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Posts posted by LancsVillan

  1. Must be nasty to have made that decision and still fancy individual games. My uncle is on the same non-Villa diet and he's had to stop himself wanting to go to specific games. Blose this season is the most obvious yet. A little vein goes in his head when it comes up in conversation. Poor bastard.

    easter Sunday - big big question for me too. Long weekend away with the family, something we don't get that much chance of or seing the blose game...

  2. I am beginning to ask serious questions about the ability of these irish brothers to run Villa. Running a football club means you generally aren't in it for a profit making exercise. These brothers aren't even interested in football. We could end up in a situation where there is no cash to buy players season in season out, just like now really.

    I refer the honourable gentleman to the the post I made last night ;-)

  3. another from the Villa mailing list

    Doris and Percy had been living in the old folks' home for a while and

    had got into a nice little routine. Every afternoon after lunch they would

    sit under the laburnum tree and Doris would contentedly hold Percy's willie

    in her hand.

    One day a new lady arrived and before long Percy was spending his

    afternoons with her under the tree. Doris was distraught, "What's SHE got that I

    haven't?" she wailed.

    "Parkinson's" said Percy.

    sorry if that offended anyone but I laughed

  4. Two men, Stephen and Norman, had been backpacking for a couple of

    weeks, and they were becoming a bit irascible with each other. One morning,

    Norman says, "You know, we're starting to get on each others nerves. Why don't

    we go our own ways today.I'll hike north and you hike south and tonight we

    can share our experiences"

    Stephen agrees and hikes south whilst Norman hikes north.

    That night over dinner around the campfire, Norman man relates his


    "I hiked into the most beautiful hidden valley. I followed along the

    verdant banks of a meandering stream. I eventually cam to the most wondrous

    waterfall where I sat and ate an idyllic lunch. Then I swam in the

    cooling waters of a crystal clear lake. I watched silently as fallow deer

    came and drank from the stream. The marginal wildflowers were covered with

    butterflies and attentive falcons floated on the thermals overhead. It

    was so wonderful and I now feel at peace with everything. How was your


    Stephen says, "I went south and came to a railway line. I followed the

    line until I came across a beautiful young woman tied to the tracks.

    I tore at the knots with my teeth and made my fingers bleed in my

    urgency to remove the ropes before a train came. Eventually I gently lifted her

    off the tracks and made love with her in every possible position for the whole

    afternoon. Then blissfully I lay in her arms and slipped into a

    peaceful sleep. Several hours later I awoke, kissed her gently on the moist nape

    of her neck and and without disturbing her crawled exhaustedly back here."

    "Bugger me !!" cried Norman, "I Thought my day was great but yours was so

    much better than mine. Tell me, man-to-man, did you manage to get a blow


    "No," says Stephen, "I couldn't find her head."

  5. These are real answers by children......

    Q. Name the four seasons?

    A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.

    Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink?

    A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

    Q. How is dew formed?

    A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

    Q. How can you delay milk turning sour?

    A. Keep it in the cow.

    Q. What causes the tides in the ocean?

    A. The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the Moon, because there is no water on the Moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the Sun joins in this fight.

    Q. What are steroids?

    A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.

    Q. What happens to your body as you age?

    A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.

    Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?

    A. He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.

    Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes?

    A. Premature death.

    Q. What is artificial insemination?

    A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow.

    Q. How are the main parts of the body categorised ( e.g. abdomen)?

    A. The body is consisted into three parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I, O, and U.

    Q. What is a fibula?

    A. A small lie.

    Q. Give the meaning of the term "Caesarean Section"?

    A. The Caesarean Section is a district in Rome.

    Q. What does "Varicose" mean?

    A. Nearby.

    Q. What does the word "Benign" mean?

    A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight.

  6. Not said much on this but I think that the Comers are in it for money and also the land. Here is my thoughts on it, it is quite possibly covered on one of the other 42 pages but hey ho.

