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Posts posted by Eidolon

  1. 1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    The encouraging thing is that unless Smith and/or Labuchagne fire their batting order isn’t much better than ours, and I fancy Woakes and Robinson to bowl well tomorrow, all is not lost yet but if they reach 100-1 or better then yeah, game over.

    I wouldn’t sleep on Green or Carey lower down the order, at the very start of their careers but much better bats than the players they displaced IMO

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, blandy said:

    'sup wi' that?

    Best way to cook veg - it keeps all the nutrients in. Second best way steaming. Third best way roasting/barbie. worst way boiling.

    Science fact.

    Can confirm, keeps it nice and crisp comparatively too. Don’t trust me to touch meat cause I don’t eat it but I know from veg 😁

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, rjw63 said:

    Have we got to endure Squinty Smith scoring a double century every **** innings? 

    I call that revenge after having to sit through day after day of interminable Alastair Cooke wall batting seemingly every time he played in Adelaide ;)

  4. 4 hours ago, sidcow said:



    You are lucky you get them at all, we dont get any of the interesting flavours I remember from being a kid over there and the standard of chip over here is terrible in general in comparison. I don't know what the exact difference is but I noticed it IMMEDIATELY, just nowhere near as good.

  5. 3 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    I'm a Sussex fan and Head did bugger all for us so I suspect he will score zillions in this series.

    Anyway what an absolute disaster.  Absolute lambs to the slaughter out there.

    I must confess I dont follow domestic cricket overseas (I dont often have the attention span necessary for the worthwhile forms of the game outside of big tests and ashes series unfortunately) so I have no real knowledge of his time over there but a lot of our pundits are saying he's come back twice the player.


  6. 6 minutes ago, chappy said:

    I don’t understand it, they annoyed a big comms team this morning… use them!

    We knew from the last Ashes that their coverage is awful compared to Sky though so probably shouldn’t have expected much better.

    Bit of an unspoken rule here you mute the TV and get the radio commentary going, our TV coverage is all around awful 😕

    Side note, I'm really hoping Trav head has a great series and really cements himself in the team, I used to know him in passing when he was playing local Australian Football for South Gawler as a kid and he was always a really great guy.

    • Like 1
  7. Really like him, a real knife fight in a phone-box type who can do a lot with not very much space. I've personally reeeeally wanted him to get into the side since we got him and I'm really glad his body is finally giving him the chance

    • Like 4
  8. So glad to have Trez back, as others have said you never can fault the effort and commitment he puts in and I think he's very much underrated by a few on here. I think Gerrard will get him into a vein of form we haven't seen from him before and that he can definitely be a weapon if kept fit

  9. Just found out I was at an exposure site over here the other day so its a week off of work and a couple of tests for me, after COVID really being something that was happening more in other states than here (minus some pretty lenient restrictions) its crazy how quickly its been pushed back into the primacy of life after opening our borders to Victoria and NSW.

  10. 9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    That's very much not a coincidence; there's a lot of connection between Tories and Liberals, both in personnel like Lynton Crosby and in ideology and strategy. 

    The issue with our government is the Liberals are completely beholden to the ultra conservative National Party to hold the balance of power. You get the odd Liberal PM who is appealing to both sides like Malcom Turnbull but they invariably have their hands tied by being joined at the hip to the party of mega farmers and resource barons and get remembered as do nothing PMs who didn’t deliver on their promises.

    If you don’t know him and want to read up on their Leader (and our deputy PM) Barnaby Joyce is a truly baffling individual 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I'm not sure if it can ever really make sense to compare countries in terms of how open or reactionary they are or whatever - clearly people of different people persuasions and mindsets live in every different place - but my impression of Australia is always shaped by how intolerant the country seems to be toward migrants, and what seems to me (without ever having been there!) like a deep-seated sense of being a European fortress against its Asian neighbours. I mean, obviously as I say I've never been and I'm sure I'm very much over-generalising and maybe even talking out of my arse to a large extent, but even in the UK where we have a pretty right-wing and intolerant attitude to refugees, we haven't yet ended up with the kind of explicitly cruel offshore processing type stuff; the Tories have been trying really hard to make 'fear of the boat people' into a Thing for a while now, precisely because they know the right in Australia has ridden it to multiple election victories, but even though it's in the news a lot it's just not that big of a motivator here. Maybe that will change of course. 

    I dunno, just overall I don't really have an impression of Australia as a particularly open and tolerant country, but I'm sure it is in some ways and not in others just like everywhere else. 

    I’d say that’s a pretty apt take honestly. As a UK immigrant I found acceptance and integration pretty easy and eventually people just started treating me as Australian.

    I work in a call centre at the moment (nothing seedy just inbound sales for one of our telecom companies) though and if there’s any place to see how backward a lot of our country’s treatment of Asian immigrants especially it’s in this type of work, a lot of my coworkers get unending abuse just for having an Indian, Thai or Phillipine accent even though a lot of them speak better more coherent English than I do most of the time.

