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Everything posted by GlobalVillan

  1. Lol. Yeah, if you judge players on one half of football. I don't though. Any striker is capable of the odd goal. Let's see how he goes over the next year or so.
  2. Different game. We will have players back for that.
  3. I am aware of that! The reasons for the changes are not my concern. I am just worried about the starting 11 against that lot.
  4. Oh I agree. I accept that. But the post I was replying to said that there is no need to panic and I think that our 2nd string away to the best team in Europe is the ABSOLUTE time to panic. Goal difference wise I mean.
  5. 2nd string then? It's far from our 1st 11. That's what I meant.
  6. You don't think it's reasonable to worry about being thrashed away to Man City with our reserves? Ok then.
  7. I meant for 4th. Spurs will now have a much better GD than us after this.
  8. We knew we would lose, but the goal difference is now at serious risk with that line up.
  9. Oh my god. Seriously worried about the Premier League record now. Not even kidding.
  10. Yeah but the cheating b******* have another 500 million to replace them with.
  11. Not if they get trounced. No. This is one hell of a bold (crazy) move.
  12. Really? No McGinn, Kamara, Watkins, Tielemans, Bailey or Torres away to the treble winners? I don't think it's even possible to overstate the changes tbh.
  13. I don't think it is an opportunity though. Being hammered and seeing f*** all of the ball will not be good for development or confidence. They are basically lambs to the slaughter.
  14. Having seen the team, I would take a 2-0 loss right now. I am seriously worried about goal difference. That 11 would struggle against a bottom 6 side. Away to Man City? This is going to be bad.
  15. It would put so much pressure on Spurs for the run in if West Ham could hold on, or nick a winner.
  16. Stop being an idiot. I went to almost every away with the Villa last season.
  17. I saw a fox at Southampton last season by the away pub. Must be loads of them down that way.
  18. I literally just said that I think we will end up behind Spurs after this weeks games. How is that poorly articulated? Please explain.
  19. Have a look at the pre-match thread. Almost everyone thinks we will lose, with many just hoping we keep the score down.
  20. Er.... People discuss possible outcomes of games BEFORE they are played, otherwise pre-match threads wouldn't exist.
  21. Sorry I should have been clear. I think we will get a better replacement for less than what we sell for, which will help with FFP.
  22. Apparently it is and I'm getting pelters for it. Lol
  23. That we were likely to lose but had home advantage so you never know? Something like that maybe. Not sure why that game is relevant though. We always have a chance at home.
  24. I am not focusing on anything. I just think we will lose for a number of reasons. The fact we beat them when Weimann scored 10 years ago isn't really in my thoughts it's true.
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