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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. You think they would’ve recognized that after what we did to Liverpool’s ultra high line.
  2. You had me until the highlighting his poor performances/ errors part. It’s pretty well documented that he has never been able to shake his major mental lapses during games. It’s also pretty clear that he’s been very hot and very cold since his first England call up and plenty of people have said as much. The problem with anyone on any message board is lack of objective criticism. A lot of comments come across as hyperbole, stemming from frustration and it’s annoying to read constantly. That goes for any player. At least, that’s what I take away from @Indigos comment.
  3. It pains me to say it but this is how I viewed it as well. But I could be wrong. Always assumed ball contact negated any form of foul.
  4. Agreed but no excuse for players like Cash. He’s been off his game today.
  5. Doesn’t Watkins already have more goals than Wesley did?
  6. Completely disagree but to each their own. Konsa definitely has more potential. Mings is pretty much maxed out.
  7. I think the big difference between today and other games when we’ve gone down is we usually seem to lose confidence. Heads drop and play is not good. Today we still seem quite capable of scoring a lot. Just need to finish! Lol
  8. Did you not see the deflections? Luck was definitely a part of it. Not saying that’s all it was.
  9. Quite a bit of luck with the deflections in that game too.
  10. Not gonna happen but McGinn needs to sit. His passing has been woeful today.
  11. Nah, we need all of our defense to step it up though. They look a step slow today.
  12. We were dreadful and looked uninterested that day. We look like we have a few goals in us today.
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