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Everything posted by TheMightyVillans

  1. Guzan Hutton Okore Lescott Bacuna Veretout Gana Traore Gil Grealish Ayew Just go for it... i actually would like to see a clear cut chance
  2. Ayew deserves to be in a better team than this.
  3. Looks like a clear foul.... need a different angle
  4. Too many situations where im like "surely we will win that ball." Then we somehow lose it.
  5. If we get to half time at 1-0. Bring traore on at half time and just go for it.
  6. 2 nice goals. Had to rewatch traore destroy those 2 defenders a few times though.
  7. I'd like to see this lineup at somepoint in the match Guzan Hutton Richards Okore Bacuna Sanchez Veretout Gana Traore Ayew Kozak
  8. my biggest frustration was probably gestede. He really doesn't offer much. He is quite poor at holding the ball up and his timing on some of his headers are really bad. I can only see him being an option off the bench when we are chasing a game and start pumping balls into the box. With someone better at holding the ball up I feel we would have created more chances. Ayew on the other hand was great. If our whole team had his passion, technical ability and work rate we would be safe from the drop. Overall it was a solid point.
  9. Ill go for 4 points. draw against west ham and win against norwich. Somehow we will manage to lose against newcastle
  10. Ive seriously forgotten what it feels like to win a match. Ive been told its a nice feeling.
  11. I really believe if veretout gets a solid run of games hes gonna be one of our best players.
  12. The footballing gods were watching over us in that 2nd half. An amazing 0-0.
  13. I told myself i wouldnt worry about the result of this match. Im a nervous wreck right about now!
  14. Hahaha the snakes in the crowd. Well played
  15. This half has felt like its gone on for 2 hours
  16. Haha nzog! Creating the best chance of the game
  17. If remi was in charge of the swansea game surely we would have won it.
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