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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. i think i know just the man And that man should be duty bound to take them. Pack your bags boys, its off to the North East for you.
  2. The more I read comments like this the more I am sure that the board are employing people to write this sort of bollocks in the vague hope that we will all forgive them for their previous misdemeanors. :winkold: Alot of making up to do I suspect but I think Lambert is great start. UTV
  3. All Randy needs to do is offer him the job it seems, which is worrying :cry:
  4. That's pretty damn conclusive
  5. The lad up front is a bit clumsy, might just be having an off day though.
  6. Mantis was that you??? Mantis can spell.......... Unlike the muppet that wrote that.
  7. Ridiclous suggestion. Would be a draw Stupid me, what was I thinking. Probably right. However looking at some of the passing and movement that Molde are doing I think Dunne and Collins would lose their mind.
  8. Love the random score updates that this channel show up, we got a bit of Norwegian and Scottish lower league results popping up.
  9. Bold prediction, this Molde team under OGS would beat us if we still had McTwat in charge.
  10. Bold prediction, this Molde team under OGS would beat us if we still had McTwat in charge.
  11. The cheeky buggers have stolen our Carlos Cuellar chant aswell!
  12. The cheeky buggers have stolen our Carlos Cuellar chant aswell!
  13. Sandnes ULF fans chanting to the tune of "Just can't get enough" by Depeche Mode. We need more inventive chants in the Premier League
  14. Anyone else watching the game? Stream is pretty good quality, Sandnes Ulf's stadium however is not...
  15. Why? It's the Villa way. We'll end up with McCarthy :cry: See, I even get worried now mentioning a rubbish managers name just in case the media trolls lurking around the forums pick it up and spin it. :cry:
  16. Online marketing is now tailored around individual customers. If you have Norwegian ads at the top of your page it means you've been visiting Norwegian websites and have cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to decide which ads to put up. It's all a bit Big Brotherish and quite depressing really. It is isn't it, but it just goes to show how much we have been talking about it that the adverts have now been tailored to all our needs :winkold:
  17. I think if OGS joins us a lot more fans will somehow find the money to affjord a season ticket :winkold:
  18. Haha, The ads at the top of the page are now advertising visitnorway.co.uk, We have gone Norway mad!
  19. In the 80s aHa, middle of 90s -> present day OSG I think that aHa actually might have been more popular in the rest of the world more than over here. aHa have had multiple breaks other bands and solo projects along the years but their farewell tour was a big deal. Any way in my world OSG is bigger, but anyone who makes it big outside our country is a huge star here and gets a lot of attention. Remember it is only five million of us. Satyricon are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy bigger than both of them Death metal is norways biggest export Satyricon actually gets great reviews in the mainstream media here as well, and Sigurd Vongraven (front man in Satyricon) actually seems to be just as nice as a person as OGS. Black Metal, Death Metal isn't Norwegian.
  20. In the 80s aHa, middle of 90s -> present day OSG I think that aHa actually might have been more popular in the rest of the world more than over here. aHa have had multiple breaks other bands and solo projects along the years but their farewell tour was a big deal. Any way in my world OSG is bigger, but anyone who makes it big outside our country is a huge star here and gets a lot of attention. Remember it is only five million of us. Satyricon are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy bigger than both of them
  21. Mate, there is a big difference between a 5 minutes montage video put together by a fan and a 40 minute, professional documentary. Yes, I agree that most, including myself, are partly basing their excitement on the video, but that's because he comes across really well in it. I agree with continuing the interview process, however, for me, if the other 2 candidates are Lambert, and say Poyet, then I would much prefer taking a risk with OGS and get it done now.
  22. I agree. We need to get up to speed with modern football. Build some new foundations and really plan for the future. Not just the next 2 years, but the next 10 years. I think OGS is a good candidate to start it, and he has time to see it through too. Yep, a good place to start is when the fans are this excited about your potential arrival and have just endured the season we have. I myself will afford him all the time in the world.
  23. My worry is that we'll get Lambert. Obviously he's nothing like McLeish, but I'd still rather get OGS. Maybe other clubs will be more reluctant to let us talk to their manager and maybe the board won't be so determined to get him now that everyone knows we're after OGS and that there's a good chance of him coming here? Completely agree, I'm a bit 'meh' about Lambert, It feels a lot like reverting to type, back to to what we know. It's time for something new.
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