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Everything posted by Godders

  1. Would you feel the same way then if you saw a public sector employee on a night out since you pay their wages too? "That nurse needs to grow up. No way should she be out enjoying herself on a night off when there's still sick patients in hospital."
  2. Well that's a bit of good news at least. Only 2 more games until we can hold on for the win.
  3. Well Tony, not sure on coaches personally. Glad to see your ambition with trying to get Pellegrini in though. If I may also add tough that these 2-3 wins need to be convincing. I don't want to see a team go 1 up inside 10 mins and look to defend that lead for the rest of the game. Especially with the league's best strikers up front. We're a big fish in a small pond here. We need to kill them off. We need to be ruthless. We're Aston Villa ffs.
  4. After the Forest result, this was a prime opportunity to show everyone that we're gunning for automatic promotion. We bottled it.
  5. New owner mate. Don't confuse him with the other chap.
  6. Really? Think I'd rather scrape promotion and use the summer to build a team capable of comfortably staying in the prem.
  7. You mean with the 1 sub we've get left?
  8. I think we'd have been lucky for about 40 minutes if they equalise in the 94th.
  9. I'm hearing RDM and staff are out before the players. Hopefully he's put a rocket up their backsides to push on for the 2nd. Only way we're going to get the confidence back is by scoring goals. And winning. Well, winning by lots of goals.
  10. Agree. I think as a team we're anxious with the lead
  11. From the radio comms it sounds like we're thinking a 1 goal lead is good enough. Queue Brentford early 2nd half goal. Please God, let us get a 2nd before we shoot ourselves in the foot again.
  12. Im kind of on RDM's side with the whole not bringing Jedinak on after we went 2-1 up. Gardner for Gestede was a good move. Forest were really doing f all all game, so we didn't really need 2 in midfield if we needed to bring on someone else up top and chasing the game. We were attacking with such intent for the first and second, that I genuinely thought we'd get at least another couple. If I were RDM, I'd have left the team as is and look to bring Jedi on and protect the game only after we had a two goal cushion. Forest were so dire that we probably could have done that pretty quickly. Instead, we took our foot off the gas and let Forest come back at us. This is where the Elphicks and McCormacks of the team need to keep the players fighting and pushing on. Had we kept on looking for a third to kill them off, the last few pages on this thread would look completely different.
  13. Have to disagree with this statement. Looking at the number of shots we're taking each game alone suggests we're much better going forward than last season. We're seeing more of the ball than last season. We're scoring more goals than last season. I agree that we're not winning at the moment, which is similar to last season, but the way we're conducting ourselves on the pitch is the complete opposite to last season imo.
  14. I don't mind what RDM did by taking off Gardner for Gestede. Im also happy we didn't bring Jedi on for a striker when 2-1 up. Forest will always come back at us when they're only a goal down, regardless of if we've got 1 mid on the pitch or 5. Our downfall today came when we stopped going forward at 2-1. Prior to that, we looked like we could score every time we got forward. For me, we had to carry on until we had 3. Then we could have sat back to see the game out. This team needs to learn that a 1 goal lead is not enough. Story of the season so far.
  15. This for me hits the nail on the head. If people at the club feel that Tony is treading on their toes, or acting outside of any agreements on remits they thought they had, they'll simply up and leave. Unless we see staff walkouts, I think it's safe to assume that everyone at the club is singing off the same hymn sheet and working together to restore the club to where it should be.
  16. What I have noticed is that it seems Tony tends to sound off about players only when they've acted unprofessionaly or disrespectfully. Reading between the lines here, I think Gabby has been told he has no future at the club and needs to find somewhere else. He had offers, but turned them down. We're not going to know why he turned them down, but Tony seems to think it was for less than legitimate reasons, hence Gabby is acting unprofessionaly and disrespecting the club, hence Tony's tweets. Im sure if the players conduct their business properly, then Tony will have no need to mention them, either in private or in public. Im also sure they'll work that out soon enough.
  17. I'd be quite happy if the club said i wasn't a real man. It would mean I'm not Grant Holt.
  18. Not really. RDM and Xia seem to be looking at the personality as well as the player. RDM obviously thinks he's not the sort of person he wants around the dressing room. Im sure if he was a natural leader and model professional, we'd be very interested. Then again, if he was a natural leader and model professional, he'd probably be tearing up La Liga at Barca or Real Madrid with his ability.
  19. The way I look at it is whether a player with the combined ability of 5 Hernandez's would be better than 1 Pogba. I think 5 Hernandez's would be better, so I'm ok with £20mill.
  20. *Phone rings in agent's office* "Nahki, hi. What can I do for you?" ... "OK, so you want me to call Aston Villa and tell them you're no longer interested in the move? And it's because they lost a match yesterday?" I honestly don't believe a conversation like this has ever happened.
  21. This is a guy who's said that he gets the right people in the right positions and let's them do their jobs. He's not done a lot wrong since he bought the club, so it's pretty obvious that taking on the role of chief scout and deciding who we should and shouldn't sign is completely out of character. Far too much is being read into this imo.
  22. Nope. Fallacious: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/fallacious Fellatious: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fellatious
  23. Hopefully, the rise of social media will mean critical thinking as a subject will find its way onto the schools curriculum. I'm certain that fallacious reasoning will end up with an average joe in a lot of trouble sooner rather than later.
  24. Guys, sorry, I think this is my fault. I wore my Villa polo shirt for the first time since the Sheff Wed game today. I'll burn the thing now. Should mean we'll go unbeaten to the end of the season then.
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