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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. Pfft. Skinny jeans are acceptable as far as I'm concerned, especially when you are relatively slim.
  2. Nice pair of brogues. Need to get round to buying some.
  3. Ha. White pumps/toms are acceptable.
  4. Just found out my Dad got rejected from a job from being over-qualified. What a load of **** shit.
  5. I wouldn't wear them, it's just when people wear them low down, looks pretty stupid.
  6. On a fashion note, Asians (like Chinese, Japanese etc) who try too hard to fit in, and they just look ridiculous.
  7. :oops: I have some carrot jeans. I think they look alright, although they are not great when trying to take large strides. I'm attempting to revisist my yoof The crotch is just massive, and then if you wear them slightly low down, the crotch is at your bloody knees!
  8. I don't wear anything other than skinny jeans, straight jeans etc have a horrible fit.
  9. I don't see the point in wearing anything other than pumps. They are like £10 and last a couple of months. TUS, please don't say you own those orange ones...
  10. You should get the one where he smashes the bloke's head with a spade.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Carrot jeans look ridiculous too.
  12. Milfner


    What's a decent distance to start out running and how often?
  13. Chinos my friend, chinos.
  14. I've spent £404 on clothes since November 25th. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
  15. She just became a model as well. word removed.
  16. VT has gone mentallllllllllll
  17. That completion there might have just finished the game off.
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