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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. I know I sound like a massive bellend for continuously banging on about formatting, but can we please remember not to add/change things to the score formats. I need it exactly as I type it, else I can't copy and paste it into the excel sheet to have it do everything else automatically, and i'm really not up for manually entering everyone's scores each week. Out of interest was this posted using the App? I noticed a few posts with double returns and if it's the app then... bollocks :/ Yeah no worries, i'll just stick you down as 0-0 for the the early game.
  2. Hey guys, My apologies for the delay in getting this thread up, I've been real busy. Gameweek 5 is coming up so make sure to get your predictions in before 11:30am BST on Saturday 12th September. First lets see how the tables stacks up after last week... ^ Last gameweek results. Full table with villa89 using Lawro's predictions to stay firmly at the top. If you haven't shot yourself at that news, then onto this gameweek with my predictions first... Chewie Everton 1-2 Chelsea Arsenal 3-1 Stoke Palace 1-3 ManCity Norwich 1-1 Bournemouth Watford 0-2 Swansea WestBrom 1-2 Southampton ManUtd 2-0 Liverpool Sunderland 0-2 Spurs Leicester 2-2 Villa WestHam 2-2 Newcastle When you place your prediction below, please do the following... Copy the above prediction from my post, this limits mistakes. Change your name from Chewie to whatever your name is. ONLY change the numbered scores. That doesn't mean change 0-2 to something insane like 2*€-#¢1, change only the numbers! DO NOT change the team names DO NOT add spacing into the formatting HomeTeamNoSpaces[space]score[hyphen]score[space]AwayTeamNoSpaces is the formatting layout, but you shouldn't need to worry about that because you copied and pasted from my post, deleted the numerical score and then entered your number in its place... didn't you? I will honour the 'prize' by putting a bet on one of the top 3's predictions when they come in. I'll edit this post once it is done. Good Luck!
  3. Sorry for the delay in this weeks thread lads, i've been busy flying about a bit and stuck on mobile right now, but i'll post it tomorrow I promise!
  4. So I have a few questions that I just can't seem to Google, I just did an earlyish side mission where I extract a valuable solider. I found him, extracted him and the mission shows a tick box next to it on iDroid, however it still has the little circle notification next to the mission like it isn't done. Perhaps related, I have a member of staff who has the little circle next to his name too. I have dismissed people and assigned him to different areas but the little circle is still next his name, and his name only. What is going on with that? Also, I assumed using the 'R3' auto assign would sort all that stuff out for? Dismiss crappier people and put better people in their place etc? Finally, people are showing specialisation in medical, but I have no med team to assign them. ^ This is obviously because I haven't built the medical area on my base yet.
  5. Just came here to ask a question about the tranq sniper and you referenced it in the last post. Anyway, I am on mission 5 with all side missions done that it will allow me to do and my medical level is still on 0, R&D is about level 10 now I think and i've just built my first base expansion. Have I missed something huge with this? I've been fultoning every enemy i see yet no improvement on the medical side of things? Progress some missions. I'd got up to story mission 10 or so, with a lot of messing with the base and so on, before I could get it. I can't recall the exact requirements to get the first tranq sniper but you need your R&D and med team level increased a fair bit. Keep doing missions and the game starts to open up things more, you start to encounter more high ranking soldiers (upgrade the binoculars to allow analysis!) and you open more options. You can also fiddle with the staff management to get each department optimised. Yeah cool, I'm probably just wanting too much too quickly. Cheers for the advice
  6. Just came here to ask a question about the tranq sniper and you referenced it in the last post. Anyway, I am on mission 5 with all side missions done that it will allow me to do and my medical level is still on 0, R&D is about level 10 now I think and i've just built my first base expansion. Have I missed something huge with this? I've been fultoning every enemy i see yet no improvement on the medical side of things?
  7. When starting a new post or creating a reply, the source button in the editor isn't available... Since screen-shotting the image I have now tried it with... FireFox 40.0.3 Chrome 45.0.2454.85 (64-bit) (+Incognito mode) Safari 8.0.8 ^ All on OSX Yosemite 10.10.5 Firefox 40.0.3 Microsoft Edge Microsoft Internet Explorer ^ All on Windows 10 Also tried through 2 different ISPs.