    As @Blandy said in his fantastic post earlier on it tends to be a bit better in the cities especially the big Eastern ones and Perth but the country and QLD especially are firmly rooted in a mindset more in line with the 70’s than 2021.

    Although if you go far enough bush to get into some older indigenous communities a lot of them have their own specific cultural acceptance and roles for trans people in their society and culture that in many ways are more progressive than most other parts of the country despite being rooted in centuries and centuries and tradition.

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  12. That’s pretty accurate actually, I think our stance on fossil fuels and emissions targets are shining a pretty shameful light on the attitudes of our country that’s pretty overdue I think.

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  13. On 04/12/2021 at 15:38, TheAuthority said:

    How are the attitudes in  Adelaide and Australia generally towards the trans community? I understand it may be hard to equate it to other places but I'm interested in your take.

    Just a random example but Salt Lake City is the capitol of Utah - a Mormon run state with fairly draconian laws and legislature. However, due to its position as the major metropolis for a looonnng way, folks from the LGBTQ+ community move there from Idaho, Wyoming, Iowa, rural Utah & Colorado. So now it's something of a mecca for the disenfranchised even if it's politics don't project that.

    It’s a bit of a tricky question cause I guess there are so many things that factor into it. As far as health care goes it’s A LOT easier to transition here than a lot of places which is a big plus but there are a lot of factors I guess.

    Adelaide and Australia by in large is a lot more conservative than what I think our national image might lead people to believe (maybe I’m wrong but I feel people tend to think of us as fairly progressive?) but I do feel like attitudes towards trans people are coming a long way. There’s a lot more awareness of our existence than there really was for a long time for better or worse but we are battling against a culture where ‘men are men and do work with their hands like building sheds’…or something, so confusion can be a pretty common reaction from people.

    Unfortunately with the way everything has to be left vs right these days for everyone who is actively learning and keeping their mind open about it there are those who hate us just because it lines up with their particular ‘side’. Most places are pretty welcoming and businesses especially are coming to the party in a big way as far as inclusivity goes but even I as someone who ‘passes’ relatively well knows there are places that won’t serve me if they know I’m trans. The general population is usually pretty okay but I get pretty gross things yelled at me not infrequently and I’ve been assaulted a few times when I’ve been clocked and the police have been a lot less than helpful on those occasions . 

    More often than not I think we tend to keep to our own little communities and avoid the risk of something happening. I don’t think that’s the way to make things any better because showing people we are just regular people not the monsters people with certain vested interests would have them believe is going to put people more at ease but it just tends to kind of happen so like with anywhere there are little enclaves around the city where things are better but by and large I think Adelaide and Australia in general has a long way to go

    …I feel like that was a bit rambley so I’ll try summarise.

    it’s better than a lot of places, could be a lot better though. The general perception of us I think is positive but the Neanderthals are vocal, aggressive and more numerous than we would like.

  14. On 05/12/2021 at 06:22, chrisp65 said:



    How incredibly crass to post this so close to the fatal school shooting they had in Michigan. There are a lot people over there that won’t get to take Christmas pictures with their loved ones this year because of guns just like that.


    Also the daughter seems to be a flinch away from taking her mum’s head off, surely if you are going to have that many guns in the house you teach your kids to watch where they are pointing them (safety on or not)

    • Like 2
  15. I’m surprised no one has said Hades yet which is mine. I know it’s been on early access for a while but it only officially released this year so I’m counting it. As far as the narrative tying into the game play in a way that both tells a compelling story and is super enjoyable I think Supergiant has hit all the buttons that are important to me in a game.

    The Sisyphean task element of the whole thing encourages experimentation in a way that is so perfectly tied into the rogue light game style that even on a run that never really comes together you never feel like you have wasted your time. I love the art style and voice acting, the characters are all fully developed and mostly very very likeable in their own little ways. I also think one thing that stands it in good measure is that it is both great fun to unwind with a quick run after getting home from work or committing to sitting there and cracking out a days progress with multiple runs. The end game can drag on a little bit but ultimately it’s one of the most fun experiences I have had with a game.

    Other than that I’ve only really invested a lot of time into AC Valhalla and ME legendary edition this year and even though I’m one of the biggest Mass Effect nerds you could ever meet (I even have Sovereign tattood on my arm) I can’t give GOTY to a re-release no matter how much I love it or how well it was executed.

  16. Really happy Marv is coming good, won’t lie I was in the camp that didn’t see it happening but you can’t argue with his performances since the arrival of Gerrard. One of the first names on the team sheet at this point and a seemingly very positive guy to have around the first team. I agree unless there are parts of his game we still haven’t seen we will eventually have to invest in the position to take the next step but Marv at the moment is definitely not a problem.

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