    Buy Villa for £64m or whatever having worked out that to run them for a year is not a problem. Sell the land to Comer Homes for 'market value', which given the planning permission has gone will be less as only actual house builders (what do Comer homes do!) will be interested. Giving the club say £10m for players as promised, well sort of.

    Develop the land and make a profit, house building is like that you see.

    Then sell off Villa to any number of purchasers who are interested (of that we are sure) in selling but are not able to deal with Ellis for whatever reason. (Senility on one side being one). For let's say £64m which given that with £10m of 'extra' playing staff the club will be about worth.

    So I think that makes them money.... AVFC will still be here and in the hands of someone who wants a FOOTBALL club not a business with some land.....

  7. espically the portsmouth part

    Portsmouth aren't a PLC & it's not a takeover, it's more like a cash injection that might eventually become a takeover in the future.

    Jon didn't say it was a takeover, he stated a major investment and has been mis-quoted.

    I know he knows the difference as we discussed it on Tuesday when I posted about it on about page 10 of this thread too....

  8. anyone suspiciuos about how long the due dilligence is taking?

    nope it's a long laborious process at the best of times in like minded companies, when one is new to the game they will want to see and know more before following it through.

  9. I think the difference between aston villa PLC and *another club* private takeover is different over one reason


    depends which 'other' club.

    Chelsea - nope that was London

    Pompey - nope that is a partnership

    ManUre - yep agreed he is holding out for a sell-off when the buyer isn't prepared to launch themselves like the Glasers (unfortunately) into a hostile bid

  10. Its gonna be a great atmosphere against Everton surely. Come on lets get a full house to celebrate.

    good atmos - probably

    full house - I expect not, due to stupid bloody sky and a 5.15 kickoff.

    Love the boxing day games but they can forget it at that time, as we host a Xmas party on Boxing Day...........

    and before you ask..... no :-)

  11.  Free Aston Villa 
    Free, Free, Free, Aston Villa
    Free Aston Villa
    Twenty-three years in captivity
    Our ambition too small to fit our club
    Our body abused but our mind still free
    He was so blind that he could not see

    I say Free Aston Villa
    I'm begging you
    Free Aston Villa

    We pleaded the causes of the VFC
    Only a few in a large army
    Yet so blind that they would not see
    And still so deaf they refused to support the plea

    Free Aston Villa
    I'm begging you Free Aston Villa

    Twenty-three years in captivity
    Making some blind that they could not see
    Talking in rhymes that we cannot hear
    Still so dumb they will not speak

    I say Free Aston Villa
    I'm begging you
    Oh free Aston Villa, free
    Aston Villa I'm begging you
    begging you Please free Aston Villa
    free Aston Villa

    I'm telling you, you've got to free Aston Villa


  12. Oh the weather outside is frightful

    But the fire is so delightful

    And since we've been waiting so

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

    It really showed signs of stopping

    But the Comers are still shopping

    The fans were feeling way down low

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

    When he finally says goodbye

    How I'll love going out in my shirt

    But if you'll really hold me tight

    At last we'll be rid of that shite

    The ellis years, slowly dying

    And, my dear, we're still goodbying

    But as long as I'm a Villan

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

    bloody ear worms :-)

  13. Oh the weather outside is frightful

    But the fire is so delightful

    And since we've been waiting so

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

    It really showed signs of stopping

    But the Comers are still shopping

    The fans were feeling way down low

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

    When he finally says goodbye

    How I'll love going out in my shirt

    But if you'll really hold me tight

    At last we'll be rid of that shite

    The ellis years, slowly dying

    And, my dear, we're still goodbying

    But as long as I'm a Villan

    Let Him Go! Let Him Go! Let Him Go!

  14. I've made one

    wahey! and it works - take that all those who think I'm a numpty and can't work a computer. Luddites.

    There's no pictures or 'owt. just some old reports and articles from off here (wot I wrote), er, actually, so, there's not much to look at. Um, sorry.

    bloody hell someone's been working hard at getting back his old reports

    nice one Pete. "Turned out nice again"

    and for anyone who hasn't look blandy's post from August 2002 might as well have been posted yesterday.........

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