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Posts posted by Eidolon

  1. 2 hours ago, theboyangel said:

    my guess would be the Miles Morales storyline. 

    That’s the very likely option I think. A part of me is hoping for Spider-Gwen as she is one of my favourite characters and a frequent go to for costume parties but I’d be happy with Miles…especially after they teased it with Donald Golver as his Uncle Aaaron Davis (Prowler) in Homecoming 

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, Eidolon said:

    Jeez you don’t wish that on anyone especially a seemingly pretty ok guy, especially twice in a day. 😰

    There’s a joke that I am uniquely qualified to make here…but I cannot think of how to do it 😂

    • Haha 3
  3. 1 hour ago, tomav84 said:

    my 2 pence worth on this i'd try, if at all possible, to be less rigid if you can considering it's a short term arrangement (hopefully). she's just been kicked out and needs her partner's support...not someone grizzling at her for making a mess. you know at some point she'll do something that annoys you, just try not to bite her head off when she does so.

    hopefully it all blows over though as you say...

    interested to know what the straw that broke the camels back was though? did they know you were dating all along or did they think you were just mates or something?

    You are very right, I should be more considerate of how hard this is on her and what she’s going through, I can put up with a less than perfect housemate by comparison very easily.

    Yes for the length of our relationship I have been a secret/very close best friend because she WAS worried the reaction wouldn’t be positive (once again Leeds fans 😂) but nowhere near as severe as telling her to break up with me, blazing row ensues and she’s told she’s got the night to pack up, consoled her it was all shock and hot air and it would blow over overnight but they stuck to it and she’s been here a couple days now. A few grips but much less than I expected, she’s devastated and I Should be a lot less concerned about everything being as I want it. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Bbc website now was frigging adverts on it. 

    Just **** off. 

    Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t the BBC supposed to get their money from an extra fee when you by a television and aren’t supposed to advertise or give cash prizes for things (I could be very wrong my basis for this idea is 10 minutes of research as to why Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK doesn’t give prize money)

  5. 5 hours ago, KentVillan said:

    In fairness, I went down a rabbithole on Covid last year, and it was mostly just from following a handful of plausible Twitter accounts (not even proper crazies, just people massaging the data or making overly optimistic predictions).

    I was lucky I found some better sources of info and crawled out of the rabbithole, but it's easily done. Such a complex issue, and no easy solutions, so most of us are susceptible to hopium.

    The more you attack, the less inclined people are to admit they were wrong. Best thing is to just gently point in direction of other sources, and stay civil, as hard as that is. Or don't get involved and let them learn the hard way.

    The world would be in a much better place if people were more inclined to re-examine their opinions like that and not get ‘dug in’ purely because they’ve picked a stance and everything has to support that 👍

    • Like 3
  6. 13 hours ago, desensitized43 said:

    I had the same. It always makes me quite uncomfortable when you get people cheering and clapping in a cinema. Just feels really wrong to me.

    Same, I always think people who clap and cheer in cinemas would be the same type who would freak out with the old train footage coming at the screen back in the early days of film

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Your lot just feed them to the dingoes. 

    Actually the dingo thing actually turned out to be completely true and she was completely exonerated (not being snippy I just don’t know if many people know that outside Australia). One thing we do seem to have happen an usual amount is kids go missing from campsites as an odd trend, thankfully the most recent case the little girl was tracked down a few days later seemingly unharmed and the kidnapped arrested

  8. Honestly honestly I’m not even personally aggrieved at her family, they don’t get it and it’s not a very nice feeling but it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. I am going to do my best to be amicable with them and sort it out as well as I can.

    My main concern is sharing my space in the mean time because I’m really not good at that. As I alluded towards in my previous post I have pretty high standards of keeping everything tidy and organised in a way that suits me and I can see myself getting really annoyed if that gets disrupted. My feeling is it will eventually blow over and  she’ll be back there eventually, I just hope my rigidity in this area doesn’t mess things up before then.

    • Like 3
  9. 4 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    What's the system like over, there, many cases like these reported?

    Without having a complete knowledge so going of the news I remember a lot of stories of kids being taken from squalid and abusive conditions but I can’t recall a Labinjo-Hughes, Hobson situation hitting the news like that so potentially it might be less of an issue here but I’m not naïve enough to think it doesn’t happen in my own back yard.

    • Like 1
  10. Cummins out because he’s a close contact with a COVID case and has to isolate for 7 days. Smith back as active captain which is an interesting little story, no Hazelwood or Cummins really changes things and hopefully Richardson and Neser can come in and do a job.

  11. bell hooks (she specifically used lower case letters to distinguish herself from her great grandmother who’s name she adopted) at 69. She was a really important feminist author and activist for the rights of black people especially in America. 

    Her first book ‘Ain’t I a Woman’ is one I find myself recommending a lot, a sad loss :(


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    • Sad 1
  12. I’ve been replaying XCOM 2 which originally frustrated me into putting down and never picking back up with its difficulty and lack of hand holding in how to manage the alien invasion and not run out of time by doing pointless things. Watched a few little guides before picking it back up and now I know what I’m doing with it I’m having a great time, Psychic operatives especially are a lot of fun to have on your team, I’ll pick up the DLC for it when I get my next pay and really crack into it 😁

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