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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. Of course they are!! I didn't know it was in doubt! They do it every year, take a couple of action shots/poses from the previous season and digitally change the kit, tis not rocket science! I would suggest that they simply didn't do a Milner one because they cannot guarantee that he'll still be here. That's not to say that he's leaving but that there is a chance, which we all already know so it's hardly anything to worry about.
  2. sorry smart arse I just wanna see the damn kit !!! i bet it will end up being horrible now Not sure Sky are screening the kit unveiling live this year.........
  3. Man I'd love to have an away kit with a sash!!!!
  4. Exactly, everyone buys new clobber every year anyway at some point, if you're gonna spunk money on clothes might as well be on Villa related clothing!! Although I don't think it would hurt to lower the prices down to about £30 adult, £20 junior......that's a whole other conversation tho......
  5. ....perhaps due to it being Forex's company slogan and therefore something they're proud of......
  6. That's a little bit extreme Maradona10. You've got to love the hysterics the summer transfer window creates, depsite there not having been a major Premier League transfer yet (maybe apart from Benayoun which was lined up before the end of last season anyway), Joe Cole not having even made his mind up yet where he wants to play, players still returning from holidays/world cup etc...despite all this we still have to panic don't we? It's mental.
  7. Fair point and up until the Distin agent renagued on the deal we weren't but changed our attention once MON was let down . I also got the Defoe one wrong aswell ! To be fair MM I don't think you need to justify yourself to anyone. No-one's perfect but if I were to ever place a bet following an ITK on here it would be from you.....awwww xox Amen to that, brother! (^^ Not sure if you've heard, it's the new "this") So I've heard......what was wrong with: '^^ This' Simple and effective if you ask me..........seems a bit of a fingerful to type out amen to that bruvva!
  8. Fair point and up until the Distin agent renagued on the deal we weren't but changed our attention once MON was let down . I also got the Defoe one wrong aswell ! To be fair MM I don't think you need to justify yourself to anyone. No-one's perfect but if I were to ever place a bet following an ITK on here it would be from you.....awwww xox
  9. I'm a big fan of MM's work but that was a little bit of an oops moment in retrospect......just happened to be immortalised on the internet
  10. ^^ can honestly say that's a new one on me.......never heard of the bloke!
  11. Your comment regarding James Milner a few pages back is a disgrace imo I thought it was fair. He has got a massive square jaw !! You'll look pretty daft if he stays How?? Look back through my posts, im not a fan of Milners and never will be - also, staying or going has no bearing on the squareness of his massive jaw What?!? This has to be a wind-up! (the not rating him bit, he does have one seriously square jaw thing going on)
  12. Because they proved last season, despite finishing 5th that they could mix it with the big boys both over the course of a season and on the day. Because they have already and will continue to spend masses of money on players such as David Silva and Carlos Tevez. They would have been close the top few if not for a few ridiculous draws early in the season (when Hughes was there incidentally) against the likes of Burnley etc. Even if they don't challenge strongly for the league this season they are going to be challenging strongly for the league before we will do, the sad fact is that for all know we might never strongly challenge for the league again. You cannot ask someone who has no geographical, cultural or historical attachment to Villa to turn down the chance to further himself by leaving. As for his position, I would say that it's fair to assume that Citeh's/Mancini's interest in Milner grew substantially once he had been switched into central midfield, if they bring him in it will be as a CM who can play on the wing if shit hits the fan. It's not as though they're short of wingers afterall is it?
  13. Congratulations! You've just described Stilian Petrov.
  14. For christs sake, better for his career! He has the very real chance to win the league. Citeh I would expect are looking at playing what, 60+ games this season? Milner would feature in around say 40, 45 of them so roughly about the same amount of game time as he's had this season with us. This theory that moving to City is purely for money is delusional! If he were moving to Al-Ittihad of Dubai then I would agree, but he isn't, he's looking at moving to a club that will compete for the Premier League title next season.
  15. You'd be right if it was his last chance to win something in his career. I'm sure he'll have another chance to move on in the next 10 years of his career if he wants to. We're not talking about Gareth Barry. Risso, true it is naive but I'd rather be naive than not enjoy playing my music. I'd hope my kids wouldn't begrudge me that either. And if he breaks his leg and has his career ended before he's 28? If, heaven forbid, he is involved in a serious car crash? There are too many variables Rob, life is for living and in the here and now, you can plan until the cows come home but it won't necessarily help. I'm not doubting your intelligence Rob but I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle
  16. No you're right, he'd be going to a club that offer all that we do plus more, which is the whole point Rob. If you can't see/accept that then you're going to have a real problem in enjoying football for the next x amount of years...... Milner could lose his England place and go downhill, but surely for the sake of ambition you'd rather know if you could have made it rather than spend the rest of your life wondering about what could have been.... I fancy your efforts to END this discussion stems from the fact that you know on this occasion that you're wrong, I'm not looking to get 'one up' on anyone but the sooner we all accept the things that exist in football the sooner we'll all be able to move onwards and upwards.
