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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. Would be typical wouldn't it. We end up with a manager last season that nobody wanted and then when the majority of fans on here are unison about what a good and exciting appointment he would be we all feel on edge that it might not happen
  2. If he ends up doing really well? How well are we talking here? Surely Man Utd would want to go for one of the top managers in the world when Rudolph leaves. If Ole manages to become one of those during his time at Villa then we can safely say we will have benefited from it as it would likely mean we have won some trophies or made it into the Champions League. In all honesty though I just don't see Man Utd employing someone based on nostalgia alone.
  3. Of those maybe two could do well at Villa, Jenssen and Berisha (I admit I don't know much about the last one), the other three are just not good enough. Drage has been poor so far this season, and Johansen isn't even in the team. The one thing we do know is that Solskjær wanted Kara Mbodj earlier, and he is truly to good for the Norwegian league! I agree with Kara, but as I said, these players wouldn't cost the world and it wouldn't be anywhere near the sums we have spent on average British players before. Ole will also know first hand whether or not these players have the potential to make the grade.
  4. What I also find interesting is the potential for Ole to pick up some Scandinavian gems. Players like Markus Henriksen, Ruben Yttergård Jenssen, Valon Berisha, Thomas Drage and Remi Johansen from the Tippeligaen could all be people he may look at as having potential to play his style of football. Chances are they wouldn't cost the world either.
  5. Yea, what a knob head. Why the **** would we want to revert back to that dross. Exactly. Tight defending, pacy attacking football, top 4 quality star players... Surely we've grown out of all that by now? :confused: Pacey attacking football is a bit far fetched isn't? Either way, that style of football will only get you so far and it would be good try an alternative, rather than revert to a poor man's MON.
  6. If Lambert didn't look and act like MON I bet he wouldn't be half as popular among fans. Absolutely, Lets do it right this time and get a young manager in who can rebuild us the right way. Randolph, you know what needs to be done!
  7. As long as he doesn't play 4-5--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 and claim that it resembles the Dutch 4-3-3 then I'm happy.
  8. The media have simply miss interpreted his comments. Also, how many people do you think there are working at SkySports and other UK media outlets that speak Norwegian or were tuned in to the live broadcast of the press conference? I would hazard a guess and say that they have based their articles from other poorly translated sources.
  9. Someone wrote a comment on the SkySports article saying "We need Lambert, he plays like Martin" Made me shudder! I really like the idea of someone coming in and getting Villa playing attractive football. I would take that any day over another direct, counter attacking football team. Get Ole in!
  10. Guys, he is hardly going to turn around and say that he is leaving is he. I believe every thing he is saying, he may well be staying, but surely that is because we haven't offered him the job yet. If we offer him the job I really do think he will take it. He might well think that chances like this don't come along everyday and it seems a little strange for him to come over to England and for Randy to get a jet out to him just for a little chat.
  11. Molde are playing away on Sunday against Sandnes ULF so we will see if he is back for that game....
  12. This has done my nut right in now, I would prefer him to anyone else mentioned so far. Not entirely sure why but I just do.
  13. Cheers for posting this - only 10 minutes in and pretty impressed - he comes across very well and speaks better english than AMc! Worth a watch! Really good documentary. Its always going to be a risk but as a fan its a risk im willing to accept. Randy does seem to have a fascination with Man Utd, I only hope that he isn't basing his managerial search on advice from Rudolph.
  14. Ugo Ehiogu has just been on Talksport to give his thoughts. I wish he had kept them to himself, he obviously doesn't follow Villa at all.
  15. Joey Barton sent off, then decides to drop the nut on a few people.
  16. McLeish is awesome, a manager who plays defensive football who sets up teams that can't defend. I reckon he is definitely earning that 2 mill.
  17. He isn't a nice man, he is a prick, and a ginger one at that.
  18. Brilliant idea! that is a brilliant idea, could be just the ticket!
  19. Just out of interest, has anyone got friends or people they know who actually think he is being treated unfairly? I ask this because I find it hard to believe anybody actually supports him.
  20. He is becoming much more vocal now we are safe. Every time he mentions next season I lose hope more and more.
  21. The money we spent on transfers was the 8th highest in the Premier League according to http://transfermarkt.de/ How in gods name is that having "no money to spend?!"
  22. Best of luck mate I doubt it will work today though as the morons have opened with the tagline I mentioned earlier but then proceeded to ramble on about Citeh......
  23. It won't be. It will likely be infuriating as its intended to be so that people pick up the phone and call them. I simply can't understand why people listen to it or fall for it. You do realise that not all people who listen to the radio are stupid enough to fall for the "make sweeping statements with the intent to annoy" routine don't you? If you look at what the discussion is about you will see that it isn't soley about Aston Villa but more so a discussion about the has-beens of football and the negative, anti football tactics they employ. Light entertainment on a Bank holiday my friend :winkold: Light entertainment for those with a light mind. It doesn't matter how broad the discussion is the aim and end result will be the same. OK, well I'll take my light mind off to listen to the radio and mull over how to improve my intelligence to a level that allows me to transcend this kind of entertainment.
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