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Posts posted by Eidolon

  1. 31 minutes ago, Straggler said:

    It is by design.  It is why you can purchase XP boosts in the store that ups all the XP you collect by 50%. They want you to get so bored with the game that you are prepared to pay to skip gameplay. They know what a good game looks like and very deliberately padded it to encourage microtransactions. I should really have this comment in the things that piss me off about video games thread.

    It's not the grind that bothers me, I never feel underpowered or anything it's the length of the damn story and all the stuff to do. Maybe that feeds into the microtransaction plans but I don't see what I could circumvent by paying money when it's just the sheer length of the narrative that drags for me

  2. If he's fit and ready at this point he needs to be backed in and given a run of games, I cant imagine this move has gone the way he wanted it to and there could be issues with his confidence or commitment to the club if we don't give him a chance to show what he can do for more than a game at a time. I really think he could be an integral part of our next great side if we can just get some consistent game time into him and give him a chance to form a few partnerships. I'd for sure start him against Arsenal if he is fit.

  3. 7 hours ago, Chindie said:

    I've been playing Valhalla for the last month. I'm over a hundred hours and I've still not finished the story, or cleaned up the map. 

    I can't say I've not enjoyed my time with it, I like the setting and the Viking/Saxon thing, and having a game that is so non-linear in its structure is quite interesting (pick your shire, go do 3 missions of it's story, repeat in largely the order you see fit), and it's pretty, very pretty, and sounds wonderful with a great score.

    But holy shit if ever theres a game where they clearly sat down and said 'of we're doing a Viking game, we're doing it once, and therefore we're doing everything', this is it. There's, as far as I can tell, a entire sub campaign you can basically ignore, you go do various Viking-y things at different points of the game (being intentionally vague)... Our just keeps going. And going. And going. And giving more. And more...

    I feel both Odyssey and Valhalla could have done with shaving off like...20 or so hours from the play time, its all very enjoyable and well crafted but there is just SO much to do it can really feel like a slog, even if the gameplay and story are still engaging. I actually just kind of put down Odyssey and never picked it up again during the Sparta quest line because Id already killed all the monsters and done the bulk of assassinations but it still felt like I was days or weeks away from getting any kind of resolution to the main story. I finished Valhalla (mainly because I prefer female Eivor as a protagonist to Kassandra) but jee if it isnt a LOT.

    • Like 1
  4. Honestly wouldnt have known anything happened without all the people losing their minds about it after the fact. Not by any means a grumpy type who doesn't engage with social media, I think it just speaks to how tiny my social circle is that I didn't even notice 😂 

  5. 6 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    Keep well away. I’ve heard female Leeds fans have hairy armpits and smell like the shit house door on an old fishing trawler, especially certain parts of the body .

    She herself is pretty ambivalent, I think I can bring her into the fold 😂

    • Like 1
  6. Great to see the Ladies team is being taken seriously :D from a purely selfish perspective I'd love to see some more Aussies at the club (in addition to Emily Gielnik), our international team is one of the better ones and consequently womens football gets not awful amount of coverage here...mostly Chelsea because of Sam Kerr

    • Like 3
  7. Apparently critics are destroying Venom 2 and calling it a 'ridiculous mess' and essentially tentacle porn...I think this is one case of a clear disconnect between critics and what people who actually liked the first Venom movie WANT from the second one (from all the buzz I have seen and reactions to news and reviews coming out). Just focusing on myself for a moment the symbiotes (and Carnage in particular) are my personal favourite little corner of the Marvel universe and the last thing I wanted it to be was some self serious 'good' movie, a ridiculous gay mess is pretty much perfectly in line with what I wanted.

    I'm really not happy we have to wait until November 25 for the film here in Australia.

  8. 3 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    He was a great striker. Only 31. Just needs to stay fit. He probably won't but let's not disrespect him like he wasn't a proper player.

    Don't disagree he WAS fantastic but he's been absolutely crueled by injury, if he hadnt been Im sure he'd still be plying his talents in one of the top european leagues but he hasn't managed to be at that level for a long long time now. He'll still dominate the A-league though and could potentially have a record breaking season if he does stay fit. I was more disparaging the woeful state of football over here than Sturridge, maybe I could have phrased it better.

  9. 16 hours ago, BOF said:

    Hope it all went well :thumb:

    It went fantastically....started off rocky, her family are Leeds supporters (Kewell and Viduka have a lot to answer for spreading their influence out here) 😅

    • Like 4
  10. Not worried about Ollie's head getting turned. Seems like the type not to get carried away and like he'd be pretty good at visualising the path laid out before him at Villa. Hopefully he can get a good outing and bang a few in to secure a place for himself. Well deserved for Ollie and I think he's more likely than not to be well in the frame come World Cup time if he can continue his trajectory. Just hope the worst doesn't happen and he gets put out for a spell with an injury away from the club.

  11. Pretty stoked not to be wasting $100 on this this year, finally learned my lesson after last year's turd that it's not particularly fun being stuck between intentionally missing for the last half so you dont win 15-0 or getting smashed on World Class every game because the computor replaces your team mates with blind ferrets. Online doesn't appeal to me nor does the whole Ultimate Team aspect so there's really 0 point in me getting this.




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  12. 1 minute ago, Davkaus said:

    If they ran on any other device I'd try them out, but I'm not spending £300 to try out a game series I haven't played before. Just not worth the investment when the rest of the library is so limited.

    Having said that I did read a few days ago that BotW runs pretty well on an emulator on PC, so I might give it a go, or I would if it wasn't for the danger and immorality of software piracy ;) 

    That's fair I've been hoarding their original platforms since I was tiny so didnt really think through that its probably more expensive to get into than i thought, I'd definitely recommend at least giving Majora's Mask a shake on emulator if you can find some kind of....less morally and legally dubiousness means to do so :P

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