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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. I think you actually may be Didier Deschamps I think he may actually want to be balls deep in Deschamp, it's a little scary :shock:
  2. Fact or just idle gossip?? or attention seeking ;-) None of the above. Lets say strong rumour? Hearsay then haha!!
  3. He's very welcome to try that on Steve Bruce next season, or MON if a Premier League club is mad enough to hire him. You'd really be happy with the manager of our great club going around spitting at other managers. Its the lowest of the low and absolutely disgusting and says a lot about the people that do it and those who condone it. I'd rather be spat on than raped/murdered, personally Still not a nice thing to do. Personally, I hope that any Villa manager/player had more respect and professionalism than do something like that to another human being. Well if I remember right (stand to be corrected), Voller was being rascist to him and he just lost his rag. Not condoning his action, but Voller seemingly was totally out of order. Voller's behaviour was equally appalling agreed. Still not something I'd like to see associated with Villa. How many years ago was this? Get over it dude. It didn't put Barcelona off. Incidentally I don't want him either, but for footballing reasons and not because he spat at someone 15 or so years ago
  4. Rafa and Ancelotti joint favourites now, both 6-4 means they really don't have a clue
  5. Reading 'between the lines' it was a thanks for the email, but leave us to it. Nice you got a reply though Inspector Clueso is on the case!! Don't you just love Steve_avfc enthusiam Absolutely mate. Steve should keep the emails coming until PF gives him what he wants!! Go Steve fire a few more emails off. Ask PF if he can give us the nod a few hours beofre so we can get down to the bookies :winkold:
  6. You're right, it's completely normal for the markets to close, bookies protecting themselves.
  7. Reading 'between the lines' it was a thanks for the email, but leave us to it. Nice you got a reply though Inspector Clueso is on the case!! Don't you just love Steve_avfc enthusiam
  8. Reading 'between the lines' it was a thanks for the email, but leave us to it. Nice you got a reply though
  9. Whilst assessing the facts, check out his win percentage during his career, head and shoulders above any manger we've had in revent years (with the exception of Inter, where I believe he only had something like 26 games)
  10. Obviously you're entitled to favour whichever managerial appointment you like. But with respect, that isn't a very well-informed assessment at all. Redman, your assessment will do for me, lets get him....
  11. I got Rafa at 18-1 earlier in the week, so tell me it's him and make me very happy........
  12. Yeah but he had just resigned so the bookies were protecting themselves from what appeared to be an inevitable appointment. This has come from nowhere............
  13. Exactly, it's not based on press speculation like Ancelotti when his odds crashed. I think there is something in this
  14. Are we really using how well their name fits to ................Claret and Blue Army as a gauge of which manager?? Wow we are starved of news ;-)
  15. Well effing brilliant, not only do we (potentially) appoint a middle of the road manager, but we have to wait until the End of June (meaning less preperation time to buy, keep players) we have to pay if we want him............only at Villa. Wow im annoyed this evening if this is all true......
  16. Hughes statement "Neither I or my representative have been approached by another club" yeah right
  17. Hughes statement "Neither I or my representative have been approached by another club" yeah right
  18. Breaking on SSN Gutted. How uninspiring..............Typical middle of the road for Villa.
  19. If ever a statement reads like "I don't really want to go, but im being pushed" then this is it. Sounds like he very much wanted to go on and Villa took the decision out of his hands. Well onto the next guy then. Think it's going to be Hughes now, how dull and uninspiring..........Prove me wrong Villa.
  20. Would anyone be willing to accept GH (health allowing) if her were to appoint another No2 Wilkins? and brought in Patrick Bergues (the defensive coach and the guy who was credited with a lot of the good stuff achieved by GH whilst at Liverpool) he was apparently unavailable last summer but may be this summert? Just a thought. I would prefer this to Hughes, McClaren, FSW etc
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