I don't doubt his ability. Hopefully he see's this as a fresh start under McLeish.
  7. Richard, Hendrie played over 300 games for us and always played for the shirt. Any time he, or anyone else in the team scored that passion was there for all to see. I don't think its a good comparasion mate.
  8. I'd like this deal done asap to be honest so we can move on to the next target. In saying that I fully expect our first signing to be a GK.
  9. Are we any further on with the Zoggie deal or have we made a firm bid? Does MM have any information on it?
  10. I've no great love for Downing and way though he was just a good player, nothing more. That was until last season and he had the best of his career! Fair play he changed my mind on him in terms of his ability but albeit in a poor Villa side he was our best player. Same as above though, get replacements lined up or signed and let him go. He has really disappointed me since the season has ended. For me it's not just about your performance on the pitch but off it too and of it he has let the Villa down. Goodbye if we get in quality replacements, although that is the hard part.
  11. Good luck watching dross? You muppet we'll all be watching the same team, Villa. I personally think Tony Pulis and Stoke have done fantastically well in the past two years. Would you rather we play well a d lose or draw then?! Maybe you should watch Stoke City then. The reason the national team and a lot of the club sides in this country never win anything is because football is now secondary to winning. Do you think Barcelona and the Spanish national team have your mentality? You may like to watch hoofball every week but in the end football will always rise above it. However, it takes a certain manager, certain coaching methods and certain players to do this and Alex McLeish will never fit this style so good luck watching dross.
  12. All I care about is results. We won't play like Barcelona, we never will. I don't want to play well and draw or lose. I don't care how we win, I just want to win. I'll judge the new manager on results first and foremost!
  13. Oh yeah... Ireland. Head **** but talented. Shame about the attitude. If he had Craig Gardner's attitude we'd have a player on our hands.
  14. the under 21s depress me with how abysmal they are. im worried that 2 of our so called starlets, cant get into the team. Well I can understand why The Fonz isn't in the team, there are better players in front of him who have done more than him at Premiership level but why Marc isn't in the team I can't understand!
  15. Is it just me or do other wish they could just fire the vacancy so we can try to move on? We will have to. Round and round in circles on here lads... Put me out of my misery.
  16. Inow, are we still expecting this statement tonight?
  17. Funny, normally on here nobody believes reports in The Mirror. Strange... I think people want to believe it because of how shit they feel at our current managerial situation.
  18. It has very little to do with that! It's his shit football, shit signings and the fact that he's gotten a team relegated twice in the last 4 seasons. Admittedly, it is bad that he's come SHA, but only because when anyone tries to express their disapproval of the appointment people just come back with "you're only saying that because he managed Birmingham". Is it four full seasons or three and a half? He came in halfway through the first relegation during his stay did he not? I know his football is uninspiring, defensive, boring etc. We haven't played like brazil in a while though ourselves. I am not just coming back with the SHA connection because people are showing their disapproval. People showed their disapproval at McClaren, this takes it to a far more serious scale than that and you know it. People keep talking about the top four but we are miles away from that. Which is a great shame, but with the money at that end of the table I don't believe we can compete now. We got close under MoN and if we could get to that level again I would personally be very happy.
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