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Everything posted by The_Steve

  1. Did you watch last night? Against a consistent champions league team who were much fitter and had a longer rest between games. You can't judge a team on pre-season games alone since it's all about building things like fitness up and experimenting with players.
  2. Fair price? You needed money and sold Wright-Phillips to Chelsea for £24m. We aren't so desperate for cash as you were back then and prices have generally gone up since you sold SWP. So why on Earth, given the above (not to mention Milner being better than SWP) should we accept £24m? He's also a far better player at his position than Lescott is at his - another player that moved for £24m. You've bought this upon yourself really. You knew Chelsea had money and got greedy over SWP, yet you expect teams not to do the same for you? You're talking about something you obviously don't remember very well. SWP was sold for £21m for a start. Secondly, Chelsea bid £20m which we rejected, SWP came forward with a transfer request and we sold for £21m to save a bit of face. I know, I know. I suggest you read back through the forum and see how many times this sort of language is used to describe the Sheikh though. We warn people on Bluemoon for this sort of thing, and we're a far more liberal forum moderation wise than VT. I can only apologise and hope the mods remove it, that kind of language aimed towards the Sheikh is totally unacceptable.
  3. What a classy bunch of fans you guys are. Yes because one fan's opinion is representative of us all.
  4. Heskey to Blackburn would be amazing - please be true.
  5. That's how I read MON's words, I think Milner is professional enough to continue to play for us if City won't pay up. He's certainly no Barry.
  6. It's a shame after claiming to be finally settled at Villa and one good season at MON's suggestion he play centre midfield he's off at the first sniff of interest. Yes, City are a very ambitious team with great players and limitless transfer funds, but it's hard to get much loyalty from modern footballers these days.
  7. Or maybe tell City to pull their finger out and actually meet our valuation or no deal.
  8. doesnt the player lose money if they hand in a transfer request? im sure ive heard of this "loyalty bonus" that players are entitled to, but if the put in a request they dont get it Maybe, but he was happy enough to do it at Newcastle. Again, I think people are jumping on Milner's back a little too soon here. Yes, it's disappointing but we haven't heard his reasoning.
  9. Of course MON has known this for weeks and shortlisted targets. Still interested in the fact that Milner himself has said nothing yet, or handed in a transfer request, just the word of MON that he wants to leave.
  10. Like every other team in the league. Doesn't mean we can't compete for the top 4/6 again.
  11. I think when your're offered 25-30 million for one player then most clubs would happily take the sell to buy policy - it's not an idictment on the transfer policy of any one club. Just a reflection of the transfer market.
  12. So we'll only sell him if City meet our valuation, be interesting what Milner has to say for himself now.
  13. No, but considering all the rumours in the media, his silence is deafening. Players who are going nowhere tend to say they're going nowhere. Players who are open to the possibility tend to shut their gob and see what happens. Or possibly he's on holiday and won't think about his future until he returns.
  14. I've said this all along, that we've got no money and was ridiculed for it Because previous windows have suggested that Randy will back MON. Of that i have no doubt He can't back him if there's no money.... Seriously? Of course there is money to spend.
  15. Is there actually any substance in this McGeady story? Or SSN talking rubbish again?
  16. I'm sure sir_gary_cahill would only be content if the team only contained Darren Bent in every position.
  17. Would probably buy the away shirt now.
  18. I actually quite like the new home and away - growers I imagine. Goalkeeper's kit is rank.
  19. Very statesman like quotes from MON, giving nothing really away and not saying for definate if Milner will leave.
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