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Posts posted by mightysasquatch

  1. 1 hour ago, Ginko said:

    If the beta showcased the best of this game then I definitely won't be buying. Very boring and frustrating.

    Why frustrating? Also only seeing two maps/a tiny glimpse of the weapons-unlocks ect isn't really enough to base a solid opinion on.


    Personally speaking I thought it played well, had nice combat mechanics & a sense of being in epic battles. I don't actually enjoy multiplayer games that much, only ones I've ever gotten into being BF 4 (gave up in the end due to all the bugs) titanfall (for a couple months) & the Halos.

  2. Think I've come round to it a little more, before work Saturday I kept thinking I'll come off get a nap. Before I knew it was 5pm & the afternoon had vanished.


    I still haven't built anything yet, nor upgraded a single weapon & im about 15 hours in, only just got to diamond city (anyone else used the glitch to get money off the vendors) & I'm starting to buy into the game more. But the building a town element/junk collecting still is a turn off for me but I'll try it out.



    How have you guy built your characters? I've gone with a bit of brute & im using pistols/melee weapons, who needs fancy weapons when you can knock a nail through a plank of wood 


    I like crafting in games but I don't want to spend 80% of my play time picking up junk.

    That's the nature of the Fallout games really and the reason why it doesn't sit well with a lot of people. There's a heavy emphasis on scavenging; salvaging what you can from a destroyed world, there's a strange addiction to it. I have no idea why I feel happy if I find some aluminium or a circuit board or something, it's a weird psychological thing, I often wonder myself why on earth I'm wasting time doing this. The addition of more interesting and useful loot has helped, also the addition of legendary weapons and individual armour parts makes exploring random buildings a little more rewarding.

    oh I totally get that aspect & why some would enjoy it, I enjoy opening worlds where you pick up/find materials but for me....continually having to gather them is a massive turn off. I think the witcher got it right when it came to crafting.

  4. I can't make my mind up if I like the game or not...


    spent round 6 hours playing yesterday but today I'm just finding it rather bland & boring. The crafting system is strong which I like, combat is ok (played worse) but weather it's me I just find it rather boring. 


    I like crafting in games but I don't want to spend 80% of my play time picking up junk.

  5. I can't remember who wrote the article but who else saw it where the writer tore into Sherwood? Basically saying he was "tactically garbage" & didn't have a clue. That all he was interested in was media coverage & image.


    looks like he knew exactly what we'd get when being given the job



  6. How pro evo got a 9 on ign & Fifa a 7.8 I never know. Been on this for a few hours & so far I'm enjoying it.


    I had a copy of Pro off a pal & it's awful...I seriously don't understand how it scored so highly. There's no skill involved, it's still the same game I played 10 years ago, just hold the sprint button down for the whole match & hit lobbed through balls.


    i like the slightly slower pace of Fifa, I'm finding I'm using the other skills like holding players off ect. Glad I got it now....& to go back to ign saying scoring with headed crosses was almost impossible they guy playing the game clearly couldn't do it.

  7. I say it every week but another top class performance from him. Absolutely superb. 

    Ridiculous how good he is in the air considering he isn't really the tallest, wins everything. What a signing. 

    His leap is ridiculous, won 11 areial duals tonight. Scored second on who scored to Amavi!

  8. Reviews rolling in are very meh, see pro evo scoring much better. I have got Fifa on pre order but I've cancelled/re ordered it 5 times.

    Heavily disagree with ign, says putting in crosses/headed goals are virtually impossible but I've been banging them in on the demo.

    Thats because the demo is a different game isnt it? Played full game for a few hours last night. Half against a mate, and then half playing together online. Keepers punch/collect nearly everything from crosses. I quite like that though. Holding LT (xbox) is pretty much everything on this game (in my limited playing). It Control the ball and shield/turns with it which allows you to pass the ball so much better and crisper and stops oppo tackling you. Chip through balls are pretty much non-existent. Fouls/yellow cards are redic though, so many 50/50 shoulder with strength tackle gets given freekick and a yellow

    Theres some weird things when youre a defender...the ball just rolls through your legs so often and through to the attacker. Was playing liverpool and bacuna had an easy header away, and he just jumped, ducked under the ball and it obviously allowed benteke to go have an easy tap in. (so im guessing the better team online still have a massive advantage when it comes to AI)

    Oh for the love of god, did they even bother playing 2player on this game. The blue player square is literally impossible to see on 50% of player changes and youre guessing who you are.

    I can only compare to playing the demo against the review, so maybe in the full game they've made the scoring off a cross harder. 


    Only thing stopping me getting this & grabbing pro evo is that it still looks like a 360 game. I haven't bought a footie game for years (had 14 with my one) so I'm unsure what to do. I know it's down to game play more than visuals but still...from videos I've watched it looks horrible.


    like most I use to play pro evo till Fifa got better but comparing reviews I'm torn.

  9. Gameplay wise it's a massive improvement. People will still slate it because it's EA. Sure the gameplay modes don't change very much, but they have made some decent changes to the gameplay.

    defending is still terrible, may as well disable the slide tackle button.

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