  17. I think that's an extremely bold comment from someone who knows they will never be faced with such a situation. Hell, I'd love to say that had I made it as a pro footballer that I would have been loyal, particularly to the Villa but by the time these guys make it to being professional they've already lost pretty much any allegiance they had to any one club at least, from a supporters point of view anyway. I find it embarrassing to question their desire to move for the sake of money, it really is a very simple equation. Whether you're a factory worker, office manager or professional sportsman if you receive a call asking you if you want to do the exact same thing somewhere else (and lets face it, somewhere ultimately nicer with better facilities and more opportunity of earning bonus commission) you would be unambitious and/or stubborn to not accept it. It's amazing how high some people's horses reach during summer transfer windows. How the hell would you know if I would never be faced with a similar situation? This is the exact type of reply I knew I would get from someone so small-minded that they can't consider that there are people in the world who don't value money above everything else. For your information, I play in a band and it'd be my dream if I could live off my band and nothing else. If I got paid £50k for an album deal - that'd do me fine for 3 years of living. I'd be happy to stay with a label that I was comfortable with, and let me play music how I wanted to, for years and years. If a bigger label came and offered me more money to do a more mainstream album. I WOULD NOT ACCEPT IT. I would prefer to be paid money that I knew I could live off - even if it meant I couldn't buy amazing cars etc. Now can you understand how people could reject money??? Or are you going to come out with another "High horse" comment?? The most important thing to me is my friends, my band and my family. If I was offered more money but it effected my band then I wouldn't accept it. I'd like to think that there are a few footballers out there who could feel the same in slightly similar situations. What if Milner is really happy at Villa, his girlfriend likes it in Birmingham? He's happy that he could have a team built around him and that he'll be playing in his favoured position - and playing over 40 games a season. Now if he moves then he'll be moving for more money, possibly fewer games, possibly playing on the right midfield - where he isn't as effective, and an ever changing squad that could be unsettled. Yes, he might have the chance to win a few medals - but that's not a certainty. Man City could easily finish 5th and fail in the cups, again. Is it really that difficult to think that some people are motivated by something other than money? Again Rob, really easy to say when you're on an internet forum........ You're taking things out of context to suit your opinion too. The point is simple and being as you're "in a band" I'll make it easy for you: Tomorrow you receive a call from a music label or Producer or whoever makes the calls, they say they like your style, so much so that they're prepared to treble whatever it is you're currently earning to continue doing the exact same thing you're doing now. they also offer you much better recording studio access and the possibility of being able to play at large festivals and maybe even your own tour, all without having to compromise who you are which as we all now know is the be-all-and-end-all to you.
  18. I've met an awful lot of millionaires, and even a couple of billionaires in my working life, and not one of them would turn down an extra £1m-£2m a year just because you might consider that they have enough already. £5m+ extra a five year contract is a huge amount of money, and I'm sorry, but expecting them to turn it down because you think that Milner has some cozy sense of loyalty just isn't going to happen. If I was earning £50K a week at Villa, and Blues offered me £100K a week, I'd be off down the road so quick I'd make Craig Gardner's loyalty seem like Shep in comparison. I believe you and I'm sure there are lots of people who want more money even though they have enough for 10 lifetimes. But I honestly wouldn't care about an extra £30k a week if I was already earning £50k a week. I'm sure I'm in the minority and I'm sure people will think I'm lying or say "if you ever earn XXX amount then you'll still want more".. but I wouldn't want the extra money. Money isn't everything and it doesn't equal happiness. But these footballers (and other people who you've mentioned) seem to think it does. I think that's an extremely bold comment from someone who knows they will never be faced with such a situation. Hell, I'd love to say that had I made it as a pro footballer that I would have been loyal, particularly to the Villa but by the time these guys make it to being professional they've already lost pretty much any allegiance they had to any one club at least, from a supporters point of view anyway. I find it embarrassing to question their desire to move for the sake of money, it really is a very simple equation. Whether you're a factory worker, office manager or professional sportsman if you receive a call asking you if you want to do the exact same thing somewhere else (and lets face it, somewhere ultimately nicer with better facilities and more opportunity of earning bonus commission) you would be unambitious and/or stubborn to not accept it. It's amazing how high some people's horses reach during summer transfer windows.
  19. Summer 2008 - 7 players in, 5 out Summer 2009 - 6 in, 4 out Yes, we're well quiet around transfer windows, god i wish we'd sign a player now and again....
  20. There hasn't been a major premier league transfer yet....I think we can keep the finger away from the panic button for a while yet....
  21. ^^^^ maybe they've fallen upon hard times suddenly.....
  22. Too dependent on who leaves to comment...
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