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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. Under Gerrard his confidence was low and it was affecting his decision making badly. He kept shooting from distance and lofting up aimless/hopeful balls into the box instead of trying to create an opening through precision. Our setup and lack of options on the ball contributed massively to this as well.
  2. How can you write off a player so early? I'm genuinely asking you.
  3. I meant Emi Martinez can't have rated Emery seen as according to Arsenal fans he (Emery) was so bad there.
  4. Never seen anything like it, not for that long anyway
  5. Can't be right, Arsenal fans didn't rate him
  6. That midfield setup under Gerrard just wasn't it, it was so unbalanced. Now Emery starts both Kamara and Luiz, we have balance, and McGinn is currently thriving.
  7. I asked you who's chipping away at him while we're flying? You didn't answer so now we're here. Anyway, I need a break from this thread
  8. Achilles injury just before leaving Villa, as stated several times already.
  9. Who's chipping away at him? This stems from Watkins bagging a few, a couple on here going 'Where the haters at LMAO ROFL' then those of us who have said his game has limitations argue why we said what we said/say what we say. Those who like to 'shush the haters' always say it's about his goals as well, when it's not. Watkins has been very effective, no doubt about it.
  10. Great shout. We have four very good CBs (five with Mings).
  11. Tom13

    Matty Cash

    I feel confident with most of our players on the ball, until it goes to Cash.
  12. I've not made any judgement, didn't even call you ignorant, said that one post was ignorant. That's interesting to know that my posts critiquing Ollie have had that effect on you though. I'm out also now.
  13. Not much of a counter argument, how else would you describe stating an opinion (not fact) followed 'by the truth is the truth'? The way you word your posts trying to state you're not getting offended really suggests you are offended, but hey ho.
  14. 'Enough said' We're not comparing post Villa Benteke with Watkins are we? What would be the point in that?
  15. Stating your opinion (Watkins is a better player than Benteke) followed by 'the truth is the truth' is just ignorant tbh. I've always, always said Ollie has strengths, but yes his weaknesses have always frustrated me. This season he's doing very well and the positives are outweighing the negatives so far.
  16. Plus Benteke had the likes of Nathan Baker and Ciara Clark to deal with in training - an injury was always more likely
  17. The truth is the truth You get so offended by anyone who dare criticise any part of Ollie's game. He's very effective but he's not perfect is he? Yes, the achilles injury really damaged Benteke, but for us, on the whole, he was phenomenal. I'm not even debating who is more effective for the team, as that's up for debate, but as a pure footballer, Benteke is comfortably ahead IMO.
  18. Peak Benteke could do anything and score goals out of nothing. Not sure how we had to play a certain way? He could be used as a target man but was also very strong technically.
  19. Need me some of these magic socks!
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