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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. with this amount of corners we have to score from one of them
  2. Our play is a little bit telegraphed, but keep getting the ball in and hope Ollie doesn't need as many chances as tammy did
  3. Bloody we are fcked now. Or have we learnt how to play against 10 men
  4. Just woke up (had to try and getter a couple of hours kip before work) I may be drowsy but I am happy with the team selection so much so that I have put my normal 4:1 bet on, agree that we dont have any one on the bench to change the play much, But we will have more signings to come. Also first outing for my Mita shirt UTV come on
  5. Looking forward to watching this. Since furlough I have been put on to night shifts. Cant yet sleep in the day. BUT I know I am fortunate to have kept my job when others around me have not and I get to watch the games
  6. Again it shows how every other fan is obsessed with the Villa , where as we Villa fans tend to forget that there other teams out there - until its time to play them
  7. My mate who is a real Star wars fan says Yoda is actually his second name and that his full name is Minch Yoda that's not even slightly funny
  8. My 4 year old grandson has been studying Spanish for a whole year and still cant say please Which I think is poor for four
  9. As a Star wars fan I was very surprised to find out Yoda has a second name Lehheyho.
  10. Right off tp do the night shift, but with a smile
  11. "Mom I think my eggs off" "Shut up and keep eating it" "Do I have to eat the beak as well"
  12. I see him as a better version of Alan Hutton. If he has the heart that Hutt's had but with more skill, I can see him becoming a fans favourite
  13. My daughter and son in-law have both worked from home. My son in law is normally flying to Ireland and Germany at least once a week, he kept working using Zoom, no expense account, no stopping in hotel rooms, no driving up and down the motorway, no loss of business he loves it. My daughter hates it - she says she feels like she never leaves work as its all around her, no female company or work banter. She says you miss the joy of clocking out on a Friday, She has asked to go back to the office for her mental health. This has been granted only 5 in her office compared to 30, she is loving being back to work
  14. Bitter sweet news for me this week. After 21 weeks of waiting I have been called back to work, The sweet bit is obvious I have kept my job while 60 around me have been made redundant I have been £600 a month worse off and can see and end to the waiting and hoping. The bitter is that I have been asked to run the night shift. Never done nights and really dont fancy it. But at 62 I have kept my job
  15. A bloke took a couple of stuffed Jack Russel terriers to an antique dealer for appraisal. What do you reckon they will fetch he asked
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