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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. So, having a tinker to tweak the new badge in to something I like First off, "Aston Villa" at the bottom feels squished in, and being near the Shield's tip emphasised how the words are not balanced. so a move to the top to get away from the tip... Also, I softened off the drop shadow to be less blocky, but keep the colour separation The contrast, between the shirt, shield looks great, But the shield and lion doesnt contrast well... so a colour swap around Trying to get a nice balance of all our colours and I can't seem to like any of them more than the yellow lion.. odd
  2. Ooooff, that’s worse than our current embroidered badge
  3. That’s fair a point.. has there been an embroidered that iteration of the Lerner badge?
  4. You could, but not as necessary.. as the dropshodow (in this case) is creating a bit of separation between the light blue and yellow. It’s a technical addition rather than an aesthetic choice
  5. got to admit, the drop shadow is doing a job
  6. If Barkley’s form has been as good as it’s claimed to be at Luton, then I’m not complaining about having him in a free and cheaper wages.. when he was with us, he looked amazing at times, but lacked the consistency desired. If he’s now found it, happy days
  7. we nearly signed roberto Carlos, this is far too straight to represent that
  8. You are reading too much in to it. I’ve never stated I liked the badge. I’m not a fan of the whole thing, but like elements of it. And the elements I like are things that are being used to expand on the branding. What’s nice. But back to the badge, I don’t like the squished in “Aston Villa” at the bottom, with the shield tip emphasising the uneveness of the words. It would have sat nicer at the top with the lion below. and I don’t like the shirt to shield to lion contrast. a claret lion or the whole badge in mono colour gold or white those two things fixed it go from being “fine” to being “good” maybe “pretty good” if we have the round badge lion. my biggest beef is the process to get to the round badge was flawed, and heck’s solution fixes some stuff but not all. So we got a lot of meh fans from multiple sides
  9. There’s enough backlash. This thread is just an example and we just a small pocket. Twitter fans are just as vocal. this hasn’t gone down well and it’s mostly due to Heck rushing this through and cutting fan input out to save time. But, I suspect the rush was from orders higher up
  10. Naaa, not this article, it’s fine being external. yet, supporter committees should ask Heck some hard questions about this at the next meetings
  11. Not really. But I don’t think he could be arsed dragging it out any longer, I can’t be arsed as a fan. my mood theres a wider idea in this one, I’m content, despite the execution of the badge being mediocre. To quote the people I’ve asked about this “it’s fine”
  12. Also, I don’t think there was anything in place to expand. so yeah, cheaper, easier and more fulfilling to restart on a project. Than completing an old one with no instructions. similar problems to when a film director is replaced part way through a production. Most of the time that film will be rubbish
  13. interesting article, i feel like people in here would like to know what the complaints were about the round badge, and who said them? And why don’t we have a choice with this badge? Heck was definitely right about the lack of choice. We had two choices from the same fundamental idea. even tho it’s not stated out right in the article, it’s clear that he wasn’t happy about the overall branding, or from what I’ve noticed, the lack of it. This image shows that wider branding was at forefront of his plan. the double line, the font choices and the colours, other than the lion, everything is claret, blue and white (our kit colours). He’s bringing everything visual in to 1 unifying palette, Villa’s Palette like or dislike.. it’s good we are developing a brand identity beyond our badge.
  14. That’s a solution too. But then it moves in to the realms of being a “logo” what’s also a no from some fans design isn’t easy
  15. Was thinking the same, but didn’t want to say it aloud
  16. This is the obvious solution to lot of complaints!! however… the badge will no longer contrast well on the shirt. it’s tricky a juggle to get right
  17. That’s really it.. fix that contrast and a lot will be forgiven by most fans
  18. This is the consensus I got from people I asked. Football fans, non fans, designers, that are football fans/non fans. and I always get a expressionless “it’s fine” no one has gone…… “look at that drop shadow, it’s cringe!!!” Or even “the Aston Villa is off centre” Just a “it’s fine” even my former (advertising) creative director said that and boy he was a critical ****. Always right though so… “it’s fine”
  19. This should of been step 1 in the whole process.. design> club consultation> fan consultation> tweaked and expand the brand on a few> club decisions > fan decision> “go in to print”
  20. Pretty much this. I’ve asked (Non villa) friends and other design friends about this its gets the same answer “it’s fine”
  21. It be forgot about by next month, no one has that attention span on social media
  22. Don’t worry guys, over time you’ll all get institutionalised to the badge, you grow use to it, then before you know it, you’ll love it
  23. Welcome to Design, branding and marketing. You’ll will always be disappointed
  24. Sorry old boy, You’re part of the overreaction
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