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Posts posted by mightysasquatch

  1. Reviews rolling in are very meh, see pro evo scoring much better. I have got Fifa on pre order but I've cancelled/re ordered it 5 times.

    Heavily disagree with ign, says putting in crosses/headed goals are virtually impossible but I've been banging them in on the demo.

  2. Played 14 just because it came with my one so this one does feel better....but the defenders still go walk about.

    Why is defending so bad in these games now, think the last one I really
    Properly played extensively was 11. Defending was much better on that, so many times I've seen a defender just walk/run straight past an oncoming player with the ball.

    I don't think they'll ever be able to fix the old "lob through ball out run the defender" tactic either 

  3. Gotten more into it now & am enjoying it. Still finding the controls (holding down multiple buttons) annoying but whatever. 

    Game has some awesome moments like I was working my through a compound, I was hidden in the box & it expired while three guards are in front of me. So I run, find a way up a mountain to then come a cross a lookout with a mortar station.....so I bombed them instead :D 


    took out the air defense radar so I could call in the chopper to get the prisoner out quicker. Very cool moment 

  4. That would be the dreaded controller drift, happens to all controllers eventually (or regularly if you play FIFA)

    last Fifa I played was 13 because it came with my one but I still had to play it on the d-pad. Cannot do it on thumb stick & I always have to set it to pro evo buttons, even though the last one I played was 10 years ago.

  5. Pretty sure the update thing is just a new gen problem. I've had GTA kick me off a few times in the past.

    Started NG+ on this, I'd been hoping it was going to come around since I finished it because as much as I love the game it takes about 8 hours before it really gets going and I didn't feel like searching swamps for swords that aren't broken.

    Hoping the DLC will be good too

    I have the season pass, can't say I've ventured back since finishing it. Don't really have the urge to replay 100 hours of it....though I could get that bloody baron Gwent card I missed

  6. Anyone else looking forward to this? Though it's been push back till feb 2016 I'm excited for it.

    Currently playing the first with dlc on my Mac (bought that couple weeks ago) but I did finish it on the 360.

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  7. I haven't had any issues at all with the controls. I find them very intuitive. I certainly wouldn't want to have to keep clicking in the L-Stick every few seconds to boost the horse's speed whilst also trying to maneuver it with the same stick. That really would be awful. Having it on X/Square makes perfect sense to me for that reason.

    In a perfect world though, every game that uses a horse as a mode of transport would pay Rockstar lots of money to use their RDR horse tech.

    I really don't like the controls, having to hold 2 buttons/selecting/then confirming the action to me is poor design. I much prefer a skill wheel but it's....horses for courses:p too me the horse gallop would make more sense on the stick I'm already controlling him with. Just like you do with snake.

    Every mission thus far has panned out the same for me. Start of very stealthy then I end up just gunning everyone down.

  8. Well I will say...its growing on me but I still maintain the controls are badly layed out.

    Eg sprint is click left thumbs stick as Snake, so why on the horse it's moved to X? Makes absolutely no sense.

    Seeing the uogrades has made me want to stick with it & also making a sniper has added a nice element. Will say it's cool entering a base at night....Like an 80's action movie :D

    I'm still not seeing how this scored perfect marks on a lot of sites.

  9. Richards isn't a RB anymore.

    The way I see it is: Richards/Ilori right centre halfs & Clark/Lescott left sided. Senderos clearly finished here but it does leave a huge question mark over Okore.

    Is his injury(s) going recovery longer that first thought/is there something there that can reoccur...does Sherwood even rate him? Time will certainly tell.

  10. But I'm past that first rescue mission now so I hope it'll open up.

    Thing is with the sneaking.....I just don't care enough. I purposely avoid games with loads of it because I just don't enjoy it. Same as car games/games with loads of vehicles. Unless it's halo :D

  11. Yeah I've been looking up tips for the CQC cuz everytime I try and sneak attack a guard it **** up and I end up altering the world and it's dog.

    I really want to enjoy this cuz earlier games in the series were superb.

    So far the general mission goes like this. Spend time tagging enemies, work my way into the base, get spotted because I missed 1 fecking guard so then I just think screw it I'll just gun um all down cause I can't save it/I have to start over.

    In truth I ended up turning it off & playing x-com on my Mac.

  12. I'm really not feeling this.

    Glad I'm not the only one. Maybe it's early days and will get into it. Early days I guess....

    I only had about 5 hours sleep since Sunday day time so maybe it was over tired/zombie state. I want to at least get passed the first mission where the area is locked off.

    But so far I'm finding it quite boring, I get its meant to be military based. Gather Intel before you strike/plan what you're going to do. I'm just not sure that works in a sand box type game. Obviously Ive barely scratched the surface yet so I want to see where you get all the cool stuff.

    Will say this.....the control system/in game menu is so unintuvite. Why do I have to press 50 buttons to call the horse. Wondering out of cover is also very annoying.

  13. Looking at our squad we've only got three weaknesses - keeper, striker or right back. Realistically, there's only one position he's going to play out of that lot. Interesting signing.

    We only have RB issues when Bacuna plays there. Hutton is good & Crespo is untested.

  14. Being reported there's a clause at the end of season to make it permanent.

    Think Sherwood wants to see Baker play regularly, Tiago Illori obviously seen more as a prospect so will play reserve/cup & be back uo for Richards.

    That's clearly the end of Senderos

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