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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. If they left Jacksonville I would be done with them ...Probably follow Miami if push came to shove.
  2. The Jags will still be playing a home game at Wembley for some time yet so that is better than nothing .
  3. I have a pact with mate that if I should die, a week after the funeral he will update my facebook status to say "Wow...the wi-fi is amazing down here"
  4. If hell existed I imagine the temperature would be perfectly pleasant. You are there because you turned your back on Satan's nemesis presumably. The Devil is going to love you and welcome you in like a long lost pal ! It's more likely to be fist bumps and blowjobs on tap, rather than the sadistic depiction created by the church!
  5. The sentiment of "Footprints" can be admired by a non believer such as myself . It can easily be applied to a mate or loved one instead of Jesus.
  6. Did you type that reply with your left hand ?
  7. Give her your phone number by the sound of it.
  8. Watched it when I was 7 . It is THE reason I never watch horror films .Absolutely ruined my pysche.
  9. Office Space and Idiocracy aren't underrated in the slightest . Both were pretty well acclaimed IIRC . I love them both but they are a lot more overt than Napoleon Dynamite .
  10. Now all I can think of is "I'm trying to run a high class bureau de change ..."
  11. Love both of them . (Office Space and Idiocracy)
  12. I smile just thinking about Napoleon Dynamite . No other film like it IMO .
  13. Uncle Rico: What about your girlfriend? Kip: Well, things are getting pretty serious right now. I mean, we chat online for, like, two hours every day so I guess you could say things are gettin' pretty serious.
  14. Rhys Ifans plays a Welsh pisshead kicker who smokes on the field!
  15. It's a comedy about an NFL team's players going on strike so a load of rag tag FA's are brought in to play the rest of the season. I think you will enjoy it .
  16. Have you seen The Replacements ? He smiles in that.
  17. Crazy to think that anyone one here could just pick up the phone and have Nigel Spink help them move house for a reasonable price.
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