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Everything posted by CardiffGreens

  1. Ace, only caught sporadic text updates on the web, looked like the game was slipping away early on. Congrats to them on the comeback and picking themselves back up after yesterday's game. Looking good for the medal tally with E. Christie in the 1000m and the 4-man bob sticking some good times in practice as well =)
  2. Bump! Laudrup speaks to the media after his depature from Swansea. Edit, This appears to be a total waste of time, a Q&A session were every other answer is "sorry I can't answer that for legal reasons" - which leads me to question why you feel the need to organise a press conference to have "your side" of the story heard, when you can't tell it anyway...
  3. Link. Chalk up another VT thread that gets sidetracked into talking about wrassling!
  4. Snowboard Cross - where 4 riders race down a course at the same time. Introduced at Turin in 2006, Lindsey Jacobellis ensured the final will be forever remembered... And it's freaking awesome to watch. Womens' is on Sunday, Mens on Monday.
  5. Fantastic Jen! I Don't like cheering falls, but that last one had me on my feet.
  6. Boo! But silver's a better colour imo...
  7. On another note, you'd think google would have made a killing with providing teams with sets of their glasses - would also stop us having to look at athletes looking at their phone screens as they walk in during the entrance!
  8. Someone's gran was busy making all those USA jumpers!
  9. While distributed computing projects generally fuel research for awesome topics (see SETI, Folding@Home, or getting suckers to mine bitcoins for you), the end-user experience often leaves something to be desired (as many a night watching my PS3 overwork itself as a slowly spinning project of Earth revolves around on my TV will testify). So I was intrigued when Cancer Research UK emailed me this afternoon with a link to their new game - "Play to Cure: Genes in Space" Edit - Now had a chance to play it - I'll upload some screenshots later. Gameplay is fairly basic - you're presented with a "map" (which is in fact a sample of genetic data) - you have to plot a course through the denser areas in an effort to gather space dust. Said space dust can be traded in for credits at the end of each run (assuming you don't get smashed to smithereens by asteroids) or store it if the Random Number God hasn't offered you a high-enough offer for your cargo. Credits can then be spent on upgrades to your ship (bigger weapons, engines, etc etc). It's far from having any real depth. But it's a novel concept and not the worst way to spend 5 minutes (or drain your battery). It's available free on andriod (here) and IOS (here) Edit 2: Some screenshots, that are even bigger than my phone...
  10. Jenny Jones manages a score of 74.25 in a solid opening run at the women's snowboard slopestyle qualifiers. Fellow Briton Aimee Fuller will be the seventh of 12 riders to go in the first of the two heats.
  11. 10am is when Womens' Slopestyle qualification kicks off - the Beeb will have live coverage up on the website (link).
  12. No chance, at least not in the opening game against Italy - horrid conditions, a game neither team will want to lose (especially England) because the pressure of getting something out of the 2nd game becomes ever more so intense - it'll probably be cagey with a lot of possession ceded, this is an England team (led by Roy, who's never been that fond of possession statistics) not versed in tiki taka and with a prevalence to do what Sven's England did upon taking a lead - camp the 18 yard box and ride the storm out - only from the first whistle, and try to employ a devastating break or two. I'm not expecting a pretty game (from an England POV) - honestly I'm already psyching myself up for 2 games of "don't lose" football. Heck, you know that 0-0 against Egypt (link nsfw) in Mike Bassett: England Manager. That. And I think both teams would be happy with that right now. Fully fit, I'd expect England to line up Hart Johnson, Cahill, Jagielka, Cole Milner, Carrick, Gerrard, Cleverley, Wellbeck Rooney. Save the pacey wingers for 60mins in against a tiring Italian team - hoping we've kept it tight until then. Or failing that, bring Carroll on, lump it up to him and hope for the best.
  13. I'd expect Roy to swap Walker with Johnson and stick Milner out on the right out for a battling 0-0 against Italy. And possibly shoehorning Lampard into the middle somehow.
  14. Comeback starts now? Edit, pah! Beaten to it!
  15. This is a rout. Knife through butter, Edit, stunning catch under pressure mind.
  16. Just when you think denver might get going - they go and balls it up within the same play.
  17. Looking like they might get something before the half is out.
  18. It's like 2 steps forward then 3 steps back for Denver. "Could this be the run that gets things going?" :fumbles: Edit. :doesntfumble:
  19. Man, Denver are making hard work of this - just for another 1st down.
  20. Is that counting the - 15 on the first play ? No, 1 yard rushed, 10 yards passed. So they've gained more yardage from the refs then from their O. Edit - Hopefully they'll get their act together to make this a game...
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