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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. Plot twist - Wes and Sawiris are in Manchester where Grealish is to meet them for new contract negotiations.
  2. I'm curious what he feels like when he plays against Norwich on a Saturday only to sit on the bench in Istanbul on Tuesday. And I can assume Holte End won't be too welcoming either.
  3. He could have, but if he stays, will a single of the doom mongering posters apologise for claiming to boo him or hoping matty cash breaks his legs? I doubt it.
  4. Too right. What I'm annoyed is how we all loved the guy a couple of weeks ago, and now, because a couple of unreliable newspapers and twitter 'like hunters' claim he is off we question his integrity and talk about booing him. I read some comments about breaking his legs, and other poor stuff. If he goes I will be disappointed, but some people need to grow up a little, I am really disappointed by this thread.
  5. Is it possible those sources, i.e. daily mail heard SOMETHING is happening, and the most basic conclusion is that Jack is going? Could it be that he is signing a new contract today?
  6. get out of here with your reasonable and weighted comment. This isn't the place or the time.
  7. I thought his medical was a week ago? Is your 'apparently' as reliable as that or do you know anything?
  8. to be honest we have a couple of videos and a few pictures from hours and hours of training. How do we know Grealish hasn't worked as hard as others? Also, since he just came back from holiday, I guess his training might be a little different? Especially as he might still be carrying the shin problem?
  9. He isn't leaving. If he was, he wouldn't be training with the first team, this is the most important clue we have. If he was negotiating a contract, and Smith knew he is off, he wouldn't be anywhere close the first team. He could still leave, but for me there is more evidence of him staying at this moment.
  10. Imagine selling Jack, and ending up 11th. It can both go ways, personally I would rather he stayed and we invested in the team as we have been doing over the last 2 years.
  11. I think "he" doesn't speak. It's his agents. Every minute of this saga is extra Jack followers and a possibility of a higher wage. Jack being silent means $$$. And that is what he pays his agents for.
  12. Those are the same journalists that we always laugh off. The big sky looking to engineer moves. Why would there be denial from the player or the club? The player has an agent who drives his social image (and this story is getting Grealish some serious attention and $$$) and the club is waaaaay too professional to indulge in speculation or say something they might regret down the line. I'm not saying there isn't truth in the transfer story. I think city have bid £100m. But I don't see to a single thing that will convince me 'he is off'.
  13. I don't understand those 'convinced' he is off. There is more evidence that he is staying at this moment. Of course, he could be off, but there isn't any good evidence for it.
  14. I want an absolute media silence. And this Saturday, in front of a packed Villa Park, for Jack to come out at half time/after the game to announce his new deal.
  15. I want Smith to stay as long as possible, I think he is a good manager and will keep improving us. But I do wonder, how high would the owners aim if they wanted to replace him? We are way past the Bruce/big Sam/Pulis managerial circus, so just how high big of a calibre of manager could we now get?
  16. Krychowiak in France on the left, Krychowiak after a season in Russia on the right. Russia changes people.
  17. That's the point of Twitter, people making often pointless or obvious statements and hashtaging the shit out of it.
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