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Everything posted by The_Steve

  1. They can't handle Albrighton! Wish I didn't leave him on my fantasy football bench.
  2. Lovely stuff Albrighton
  3. Dirty horrible club not even putting the ball out with Young clearly on the ground.
  4. Good cross from Albrighton there.
  5. Dirty Spam word removeds.
  6. How many chances do Spam wanna waste?
  7. Odds on West Ham being relegated this season? They look terrible thus far...
  8. Is the ref having a laugh? Penalty surely?
  9. Unlucky Ash, great save Green.
  10. Good news about Bradley, although I never realistically expected him to get the job.
  11. Bradley is more likely to the D.C. United job than be offered it at Villa.
  12. Sven is a media junkie, it wasn't long after Rafa left Liverpool he was busy declaring himself a lifelong Liverpool fan with aspirations of managing them. There's been no contact with him and I imagine it will remain that way.
  13. Isn't Sven going back to the coach Ivory Coast or another international team?
  14. Southgate has no chance of getting this job. Word removed.
  15. So who is buying the players at AVFC. oh dear. I assumed it's common knowledge that Randy and MON have regular meetings that involve transfer targets and now probably you can include Paul Faulkner. I'm sure a list of targets were drew up and Ireland was one of them (I hope) so despite MON leaving on his own accord we are still able to negiotate transfers. It's not like we are having players behind signed behind the managers back based on Youtube clips.
  16. We could attract Jol to the club, I'm confident he'll be interested. Whether Ajax budge this time is another matter.
  17. I can't believe some people are upset we aren't linked to big players in the press, when 90% of stories are utter fabrications and baseless. Maybe it's the way we operate and rarely leak our transfer targets to the the press, so they can keep guessing about who we might sign. The Milner transfer is dictating this transfer window and when that is resolved I'm sure we'll more activity. Honestly, after last season we still have a nucleas of a very good squad. We are just a striker and Milner replacement short of being there and there abouts again.
  18. Did you watch last night? Against a consistent champions league team who were much fitter and had a longer rest between games. You can't judge a team on pre-season games alone since it's all about building things like fitness up and experimenting with players.
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