  8. Cool, I'll give it a shot then I reckon :)
  9. For you BOF? Of course That was the Gameweek scores, no idea why my name is selected in excel, spooky! I added villa89's Lawro score in, and Jesus he's top again. Updated leaderboard. Your name seems to have a highlight and I **** swear I did not plan that in either of the screenshots. Mental! I'll post the next GW thread on Monday after the shitty international break.
  10. Hey guys, This game is not really my bag as I cannot stand point and clicks, but myself and the missus enjoy horror movies so thinking of giving it a shot to play through together. I read that it is pretty corny at the start, but does it actually become scary at all? Or is it all done with cheap jump scares followed by corny lines?
  11. Ground Zeroes was overpriced but there is a fair amount of content in it if you're prepared to absolutely rinse it. The additional missions add a few hours gameplay and the game is effectively set up to be replayed multiple times in different ways. Ground Zeroes was my first proper foray into MGS. I had played around with the old PS2 games before but never really got into it. Really enjoyed Ground Zeroes after a frustrating start, and it has made me get Phantom Pain. I am currently trying to extract all the prisoners etc from GZ for each mission as I read that they can then appear in your mother base in PP. Will start PP next week I think, once i've rinsed GZ.
  12. As BOF is AFK, is anyone still seeing this? It shows me the name, seemed to have corrected itself shortly after BOF posted that from my view.
  13. You just click the bullet to the left of the title, same as the old site. How did you do this before? This doesn't seem to work for me Limp. On threads I haven't been in at all, there is a bullet to click on, but in threads I've been in (Downtime & General Chat are two threads I've tested it on), there is no bullet and you therefore go straight to the first post. I've noticed this too, I'm wondering if it is due to the old threads being updated in the database before it can track the last read stuff?
  14. It seems to be fluid up to about 1600px wide. I guess it's because it also has to work on mobile screens. Well it has a viewport setting in the source code which should allow a fluid width on all devices. Is there a hard setting somewhere which is limiting the max width? Also, sorry for the triple post, i can't get the multi-quote formatting correct without using the source code button.
  15. Yes and it's still in the same place, Top left of the buttons, now labelled "Source". I saw Brians post with the sourcebutton pic, if that had been there I'd have seen it. Fir me it looks like this: So probably some cache thing at my end I have the same issue, no source button at all in any browser, regardless of cache. Also, whilst i tried to post this, the 'Post' button got stuck on 'Saving'.
  16. I thought that. It isn't. Just scroll further to the right. Doesn't help. Can't change theme, either. I've just had the same problem. Scroll all the way down and the option for 'theme' is there. Switch from Villa Talk to Default. It sort of makes you feel like you're in a nursing home, but it works better than the current theme. As I said above, no can do. Pressing 'theme' has no effect on my phone. As Simon suggests, I'm sticking with Tapatalk for now. I had this issue, I switched the iPhone to horizontal view and then used one finger to hold the pan, and then i could hit the login button.
  17. Any comments on the fluid width, Limpid? The site is quite narrow compared to the previous version on a large monitor.
  18. Do you happen to have a link to the article? Sounds interesting.
  19. The Donors tag was removed about six months ago I've reported the Location issue. Thanks. ... and it's been fixed. I'll have to take your word for it Oh God, the quote box is awful, it's like Apple mail with the vertical lines :/
  20. I like the flat interface, any way to switch to fluid width? No donors tag on left side profile. "Location" needs a space after it = "Location "
  21. I wasn't sure where to put this (or if it has been around this forum already as i've been away for a bit), anyway the image below shows how much a squad would cost to assemble in Euros. So with our squad coming in 12th place in terms of costs, would most people be happy finishing 12 or there abouts?
  22. -- Highlights -- Highlights - English - 01:03 - 720p (Flash Player) Highlights - English - 06:37 - 720p (Flash Player) Match of the Day (Saturday Full) - 720p (Downloadable) -- Full Match -- Full Match - 1st Half - English - 720p (Flash Player) Full Match - 2nd Half - English - 720p (Flash Player) Full Match - 1st Half - English - 720p (Downloadable) Full Match - 2nd Half - English - 720p (Downloadable)
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